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Early Access | A Big Step [Opening up] [Fear of Getting Close]
[Not ASMR] Mental Health Chat [TW: Anxiety]
Patreon Exclusive | In The Arms of A Friend [Platonic Cuddles] [Sleep Aid]
Early Access| Let Me Help [TW: Grief Comfort]
Patreon Exclusive| A Moment Under the Stars [ A lil Sentimental] [Fear of Abandonment]
Early Access | Masterpiece [Giving You a Haircut]
August Calendar!
Patreon Exclusive | Learned Something New [Teasing] ["Argueing" over Ethics at the Grosery Store]
Early Access| Next to Me [Sleeping in My Arms] [Sleep Aid] [Soft Rain]
Patreon Exclusive| Distracting You from Your Gaming Session [Cuddly GF]
Early Access | You're Not Bothering Me [Reassurance for Crying] [Sleep Aid]
Patreon Exclusive| One of Those Days [Stressed Out] [Relaxing Bath]
Early Access | You, in My Arms ❤️ [Sleep Aid] [Sleepy Cuddles]
Audio is delayed!
Patreon Exclusive| Protective Mode [4th July][Social Anxiety] [Agoraphobia] [Helping You Calm Down]
Early Access| I'm Almost Home [TW*] [Missed You] [Promise You Do Take Care] [Slight Lecture]
Issues in the Q&A Audio
The 30K Q&A! [Early Access]
Patreon Exclusive | You've Been Having Nightmares? [Comfort] [Soothing You to Sleep] [Praise]
July Calendar!
Early Access | Comforting Your Anxious Girlfriend [Sleep Aid] [Reverse Comfort]
Patreon Exclusive| Panic Attack Aftermath [By Your Side] [Cuddles and Comfort]
Tomorrows audio
Issues with audio in the last post
Early Access | A Cuddly Afternoon [Planning] [Napping Together][Rubbing Your Sore Shoulder]
Patreon Exclusive | You're Doing Good Baby [F4F Version] [Comfort] [A Few Good Girl] [Praise]
Patreon Exclusive | You're Doing Good Baby [NB Version] [Comfort] [Praise]
Patreon Exclusive | You're Doing Good Baby [F4M Version] [Comfort] [A Few Good Boy] [Praise]
Early Access | I HATE Her [Your Ex Won’t Stop Flirting with You] [Minor Arguement] [Jealousy]
Patreon Exclusive | Disney Songs and Rain to Help You Sleep [No Talking]
[Early Access] You Matter [TW; Depression, S*icidal thoughts]
Hey, You. Thank you ❤️
Men's Mental health awareness month
Happy Pride Month ❤️
[Patreon Exclusive] Winding Down Before Bed [Cozy Vibes] [Comfort and Reverse Comfort]
June Calendar!
Early Access | You're too Hot [Too Much Sun] [Making Sure You're OK]
[Patreon Exclusive] Reading You to Sleep [Swedish][The Chamber of Secrets]
Early Access| Baby, Are You Sleeping? [Coming Home Late] [Missed You] [Cuddles]
Patreon Exclusive| Hot Day Cuddles [Boundaries] [Hopes and Dreams]
Early Access | Not the Right Words [Bad Day Comfort] [Cheering You Up]
[Not ASMR] Not Alone [Third Story]
The platform is for 18+ only.
[Patreon Exclusive] How DARE You Talk to Them Like That? [Toxic Parents] [Standing up for You]
Help Me Decide Thumbnail (Again), Please!
Early Access | Without You [PT 2] [Injured Listener] [Looking after You] [Comfort] [Taking a Nap Together]
[Patreon Exclusive] I Can't Kiss You When You're Sick? [Married] [Sick Listener] [Making You Soup]
Early Access | Chips and Ice Cream [Flashblack Comfort]
May Calendar!