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[Patreon Exclusive] Watching Tv Before Bed [Relaxing] [Small Talk] [Kisses and Comfort]
Early Access | We Should Pretend to be Dating? [Co-stars to?] [Bonding] [Opening up] [Past Relationships]
[Patreon Exclusive] You're My Starlight [Comfort for Struggeling with Mental Health]
[Early Access] You Sleepy, Cranky Thing [Waking You up in the Morning]
Love Monday!
[Patreon Exclusive] Reading You to Sleep [Swedish][The Chamber of Secrets]
[Early Access] Sleeping Next to Your Girlfriend [No Talking]
[Patreon Exclusive] I'm Here for You, Baby [Crying in My Arms] [Soft] [Comfort]
[Early Access] Baby... You're Tipsy [Taking Care of You] [kisses] [Sleep Aid]
April Calendar!
Surpriseeeeee- We're on Discord!!
[Patreon Exclusive] We Need to go to Bed [You're so Stubborn] [Sleep Aid] [Slice of Life]
The Coundown continues- One day left!
Countdown to Surprise- And a Clue
[Early Access] My Arms Around You [Kisses While You Sleep]
Love Monday- A Message for YOU
Your Thoughts Matter!
[Patreon Exclusive] When the Anxiety Overwhelms You [Laying on My Chest] [Talking You Through It]
[Early Access] Paper Rings [Anniversary] [Surprice] [Memories]
Love Monday- Self Care
[Patreon Exclusive] Watching Tv Before Bed [Sleep Aid] [Falling Asleep on Me]
Should we do a part 2?
[Patreon Exclusive] Cuddling You While Playing The Sims [Rambles] [Sleep aid]
[Early Access] Without You [TW] [Fight Aftermath] [Accident] [Waking up in the Hospital]
Love Monday- Self Love Activities
[Patreon Exclusive] In Your Lap [Needy, Cuddly GF] [Reverse Comfort]
[Early Access] You Need Rest [Sleepy Rambles] [Longer Sleepaid]
Love Monday!- Reminder
[Patreon Exclusive] For Those Nights [TW*] [Nightmare about Past Abuse]
[Early Access] I Want YOU [Friends to Lovers] [Jealous] [Confession]
March Calendar
Changes Confirmed- Updated Calendar!
Changes in Schedule
[Early Access] War Wounds [TW: Past Self-Harm] [TW: Depression]
[Patreon Exclusive] A Collection of Folk Tales to Help You Sleep
Livestream starts in 2 hours!
Livestream in 24 hours!
Correction to the poll for Livestream- Cause I'm an idiot* :D
[Patreon Exclusive] Not as Planned [Valentine's Day Cancelled] [It is OK] [We'll Celebrate Another Day]
New Name for Your Current tier+ New Early Access Tier!
Youtube Channels Birthday!
Name suggestions!
[Early Access] Good Night, Baby [Comfort] [Safe in My Arms] [Sleep Aid]
[Patreon Exclusive] No More Worries [Comfort for Overworking] [Stress] [Holding You] [Support][Sleepaid]
Valentine's Day audio- Yes!