pigmananal | Page 5

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It's time for rounds, so please secretly tell me about your naughty thought 👩‍⚕ I will give you a good 💉 to make you feel better 💓 I put a big 💊 in my ass, so please remove the plug and take it 🥰 Your body will heat up quickly and parts of your body will become stiff and swollen 😈💜 So you still need to rest in this bed for a while 🧐 問蚺のお時間なのであなたの性癖をこっそりわたしに話しおくださいね💕 元気になるおちゅうしゃも持っおきたしたので患郚(感郚)に挿したしょうね💉 お薬はわたしのお尻の䞭に入れおおいたのでプラグを倖しお自由に取っおください( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) 䞭はほが党裞なのでこのファスナヌを䞋ろすだけですぐに楜しめたす♪ 入院䞭のお身䜓の䞖話はわたしにお任せください🀍

This is a yukata, a traditional Japanese kimono, that you can wear when you stay at a Japanese inn 💕 What would you do if you went on a trip with me and we were relaxing after taking a bath (Onsen!), and the inside of my yukata looked like this? My upper body is tightly bound with a black body harness and my lower body is in a pink chastity cage and plug, neither available 💜 Would you put a collar on me and go for a walk around? Or do you take my chastity cage off or unplug it and use it there? The night is still long 😈💜 もし旅行に行っおお颚呂䞊りで寛いでいるずきに济衣の䞭がこんな感じになっおたらいかがでしょうか 䞊半身はボディヌハヌネスでき぀く瞛られ䞋半身はピンクの貞操垯ずアナルプラグでどちらも䜿えなくされおいたす💜 銖茪を付けお散歩に行きたすかそれずも貞操垯かもしくはアナルプラグを倖しおそこを䜿甚したすか💗 普通に䞊に济衣を着おいる分には䞭がこんなになっおるなんお絶察わかりたせんよね🀭

I like sucker tent@cles, so I tend to collect toys like that 🐙 This new octopus-chan ball is about 5 cm in diameter and small, but it is like the ball is protected by six small tent@cles 😋 I feel like you're telling me to play egg birth, so I'll stuff a lot of eggs into my hole and give birth 🥚 I put a big pink dildo in my hole with it and I enjoy it 💗 Do you also like the scene where many small eggs come out of the hole one after another? わたしは吞盀の觊手が奜きなのでおもちゃでも぀い぀いそれ系のを集めちゃいたす🐙 この新しいタコちゃんアナル玉は盎埄5cmほどで小さめですが玉を六本の小さな觊手で守っおいる感じです🔮 ずりあえず産卵プレむをしろず蚀われおいるような気がするので仲間の卵さんたちをたくさん穎に詰め蟌んで産んでみたす♪ このタコちゃんは底面が吞盀のように吞い付くので倧きめのディルドヌに吞い぀けおそれごず穎に入れおみたしたがぬるぬるの穎の䞭で取れちゃいたす💊

It smells like summer! Up until last week, the days were still chilly, but since it's already June this week, I put away all my heaters and winter clothes 😋 I like to soak in the bath all year round, but I also like to take a bath on a hot summer day because it feels good 🛀💕 After sweating all over your body, the best thing to do is wash away the sweat in the bath 🥰👍 My ass looks relaxed like this too 🍩 倏もだいぶ近づいおきた感がある今日この頃いかがお過ごしでしょうか 先週くらいたではただ肌寒い日が続いおいたしたが早いものでもう今週から六月なのでわたしは暖房噚具や冬服は党郚したい蟌みたした( ,,ÒωÓ,, ) 暑い日が倚くなりたしたのでお颚呂でさっぱりするのも気持ちいい季節になりたしたね 䜓䞭に汗をかいた埌は汗を流すのが䞀番ですね♪ 特にい぀も酷䜿しおぬるぬるになっおいるお尻は念入りに掗いたす 湯船に長く浞かるず血行がよくなっお党身がふやけおお尻もリラックスするので拡匵する前にオススメですよ💗

I love having my ass knotted with a dildo shaped like this ❣ This new friend dildo "VRA" has an insertable length of 25cm, a tip diameter of 7cm, and a knot diameter of about 10cm! 🐩💓 After inserting all of this length, It covers my hole with this thick knot 💜 This act lasts several hours and during this time the knot is never allowed to come out of the hole 🍩 And my mating season never ends...🥵 わたしの奜きなディルドヌの圢は倪っずいうたちんですけどむヌ科などによく芋られる亀頭球が付いおいるディルドヌも倧奜きです🐩 金玉の前にその倧きな玉が付いおいるんですけどそれは射粟した埌に絶察に粟液を挏らさないようにするための聞いただけでもど゚ロい理由があるど゚ロ球なんですよね  この新しいお友達"炎舞韍"ちゃんは挿入可胜長さが25cm、先端の盎埄が7cm、そしお亀頭球の盎埄が少し楕円圢ですが玄10cmです 党郚入れおからこの倪い亀頭球で蓋をするわけですね💗

I tried on a shiny bondage enamel leotard suit! I know you like it! 🖀 I love wearing cool naughty bodysuits like this 😋 Look at my crotch, the shape of my clitty emerges and shines! My nipples pop out of the cramped place and stick out of the window 🍒 Can you help me zip up my back? Where do you want to fondle my ass, nipples or clitty? 😈💜 テカテカ生地のボンデヌゞ゚ナメルレオタヌドを着おみたした♪ この衣装ほんず着おいるだけでど゚ロいので奜きなんですよね ♥ 股間郚分がき぀き぀なのでプラグもき぀くアナルを締め䞊げくれるお着おいるだけでずっずお尻が気持ちいいです❣ おちん もずいクリちゃんのずこがすごいテカっお䞻匵しおきたす  乳銖のずころも開けられるようになっおいるのでい぀でも刺激しお匕っ匵れたすよ🍒 誰か背䞭のゞッパヌを䞊げおくれたせん 

This is a video I send to those who like strap-on pegg!ng play 💖 I don't think there are many perverted people who play strap-on with huge dildo XXL with a diameter of 9.5cm and an insertion length of 28cm 🧐 Unlike the ass play I do myself and the piston machine I operate myself, this will take away all my ass rights, so I will surrender immediately 🍑🍩 It seems very pleasant to have this huge dildo completely buried in my hole to the root 😊 In the f!st!ng scene at the end of the video, I feel so good that I have a lot of squirt coming out of my clitty 💊 い぀もお埅たせしおおりたす🙇 初倏を぀げる極倪ペニバン祭り(ぐヌぱんふぃすずもあるよ)開催です 盎埄9.5cm、挿入長さ28cmのゞョナディルドヌXXLでペニバンぷれいする倉態な人はそうそういないず思いたす🀀 自分であなにヌしたり自分で操䜜するピストンマシヌンず違っおペニバンだずすべおのアナルの暩利を奪わるの圢になるのですぐに降䌏したす💜 完党に根元たで穎に埋たっおずおも気持ちよさそうですねミ(Ž¬) フィストは拳ずいう意味なので拳をぐヌぱんにしながらするのが本圓のふぃすずだず思いたした。 今芋返しおみるず最埌めちゃくちゃ前からうれ朮零したくっおたす 💊

I tried to look cool by wearing a see-through uniform 💖 The image changes completely just by changing the color of the contact lenses! 💙 I can produce a slightly cold-hearted impression just by turning my eyes blue! But my body is hot! 🥵🔥 I've had this plug in my ass for 8 hours, so when I pull it out, my hole loosens up like this 🍩❣ So my hole will keep the vertical shape for a few minutes 👍 My top face looks so cool, but my bottom face looks so sloppy in comparison 😳 カラコンの色を倉えるだけでたるっずむメヌゞが倉わりたす💙 瞳を青くするだけでちょっず冷たい感じを挔出できたす䜓は熱いです 8時間プラグを入れっぱなしにしおから抜くずお尻の穎はこんな感じに緩むんですね♪ しばらく数分は瞊に割れたたたを維持しおえっちな穎を維持しおおりたす(๑•̀᎗- )✩ キリッ( • ̀ω•́  )✧ずした顔でドダッおたすけど䞋のお口はこんな緩んでだらしくなくなっおるんですよね  ちなみに1枚目の写真もちゃんずプラグが入っおたすけどそのずき特有のアナル呚りの盛り䞊がり方が奜きです❣

Tariss's, who makes nice big toys at reasonable prices, will be celebrating its 8th anniversary this month, so I wore a commemorative T-shirt 🎱 The design is pretty cute, so I think I can wear it as a loungewear 😊 I was listening to a punk song recently, so I tried makeup like that 🎞🖀 I actually like to do various kinds of makeup, so tell me your favorite makeup as well 💖 い぀もお䞖話になっおいる安䟡で玠敵な倧きなおもちゃを䜜っおくれるTariss'sさんが今月぀いに8呚幎を迎えるそうなので蚘念Tシャツを着おみたした🥰 䞊質な液䜓シリコン補の倧きなおもちゃが海倖茞入せずにこんな簡単に入手できるなんお嬉しい限りです♪ けっこう可愛いデザむンなので日垞的にも着れそうです♪ Tシャツに合わせおちょっずだけパンクメむク颚にしおみたしたにょん🖀 やっぱり黒系っお奜きです🖀🖀

I got a new piston machine, so I tried using it immediately 😍 This time, it's a super lightweight type that I've always wanted and seems to be relatively easy to carry 😊 It's actually pretty light, but the problem is that it doesn't have enough power (compared to the bigger ones) and when I put a big toy on it it won't move...would be great if that was fixed! Well, even with this toy, if I move it with a full-speed piston, I can feel comfortable enough! 🀀✚ Personally, I'm satisfied with the scene where a full piston dildo pops out of my hole 🍩💊 The blended juice and lotion that was stirred became my meringue 👩‍🍳🍊 新しいピストンマシヌンを入手したのでさっそく䜿っおみたした♪ 今回は以前からずっず欲しかった超軜量タむプの持ち運びも比范的簡単にできそうなや぀です❣ 実際にめっちゃくちゃ軜いですけど問題点はパワヌが匱いこず(倧型のに比べお)ず倧きなおもちゃを付けたら動かなくなるこずです そこが解決されたら最高なんですけど たぁでも付属のおもちゃでフルスピヌドピストンでも十分きもちよくなれたす💗 穎からディルドヌが飛び出しおくるずころが個人的にめちゃくちゃえっちな絵で満足ですボ( Ž¬`)ゝ 攪拌されたお぀ゆずロヌションのブレンド液がメレンゲになりたした🀍 うさみみにもなっおるよ🐰

I will take turns eating the super huge dildos in my toy collection with my ass 😋🙏 Angle from my ass 🍑 First up is the dildo! It is 9.5 cm thick and 32 cm long, and has no unevenness, so it is very easy to put in and take out 👍 The size is just right for my hole! Next is Famario, which is about the same size as the first one, but the tip is 1cm larger in diameter than that, so it feels surprisingly large ♪ The vessels are also very realistic, which is good! Next, this is a light blue dildo that is about the same size as the previous one♪ The color of this one looks cool, and I can cool down in my ass in the coming season 🍧 Finally I stuff a lot of small toys in my ass 💗 Which toy do you like best? わたしのコレクションの䞭の超極倪ちゃんたちを集めお順番にお尻でいただきたす😋🙏 お尻アングル🍑 たずはゞョナディルドヌさんこれは倪さ9.5cmの32cmで凹凞もなくずおもスムヌズに出し入れしやすいです♪倧きさもちょうどよくお気に入りです 次はシフゟりさんですが、これはゞョナずほが同じサむズですが亀頭がゞョナより盎埄1cm倧きいのでこれが意倖にずおも倧きく感じたす♪血管もずおもリアルなのもGood! 次にこれも倧きさはほが同じサむズの氎色の銬ディルドヌです♪これは色合いが涌しそうで今からの時期にはお尻の䞭から涌しくなれたすね🐳 最埌におたけのアナルにおもちゃ詰め蟌みたくっおからのガバガバアナルです🍩💖 党郚出した埌の敏感になっおいるずころをぺしぺし叩くの気持ちいです(àž…Ï‰àž…`)

Today I went to visit Hanazono Shrine in the twilight ⛩ The contrast between the pale blue of the sky and the fresh green leaves was beautiful 💖 Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, I was healed by the calm and quiet space that felt like I was in a different world 😌 A series of torii gates is said to be an "Inari Shrine", and there is always foxes are messangers of Inari god there 🊊 Let's enjoy Japanese tradition together! 【番倖線ぶたたんちゃんのたんたんお散歩】 今日は薄暮の䞭花園神瀟に参拝に行っおきたした⛩ 空の色の淡青ず新緑の緑の葉のコントラストが矎しかったです❣ 呚りの喧隒の䞭ここだけは異䞖界のような静けさでパワヌをいただけたした💪😋 鳥居が皲荷神瀟の千本鳥居のようになっおいたのでもしかしたらず思ったらちゃんずお皲荷さんも芋぀けたした🊊✚ そういえば花園神瀟は邪神ちゃんのゆりねの実家ですの

I will play with a balloon that looks fun this time ❣ A normal balloon plug only inflates the balloon, but this one has a long tube attached to the front and the balloon is far ahead! Wow! 😳 So this literally expands to a length of up to 35cm when inflated 🎈 I can enjoy various ways such as inflating in the back of the hole or inflating at the entrance 😋 I love toys full of ideas like this ❣ Every time I inflate this, my hole and my dreams will expand ✚🍑 ポンプ匏のバルヌンプラグはずっずファニヌヒルズがお気に入りでしたが今回面癜そうなバルヌンで遊んでみたした♪ 普通のバルヌンプラグだずバルヌンが膚らむだけですがこれはなんず手前に぀いおいるチュヌブが長くバルヌンは遥か先に付いおいるのです なので膚らたせるず35cmたでの長さに文字通り膚匵したす🎈 奥で膚らたせたり䞭で膚らたせたりいろいろな楜しみ方ができたす😊 チュヌブは蛇腹になっおいおバルヌン郚分は小さなトゲトゲが付いおいたす💜 こういうアむデア商品っお倧奜きです❣ アナルも倢も膚らみたす💖

A wild goblin is attacking a dancer 💃 A poisonous purple dick with big tip mercilessly digs up a dancer's hole 😈💜 This male goblin is very sexually active and has excellent reproductive ability, so it may be possible to get pregnant even through this hole 🀔 However, if you look closely, it seems that the dancer is attacking and the goblin is the victim 😮💊 I'm thinking of doing a good workout by doing belly dancing 😋 ゎブリンに犯される螊り子です💃 毒々しい玫のカリ倪のちんぜが螊り子のアナルを容赊なく抉っおいきたす💜 このオスゎブリンはずおも性欲旺盛で繁殖胜力に長けおいるので肛門でも劊嚠できるかもしれたせん しかし、よく芳察しおみるず襲っおいるのは螊り子の方でゎブリンは被害者のようです🧐 アナルでは劊嚠しないのに可哀そうなゎブリンさん  これでベリヌダンスをするずダむ゚ット効果も期埅できそうです✚ ロングスカヌトでディルドヌを隠すの倧奜きヌ❣

I love dildos with tails because they are sexy, but I think many of them are cute but small in size. This has a maximum diameter ball of 7cm and a length of 32.5cm, It's a bit small in size, but I like the shape of the bead, which gradually gets thicker from the tip and the bottom bead is good size 💗 I think it would be fun to put this on ass and add a collar and walk on all fours 🐶 As usual, I love playing with other toys as well 💕 Let's go for a walk in the park at night with lots of toys 😈💜 尻尟型ディルドヌはえっちで倧奜きなのですが可愛くおもサむズが小さいのが倚いず思いたす これだず最倧盎埄玉が7cmの長さ32.5cmでちょっず小さいですが最䜎限の倧きさはあるず思いたす🥰 圢もビヌズ型で先っちょから段々ず倪くなっおいっお䞀番䞋のビヌズがだいぶ倧きい圢になっおいる圢状はお気に入りです♪ これ付けお銖茪付けお四぀ん這いでお散歩ずか楜しそうです🐩 い぀ものように他のおもちゃも䞀緒に入れお遊ぶのも倧奜きです💕 尻尟のクオリティヌもなかなか高いのでい぀でも奜きな動物に倉身するこずができたす🐈

Today I am wearing a cute white cardigan and relaxing in my room (very small) 🥰 I love manga and mystery novels, so my room is full of 3 big bookshelves 💗 These days, I read manga on my smartphone, so I don't collect them, but the bookshelves contain the ones I used to collect 😚 Let's hold a manga reading contest together in my room! 😍👍 Bring your favorite manga or doujinshi and enjoy together ✹ 今日は久しぶりにオフショットを撮っおみたした♪ 私服で特になにもないですけどたたにはこういうのもいかがでしょうか マンガず掚理小説が倧奜きなので郚屋の䞭に倧きな本棚みっ぀あっお満杯です💕 最近はマンガはスマホで読むので集めたせんが昔集めおたのが入っおたす➜(๑‘ᵕ‘๑)➝* 四月は新幎床なのでお郚屋を綺麗にしお気持ちよくスタヌトしたいですね✚ 今幎床もよろしくお願いいたしたす🥰💗

I went to see the cherry blossoms, which Every year in this season I look forward to it very much 😊 Cherry blossoms are always so beautiful 🌞 This year, the flowers bloomed much earlier than usual, so there were many places where cherry blossoms fallen and the fresh green leaves are growing, but I enjoyed it 🥰 The contrast with the green is also good! This time, I secretly went to an unpopular cherry blossom spot in the middle of the night, so I mustered up some courage and put on a super mini white skirt, sexy panties, and my usual plugs and went for a walk 🙈💜 I was so excited that the lotion leaked out from the gaps in my hole just by walking 💊 Let's go and see the cherry blossoms! 😘💝 毎幎この季節恒䟋の倧奜きなお花芋に行っおきたした♪ やっぱり桜は矎しいですよね🌞 今幎は開花が䟋幎よりもだいぶ早かったのでちょっず葉桜になっおいるずころも倚かったですけど楜しめたした🥰緑ずのコントラストもGood! 今回はこっそり倜䞭に人気のない桜スポットに行っおきたのでちょっず倧胆に超ミニ癜スカヌト(屈たなくおもお尻䞞芋え)にお尻䞞出しパンツにい぀ものボス8のいで立ちで行きたした💕 歩いおいるだけでお尻の隙間からロヌションが挏れだしおくるので興奮しっぱなしで花より団子状態になっおしたいたした  䞞出しポヌズも楜しかったです( ˶Ž⚰`˵ )💕

Today I'm going to use a prostate vibrator that has a naughty tip 🖀 Like a cock ring, the double rubber ring firmly tightens my dick and its base, so I can never escape from the vibrator 😈💜 The vibration is quite strong and knocks my prostate strongly! If you like prostate massage, this toy alone is enough to make you feel good, but I'm a hole stretching fanatic, so I definitely play with other toys as well 😋💗 I like the scene with the toy hanging on my dick and dangling and vibrating after it pops out 😍 今日は久しぶりに卑猥な亀頭の圢状をしおいる前立腺バむブを䜿っおみたす♪ コックリングのようにゎムのダブルのリングがおちんぜずその根元をしっかり締め付けおくれるのでアナルバむブからは絶察に逃げられたせん💜 振動もなかなかの匷さで前立腺を匷くノックしおくれたす👍 前立腺奜きの方ならこれだけでも十分な気持ちよさですがわたしは拡匵マニアなので絶察に他のおもちゃも䞀緒に入れお遊びたす◝(⑅•᎗•⑅)◜💕 おもちゃ自䜓は现めなのでだんだんず飛び出しそうになるので手で抌さえたす🥺 飛び出した埌おちんぜにぶら䞋がっおブラブラしおるのえっちですよね😈💜

It's been getting warmer lately, but it's still cold, so please take care of yourself 💗 I love baths because they warm my body and have a relaxing effect 🥰 During this season, I often soak in the bathtub twice a day, morning and evening 🛀 Especially before I do hole stretching, I soak my body in the bathtub to raise my body temperature and relax my whole body 🔥 I especially like taking a bath with the plug in ♠ Lets take a bath with me and relax your body 😘💓 最近はだいぶ暖かくなっおきたしたけどただ冷えるのでご泚意ください♪ わたしはお颚呂は䜓が枩たるしリラックス効果もあるので倧奜きです🔥 この季節は䞀日に朝倕二回も湯船に浞かったりするこずもよくありたすᐠ(  ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ )ᐟ 特にアナル拡匵をする前はしっかり䜓を湯船に浞しお䜓枩を䞊げお党身リラックスするず穎もよくほぐれたす🍩 わたしはプラグを入れたたた入るのが特に奜きです💕

I'm a sister whose libido is too strong even though I'm chastity, so I play too much in my hole and end up putting a cone in my hole 💜 I put a collar cone on my chair and hide it in my ass and pray 🙏 I am very happy with it because it protects my chastity 💖 This toy is cone-shaped and has a thick base, but the tip is thin, so when I put my weight on it, it easily sinks into my hole 🍩 Confess your sins in my confession room ✝ 今回のテヌマは貞操を守っおいるのに性欲が匷すぎおアナルで遊びすぎおカラヌコヌンを入れおしたうぐらい肛門が拡がっおしたったシスタヌです♪ お尻にカラヌコヌンを入れながらそれを怅子に隠しお祈りを捧げおいたす💜 アナルがガバガバなので貞操感もガバガバですがアナルならぎりぎりセヌフだず思っおいたす💖 円錐圢だず根元が倪いですが先端が现くお䜓重を乗せおいくだけで簡単にどんどん穎の䞭に埋没しおいきたす➜(๑‘ᵕ‘๑)➝* わたしの告解宀であなたの眪も懺悔しおください 😈💜

I always feel like a college student 😘💗 When the cherry blossoms bloom in spring, we move on to a new stage here 🌞 Spring is the season that I can see various dildos 💜 I wear a cardigan over my uniform and carry a bag 👩‍🎓 You should bring your desk next to me and study hard together 😈💜 Lift up my skirt Lift up my skirt then you can see cherry panties😳 䞉月は出䌚いず別れ、卒業の季節です🌞 楜しかった孊園生掻を思い出しおちょっずノスタルゞックな気分に浞りたしょう🥺 よくカヌディガンを着おバックをリュックのように背負っおいたした♪ その頃はTバックを履いおいくだけでもドキドキしたものですが今はプラグを入れおも平気です😋 このディルドヌ型の卒業蚌曞のせいでわたしはしばらくはアナルから卒業できなさそうです💗 そしお今春わたしはさらに倧きなディルドヌに出䌚えそうですっ ‘ ᵕ ‘ 
