
Tomorrow is "Marine Day" here, so I feel like I've been to the beach, wearing a white bikini and feeling like I'm in a tropical country 🏖️🍹 By the way, I was born and raised in a city without the sea, so I haven't been to the sea much... It's already a very hot summer this year, so I want to go to the sea and enjoy swimming 😊💖 Even so, every time I go to the sea, when I see that big horizon, I am moved by the overwhelming beauty as well as awe 🌊 Eating a shaved ice at a beach house is the best! 🍧 Let's enjoy the midsummer sea together! 🥵❣ 明日は海の日なので海に行った気持ちになりビキニを着て南国気分を味わいます🏖️ 白い砂浜…ヤシの実…ビーチパラソル…はっ! ちなみにわたしは生まれも育ちも海なし県なのであまり海に行ったことはありません💦 それでも海に行くたびにあの大きな水平線を見ると畏れとともに圧倒的な美しさに感動します❣ もう数年は行ってないけど… 海の家に行って焼きそばとかき氷がだべたーい!🍧 ずっとプラグ入れてると股の部分が濡れてきます🤍

Published: July 16th 2023, 12:01:31 pm

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Tomorrow is "Marine Day" here, so I feel like I've been to the beach, wearing a white bikini and feeling like I'm in a tropical country 🏖️🍹 By the way, I was born and raised in a city without the sea, so I haven't been to the sea much... It's already a very hot summer this year, so I want to go to the sea and enjoy swimming 😊💖 Even so, every time I go to the sea, when I see that big horizon, I am moved by the overwhelming beauty as well as awe 🌊 Eating a shaved ice at a beach house is the best! 🍧 Let's enjoy the midsummer sea together! 🥵❣ 明日は海の日なので海に行った気持ちになりビキニを着て南国気分を味わいます🏖️ 白い砂浜…ヤシの実…ビーチパラソル…はっ! ちなみにわたしは生まれも育ちも海なし県なのであまり海に行ったことはありません💦 それでも海に行くたびにあの大きな水平線を見ると畏れとともに圧倒的な美しさに感動します❣ もう数年は行ってないけど… 海の家に行って焼きそばとかき氷がだべたーい!🍧 ずっとプラグ入れてると股の部分が濡れてきます🤍