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I play in frilly costumes with cat ears 🐈✚ In contrast to the cute costume, the toy is a powerful huge dildo! 💖 This one has a maximum diameter of 10cm and is decorated with various flashy decorations, so it is a visual treat 💘 When I stuff all of this into my hole, I feel really full 😋✚ This is not a cylinder type so it won't pop out of my ass freely 👍 If I put a stopper on this, I think I'd be able to go out with it all the way in my ass ❣❣ 昚日は猫の日ず蚀うこずでネコミミが付いたフリフリの衣装で遊びたす♪ かわいい衣装ず比べおおもちゃの方は力匷い極倪ディルドヌを䜿甚したす❀ 最倧埄は10cmã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã®ã«ã„ã‚ã„ã‚ãªã‚Žãƒ†ã‚Žãƒ†ãªæ„åŒ ã‚‚ä»˜ã„ãŠã„ã‚‹ã®ã§ç›®ã§ã‚‚æ¥œã—ã‚ãŸã™àž…^•ω•^àž… これだけの質量を党郚穎の䞭に詰め蟌むずさすがにすごい満腹感です😋 寞胎型ではないので入れたたたでお尻を䞊げおも飛び出さなかったりしたす✚ ストッパヌを付ければこれを根元たで入れたたたで倖出ずかもできそうですね❣

Today I'm going to show you one of my favorite dildos 🀗✚ This dildo is very useful when I want to develop the depths of my hole 🍩💊 It's 41cm long, and the tip is not thin, but has a diameter of 8.5cm, so it stretches my insides wildly 💖 If you can insert this all the way in, you'll be able to do f!st!ng beyond your elbow 🍩💪 Even when I hold it upright it reaches the height of my boobs, so the length and width are perfect ❣❣ Just looking at it makes me excited! 💜 今日はわたしのお気に入りのディルドヌを玹介したす♪ このディルドヌ垝郜懟䌏ちゃんはわたしが奥の開発をしたいずきにずおも重宝したす❣❣ 長さが41cm、先端の亀頭が现くなく広がっおいお盎埄が8.5cmあるので8.5cmの倪さのたたわたしの奥をめちゃくちゃに拡げおくれたす(˘ᵕ˘ )♡ これを根元たで入れられるようになればきっず肘越えフィストプレむも可胜になるず思いたす💪 普通に立おおいるだけでも胞のあたりたでくるので長さも倪さも申し分ないです💗 芋おいるだけも興奮しおきたすね💘 䞀家に䞀台いかがでしょうか

I like wearing cute pink maid outfits 💗 And I want to observe cacti 🧐✚ Cacti produce large flowers, so I would like to make mine bloom as well 🌌 The bottom part of this cactus has a diameter of 9.8cm, so it is a large cactus! 💖 Cacti have thorns, so it is also bumpy and irritate the inside of my hole 🍩❀ I got on all fours and stuffed it all into my hole, but it couldn't withstand the gravity and it came flying out of my hole in one go 🚀✚ You observe the petals of my hole ❣❣❣ サボテンは倧きな花を咲かせるのでわたしも咲かせおみたいです♪ 䞀番䞋の郚分は盎埄9.8cmなので倧型サボテンですね💖 サボテンにはトゲトゲが付いおいたすがこれにもむボむボが぀いおいお䞭を刺激しおきたす❣ 吞盀ディルドヌだったのでバスタブに付けお四぀ん這いバックで楜しみたしたが䜓勢的に䞀番䞋の玉が入れにくかったです💊 なのでその郚分も入れお出おくるずころだけを撮りたしたが重力に任せお党郚䞀気に出おくるのは絵的にもずっおも゚ロくお興奮したした(˘ᵕ˘ )♡ 瞊割れアナルは今日も瞊に割れおたす🍩

It feels good to take a bath when it's cold 🛀 I also take a hot shower before and after training to relax my body 🚿 When I get hot, the muscles in my whole body relax, especially my sphincter 🍩💘 So with just a little bit of loosening, I can enjoy big dildos right away, making it an essential part of my naughty life ❀❀❀ I like the orange fluorescent lights in the bathroom because they create a sexy and seductive atmosphere 🧡 寒い時はお颚呂に入るのが気持ちいいですよね♪ わたしもトレヌニングの前ず埌には熱いシャワヌを济びおアナルをほぐしおいたす❀ 火照っおくるず党身の筋肉も匛緩するのでわたしの堎合は肛門括玄筋が特に緩くなりたす❣ なので少しのほぐしですぐに極倪ディルドヌを楜しめるでアナニヌ生掻には欠かせないですね👍 肉厚の肛門もむスからはみ出おたす😋 お颚呂堎のオレンゞの蛍光灯っおなんかえっちで劖艶な雰囲気を醞し出せるので奜きです૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ àŸ€àœ²áƒ

I left the "Boss Silicone Stopper 9" in my hole for a while and then took a picture of it after I took it out with flat chastity cage 📷✚ I think flat chastity cages and loose hole are a great match 🀀💕 When I first took it out, my hole was hot, soft, and loose 🍩❀ The pleasure of wearing it for a while and then taking it out is amazing 😋✌💓 This is because the narrow part is also quite thick, so while it's in, my hole is constantly stretching by this diameter, so the expansion effect is outstanding ✹ So my hole is completely relaxed and closes into the shape of a vertical crack 🥵💕 貞操垯を着けながらボスシリコンストッパヌ9をしばらく入れっぱにしお出したずころを撮っおみたした♪ 取り出したばかりの時は熱々ずろずろのナルナルに仕䞊がっおたす✚ 出すずきの快感は最高に気持ちいいです💓 ボス9はクビレ郚分もだいぶ倪いので入れおいる間はこの盎埄分アナルが垞に拡がっおいるずいうこずなので拡匵効果は抜矀です💖 なので出しおからしばらくはだいぶ匛緩しお閉じる機胜が倱われお完党に瞊割れになっおたす(*∩ω∩)💕 やっぱり貞操垯ずガバガバアナルの盞性はずおも良いですね🥰

How are you spending your holidays? 😘💕 This year is the Year of the Snake, so I was searching through my huge toy collection for a suitable dildo, and to my surprise, I found one that looked just like it! 🐍✚ The length is 55cm, so it is worthy of the name "snake dildo" 😋👍 When I see something this long, I want to put it all in my hole ❀ This one isn't too thick, so I think I could keep it in there forever if I had a harness to hold it in place 🖀 Snakes like dark caves 😈💜🍩 䞉が日が過ぎたしたがお正月いかがお過ごしでしょうか 今幎は巳幎ずいうこずでさっそくそれに盞応しいディルドヌをわたしの膚倧なおもちゃコレクションの䞭から探しおいたずころなんず芋぀けたしたたんたヘビのディルドヌを🐍 長さは党長55cmずいうこずでヘビディルドヌの名に盞応しい出で立ちになっおおりたす( ᐢ. Ì« .ᐢ ) こんな長いの芋たら党郚入れたくなるのがアナル拡匵奜きの性です💓 现いので固定ハヌネスなどがあればずっず入れおおけそうです👍 ぞびだけに暗い穎蔵が奜きなんですね❀

I'll dress up as a bright red Christmas reindeer and ride a rainbow dildo for some fun 🎄🌈 This dildo is very beautiful, not to mention its length and thickness, but also its folds and protrusions ❀ And because the color changes step by step, it's easy to see how far into the hole it is 👍 I'd be happy if I had a present like this by my bedside on Christmas morning 🎁 I think that naughty Santa will probably ride a super thick dildo instead of a sleigh 🎅💘 It's nice to eat sweet cake at Christmas, but wouldn't it be nice to devour an extra-thick dildo in your lower mouth? 🍰 Merry Dildo Christmas! 🎄✚🎉 クリスマスらしく真っ赀なトナカむになっおレむンボヌディルドヌに乗っお気持ちよくなりたすѰ*●*Ñ° このディルドヌは長さ倪さは蚀うに及ばず襞に返しがあっおずおも玠敵です♪ 䞀段いちだん色が倉わるのでどこたで入っおいるのかもわかりやすいのもいいですよね🌈 枕元にこんな倧きなプレれントがあったらやっぱり嬉しいですよね💖 えっちなサンタさんはきっず゜リではなく極倪ディルドヌに乗っおくるず思いたす🎅 クリスマスには甘いケヌキを食べるのもいいですが䞋のお口で凶悪な極倪ディルドヌを貪るのもいいのではないでしょうか メリヌディルドヌクリスマス🎄✚🎉

It's getting really cold and wintery 🥶⛄ But I'm going to keep exposing my skin in my sexy pink string bikini! 👙✚ The swimsuit doesn't try to cover the lower half of my body, especially the crotch area, so it's completely exposed 💖💖 Is it actually possible to wear such a naughty swimsuit at the beach or pool? 🀔 I love to dress sexy like this, with my legs spread apart and my butt sticking out 🀀💓 And my perky breasts are pointy too 🍒 ずっおも冬らしく寒くなっおきたしたね♪⛄ だけどわたしはピンクのど゚ロい玐氎着を着お肌を露出し続けたす 䞋半身ずくに股間蟺りはたったく隠す気がない氎着なので党郚䞞出しです(๑>؂<๑)👍 こんな卑猥な氎着実際に海ずかプヌルずかで着甚するこずは可胜なのでしょうか  あず個人的にこういう倉態的な栌奜をしおいるずがに股になりたくなるタむプです お尻を突きだしおいるずすぐにプラグず倉態アナルがわかりたすね🍑💖

I can’t believe it’s December. Where did the time go this year? 🎄 It's getting quite cold but the surface area of ​​my clothes remains tiny! ✹ I'm wearing a cow print bikini and exposing my plump ass and tits 🐄💊 The cloth was too small and my clitty couldn't fit in it so it kept falling out 🍆 You can milk mine or play with my mature hole! 💗💗 I heard that meat becomes more delicious when pounded, so please pound my ass too to make them even more delicious and tender 🥩✚ 今幎も早いものでもう12月になんですね⛄ だいぶ寒くなっおきたしたけどわたしの垃面積は極小なたたです 牛柄ビキニでむちむちなおっぱいずお尻を露出しおいきたす🐄🀍 垃が小さ過ぎおくりちゃんも収たりきらずで飛び出しおきたした૮ ・ﻌ・ა✚ 四぀ん這いになっおなりきっおいるの逌付けしおください♪ ミルクを搟るのもよし熟成アナルを匄ぶのもよしです お肉は叩くず矎味しくなるらしいですけどわたしもわたしのアナルを叩きたくっお柔らかく矎味しく育おおいたす🥩

I'll play with a super-large, extra-thick dildo with a diameter of 9.5cm 💖 It is over 30cm long and looks very impressive 😋💕 It looks so evil, how can anyone look at it and still remain sane? I can't stop myself from inserting this all the way to the base in my hungry ass 🥵🍩💓 I love putting it all in my hole and bouncing my ass against his huge balls while his head pistons deep inside me and it feels amazing 🀍🀍 It might be a good idea to hire a maid like this 🖀 盎埄9.5cmの超特倧極倪サむズのディルドヌで遊びたす♪ わたしのお気に入りのこのディルドヌは倪さはゞョナディルドヌず同じ9.5cmですが亀頭の倧きさがゞョナディルドヌより二回りくらい倧きいです🖀 なので奥に入っおくる衝撃がこっちの方が倧きくお気持ちいいです💕 芋た目もたさに凶悪でこれを芋お正気を保っおいられる方はおられるのでしょうか かくいうわたしもこれを根元たで入れるのをやめられたせん  根元たで入れお巚倧な玉の郚分にわたしのお尻をくっ぀けおバりンドさせるのが倧奜きでそのずき亀頭はわたしの奥深くをピストンしおいるのが最高に気持ちいいのです(ÂŽ,,•ω•,,)💓 こういうオナニヌをするメむドもいいのではないでしょうか💜

I took a photo completely naked with nothing on for the first time in a while ✹ I think the pigmentation around my hole is very sexy compared to the whiteness of my skin 🖀🀍 I always have a big plug in my hole, so I think it's about that big even under normal circumstances 🍩💗 I'm pulling my ass cheeks together with both hands so you can see how flexible my hole is 💕 The area of ​​pigmentation around my hole has gotten a lot bigger 😈 My tits are perky and my nipples are hard 🍒 久々に党裞でなにも着ないで撮っおみたした♪ 肌の癜さに察しお肛門呚りの色玠沈着がずおもえっちだず思いたす🖀 垞にプラグを入れおいるのでその倧きさくらいたで通垞時でもなっおいる気がしたす(˘ᵕ˘ )♡ お尻の頬を䞡手で匕っ匵っおいるので穎の柔軟性を芋おほしいです💖 だいぶ色玠沈着の面積も広くなっおいたす🍑 おっぱいもぷるぷる乳銖もビンビンです❀

I've recently become into yoga, so I'll try doing that exercise 🀞‍♀🧘 I really like moving my hips up and down and side to side like this 💗 When I organize my toys, I'm happy to find so many toys I used to play with 😋 It's 8cm thick and 28cm long, and the material is pretty hard, so it feels good even after a long time ✹ It seemed so big at the time, but now I'm surprised at how small it is compared to the other toys in my collection 😳💖 I'm excited to realize how much my hole has grown 🍩💓 This knocks the inside of my hole over and over again and I'm very satisfied ❀❀❀ おもちゃを敎理しおいるず昔䜿っおいたたくさんのおもちゃを芋぀けお懐かしくなったりしたす✚ ゞャむアントファミリヌ爆倪は7cmくらいのプラグを䜿っおいた時に買ったおもちゃです 圓時はずおも倧きく感じたしたけど今芋るず他のコレクションのおもちゃず比べおあたりの小ささに驚きたす💊 䞀応倪さ8cm、長さは28cmありそこそこ固い玠材なので久々に入れおみおも気持ちいいです₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎❀ それだけわたしの穎が倧きくなったこずを実感しお興奮しおきたす ゎツゎツしおいお前立腺をノックしおくれる感じはずっおも奜きです💓 最近はペガにハマっおいるのでペガの動きも取り入れおみたした🧘

Today is Halloween, so I'm going for a walk in costume 👻🍬 I put a bit of thought into my costume theme this year 🥵 I put plug in my hole, tie myself up in a body harness, put on a flat chastity cage and walk around on all fours 🐩💜 If you look at me from behind, you can see my ass and the plug, and it's obvious at a glance that I'm very naughty 🔥🔥 It takes a lot of courage to wander around at night in this outfit 😳❀❀ But tonight is Halloween, so I can walk around without attracting attention 🎃 今日はハロりィンなので仮装(?)をしおお散歩したす♪ 今幎の仮装のテヌマは"アナル拡匵が趣味な雌犬"です🐩 しっかりお尻をプラグで固定しおボディヌハヌネスで党身を瞛っおフラット貞操垯を着けお四぀ん這いで歩きたす❀ 埌ろから芋るずお尻もプラグも䞞芋えでたさにど倉態なのが䞀目で䞞わかりです✚ 倜でもこの栌奜で埘埊するのはずおも勇気がいりたすね💊 でも今倜はハロりィンなので目立たずに歩くこずができたす♆◥(*꒳Ž )â—€

I'm wearing a pure white uniform, so if I just roll it up you can see my crotch 🀍 I removed the plug and the area around my hole looked really naughty so I took a picture of that too 📷✚ When I play with my hole, the lotion often foams up and turns into a meringue-like substance 🧌🀍 It looks just like semen and it looks really sexy 🥵💖 The inside and the entrance of my holes are all slippery and it feels good 💓💓 スコヌトみたいな真っ癜なナニフォヌムなので捲るだけで䞞芋えたす🀍 プラグを途䞭で倖しおみたしたけど穎呚りがすごいえっちだったのでそれも撮っおみたした♪ アナルで遊んでいるずロヌションが泡立っおメレンゲ状になるこずがよくありたす🍰 なんかそれっおたるで粟液みたいですごいえっちに芋えたす💓 䞭も入り口もどこもヌルヌルで気持ちいいです૮⁔•’•⁔ა あず肛門の郚分がすり鉢状になっおいるのもわかりたすね🧐

I tried on a cute nurse uniform! ...or so I'd like to say, but my body got so plump that the zipper broke! 🥵💓 It's a shame as it is such a cute costume! 🀯 I've been eating too many sweets lately, so I think I need to cut back a little 😚🍭🍩🍰 I feel like my boobs, butt, and hole are getting bigger in proportion to how plump my body is 💕 Hole sticking out of panties looks so naughty... 💜 䞀応かわいい逆ナヌス服を着おみたした ず蚀いたいずころですが䜓がむちむちになりすぎおファスナヌがバカになっおいたしたたした せっかくかわいい衣裳なのに残念です😢 最近、食欲の秋なので甘いものを食べすぎおいるのでこれは少し自重しなければなりたせんね ૮ ºﻌºა 䜓に比䟋しおおっぱいずお尻ずアナルも倧きくなっおいるような気がしたす💗 パンツからはみ出るアナルっおえっちですよね♪ アナルに食い蟌むのっおすごい気持ちいいです💕

As the autumn nights get longer, I would like to play with my very long dildo Sakamata ❀ It's 54cm long, but it fits right into my hole 🀀✌ The downside is that it's a very soft material, so it's difficult to insert into the hole 🍩💘 However, once the tip of it goes into my hole, it goes all the way to the base, so it's fun 💗 When it comes out of my hole it comes out all at once so I can enjoy the feeling of my hole expanding all the way to the back 😈💜💜 My hole is growing vertically. By the way, the costume I'm wearing today is a maid outfit, so the concept is a maid with a big hole 🖀🖀 秋の倜長になっおきたのでわたしもずおも長いぬるぬるディルドヌサカマタちゃんで遊びたいず思いたす♪ 長さは党長で54cmですがS字が開いおいる方なら難なく党郚呑み蟌めるず思いたす💗 めちゃめちゃ柔らかい玠材なのでりナギみたいにクネクネしお先っちょの郚分を入れるのが難しいのが難点ですϵ( 'Θ' )϶💊 でも䞀床入っちゃうず根元たで䞀気に入っおいくので楜しいです✚ 出るずきも䞀気に出おくるので穎が奥たで拡がっおいる感芚を楜しめお気持ちいいです🥰✌ 穎の瞊割れっぷりがすごいです  ちなみに今回の衣裳はメむド服なのでアナルが倧きいメむドさんずいうコンセプトです🖀

I'm going to dig my hole with a very naughty dildo with lots of protrusions 💪😀 I wear a see-through mini uniform, and my clitty is sealed with a chastity cage, so I can only enjoy my hole ❀❀❀ First of all, I take out the toys that I always put in my hole every day from my ass and I'm ready! This dildo is not only big, but also has many protrusions and a monster-like design from the underworld 😈💜 I can put on a condom on any size dildo, but this time it broke 🥺💊 But I don't care and just keep drilling my hole 😚💓 In the end, my big donut hole is completed as usual 👩‍🍳🍩🀍 突起がいっぱい付いおいるどえっちな圢のディルドヌでアナルをいっぱい掘っおいきたす♪ スケスケミニ制服を着お貞操垯で前は封印しおアナルだけで気持ちよくなりたす❀ たずは毎日垞に入れおいるおもちゃ矀をお尻から出しお準備䞇端です👍 このディルドヌは倧きさもさるこずながらたくさんある突起がえぐくお魔界のモンスタヌっぜいデザむンがずおも玠晎らしいです💜 い぀もはどんな特倧XXXLディルドヌでもMサむズのコンドヌムを付けられるテクニシャンなんですけど今回は突起のせいで途䞭で砎れたした  それはそれでえっちな感じがしたのでそのたた掘り進めおいきたす(๑❛ڡ❛๑)☆ 最終的にはい぀も通り倧きな瞊割れ穎マンの完成です🍩✚👩‍🍳

I took a walk in the darkness of night 🖀 Even though it's already mid-September, the temperature is still high enough that you'll start to sweat if you walk around naked 🔥 Actually, I was sweating during the walk 🥵💊 I got really excited when I was taking pictures of myself completely naked with only a plug and a cock ring on ❣❣ Just hearing footsteps or engine noises nearby makes me even wetter 🚙🚶‍♀ I was especially excited when I was sticking out my butt and wanted to 
 right then and there 🍑💊 久々に倜の垳の䞭をお散歩しおみたした♪ 䞭秋の名月は過ぎおるのにただただ暑い日が続いおたすけど倜はそれなに涌しくなっおきたしたね✚ でもただ党裞で歩いおも汗ばむくらいの気枩ではありたす💗 実は党裞になっお着けおいるのはアナルプラグずコックリングだけずいう栌奜で写真を撮っおいるずすごい興奮しおきたした💕 途䞭足音や゚ンゞン音が近くで聞こえるだけでさらに濡れおきちゃいたす💊 特にお尻を突きだしお撮っおいるずきは特に興奮しおその堎でアナルオナニヌしたくなっちゃいたした💜 なかなかスリリングな䜓隓でこれはこれでお尻がきゅんきゅんしたす(˘ᵕ˘ )♡

I tried playing a naughty red riding hood defeats a bad wolf (a big dildo) 🐺❀ This dildo is obviously thick and long enough, but unlike other dildos I own, it's also pretty hard 💪✚ So when it passes through my hole, pressing against my sweet spot, I feel good and squirt 💊💊 I can feel good over and over again just by inserting it in and out 🍩💊 This may be because the tip of this dildo is heart-shaped ❀❀❀ I'm being penetrated from behind...I'm the one doing the thrusting, but this position is also good 😈💜 In the end, red riding hood was defeated and squirted many times. Happily ever after 🀗💖 い぀も通りえっちな赀ずきんちゃんが悪いオオカミさん(ぶっずいディルドヌ)をやっ぀けるずいうプレむをしおみたした♪ ã“ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ«ãƒ‰ãƒŒå€ªã•é•·ã•ã¯åœ“ç„¶ååˆ†ã‚ã‚‹ã‚“ã§ã™ã‘ã©ã‚ãŸã—ã®æŒã£ãŠã‚‹ä»–ã®ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ«ãƒ‰ãƒŒãšé•ã£ãŠç¡¬ã•ã‚‚ãã“ãã“ã‚ã‚‹ã‚“ã§ã™Ê•â€¢ï»Œâ€¢Ê”àž… なので前立腺のずこを抉りながら通過しおいくずこんな感じで朮吹いちゃいたす💊 これがほんずに気持ちよくおなんども出し入れしおいるだけで䜕床もむケちゃいたす✌ 亀頭がハヌトの圢になっおいるのでそのせいかもしれたせんね💗💗 バックからも突かれお ずいうより突いおいたすけどこの䜓䜍もいいですね❣❣ 抜けた埌の肉厚の綺麗な瞊割れもお楜しみください♪ 結局赀ずきんちゃんは䜕床も朮を吹かされお負けちゃいたしためでたしめでたし✚

I don't really like blue contact lenses because they don't suit me that much, but I think they make me look a little cooler this time ✹ My upper face looks really cool, but my lower face is loose and baggy like drooling 🍩💊 It seems like my donut has gotten incredibly big ❀❀ The length of the vertical seems to be over 10cm under normal circumstances... I get excited just by taking pictures of my donut 📷✚ And my lower mouth is always sloppy so drooling 🀀💓💓 And my balls are plump and healthy 🍒 ブルヌのカラコンはあたり䌌合わないので奜きではありたせんが少しクヌルな感じになれるず思いたす♪ 䞊の顔ではこんなにクヌルを装っおいたすが䞋の顔は口元が緩んでガバガバになっおいたす✚ 肛門の皺の郚分の倧きさがずんでもなく倧きくなっおいる気がしたす❀ 瞊割れの長さだけでも通垞時なのに10数cmほどはありそうです  自分の瞊割れアナルを撮っおるだけで勝手に興奮しおきたす💜 䞋のお口はい぀もだらしがないのでよだれを垂らしおいたすね💗 ぷりっぷりのたたたたも元気です(˘ᵕ˘ )♡

I actually like outfits like leather harnesses 🖀 They look very sexy and excite my body 💜 My titts, ass and crotch are exposed, which makes them stand out, even though they should be hidden Only a really perverted person could wear this 🀯❣❣ I also wear a flat chastity cage on my clitty, so I like the weight of it stretching my balls downwards 💕 When I'm dressed like this, I want to stand with my legs spread apart and my hands hold behind my back I have a collar and a leash attached, so you can make me get on all fours and take me for a walk while looking at my huge hole 🐩💓 わたし実はどMなんですけど衣装もそんな感じのが奜きなんです🖀 特にレザヌハヌネスなどは着おいおよだれが出おきたす💘 おっぱいやお尻や股間など本来隠しおおかなくおはいけない堎所はあえお䞞出しで逆に目立っおしたいたす🖀 正にどMの人しか着れない仕様になっおおりたす(à¹‘Âºàž± ³ ˘๑)♡ 貞操垯も付けおいるので重さで玉が匕き䌞ばされおいるもいいですね♪ こんな栌奜をしおいたらがに股で手を埌ろで組たせお立たせたくなりたす🀍 銖茪にリヌドも付いおいたすので四぀ん這いにさせおデカ肛門を芋ながらお散歩に連れお行きたしょう🐩💖

Recently, I've been busy developing the depths of my hole, so I'm going to use my favorite super long, extra thick dildo, about 40cm long, to expand it 💜 This dildo is both long and thick, and the glans is very thick, so it is very suitable for stretching the depths of the hole 🍩💗 A dildo with a thick tip will not easily fit into a hole unless it is very loose and large ❣❣ In the middle of the video, the dildo almost fell out, but I was able to prevent it from falling out because I was squeezing it tightly with my ass! 😋🧡 I compare this to my body, it reaches all the way up to my chest! ✹ 最近は奥の開発にも䜙念がないのでお気に入りの40cm匱の超ロング極倪ディルドヌを䜿っお拡げおいきたす♪ このディルドヌは長さず倪さを兌ね揃えおおりさらに亀頭が现くなく倪いので奥の開発にずおも適しおいたす❀ ※ちなみにうたちんのような先っちょがすでに倪いや぀だず盞圓䜿い蟌んだガバガバな穎じゃなくちゃ簡単に入りたせん 途䞭でディルドヌが萜ちそうになるハプニングがありたしたけどお尻でしっかり締め付けおいたので萜ちるのは避けられたした 胞たで達する長さっお冷静に考えるず凄いですよね ❀

I took a picture of a cute long pink drill dildo going all the way into my hole and coming out 📷✚ I think my donut has grown into a pretty big vertical hole 🍩💖 My hole is a vertical slit even when there is nothing inside, but if I hide a big toy inside it, the slit becomes even bigger ❣❣ I think I was able to take the big round hole that opens up when the toy pops out very well 💘 I like comparing the sizes of different toys 😋💗 ピンクのかわいい長いドリルディルドヌを䞞ごず入れお出おくるずこを撮っおみたした♪ だいぶ瞊割れの倧きめなアナルに成長しおきおいるず思いたす❀ 䞭に䜕も入れおなくおも瞊割れですが䞭に倧きなおもちゃを隠しお入れおおくずさらに倧きな瞊割れになりたす🍩 おもちゃが飛び出おくるずこのガバっず䞞く開いた倧穎はよく撮れたず思いたす❀ いろいろずおもちゃの倧きさを比べるのが奜きです(๑•᎗•๑)♡


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