
I play in frilly costumes with cat ears 🐈✚ In contrast to the cute costume, the toy is a powerful huge dildo! 💖 This one has a maximum diameter of 10cm and is decorated with various flashy decorations, so it is a visual treat 💘 When I stuff all of this into my hole, I feel really full 😋✚ This is not a cylinder type so it won't pop out of my ass freely 👍 If I put a stopper on this, I think I'd be able to go out with it all the way in my ass ❣❣ 昚日は猫の日ず蚀うこずでネコミミが付いたフリフリの衣装で遊びたす♪ かわいい衣装ず比べおおもちゃの方は力匷い極倪ディルドヌを䜿甚したす❀ 最倧埄は10cmã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã®ã«ã„ã‚ã„ã‚ãªã‚Žãƒ†ã‚Žãƒ†ãªæ„åŒ ã‚‚ä»˜ã„ãŠã„ã‚‹ã®ã§ç›®ã§ã‚‚æ¥œã—ã‚ãŸã™àž…^•ω•^àž… これだけの質量を党郚穎の䞭に詰め蟌むずさすがにすごい満腹感です😋 寞胎型ではないので入れたたたでお尻を䞊げおも飛び出さなかったりしたす✚ ストッパヌを付ければこれを根元たで入れたたたで倖出ずかもできそうですね❣

Published: February 23rd 2025, 5:00:56 am


I play in frilly costumes with cat ears 🐈✚ In contrast to the cute costume, the toy is a powerful huge dildo! 💖 This one has a maximum diameter of 10cm and is decorated with various flashy decorations, so it is a visual treat 💘 When I stuff all of this into my hole, I feel really full 😋✚ This is not a cylinder type so it won't pop out of my ass freely 👍 If I put a stopper on this, I think I'd be able to go out with it all the way in my ass ❣❣ 昚日は猫の日ず蚀うこずでネコミミが付いたフリフリの衣装で遊びたす♪ かわいい衣装ず比べおおもちゃの方は力匷い極倪ディルドヌを䜿甚したす❀ 最倧埄は10cmã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã®ã«ã„ã‚ã„ã‚ãªã‚Žãƒ†ã‚Žãƒ†ãªæ„åŒ ã‚‚ä»˜ã„ãŠã„ã‚‹ã®ã§ç›®ã§ã‚‚æ¥œã—ã‚ãŸã™àž…^•ω•^àž… これだけの質量を党郚穎の䞭に詰め蟌むずさすがにすごい満腹感です😋 寞胎型ではないので入れたたたでお尻を䞊げおも飛び出さなかったりしたす✚ ストッパヌを付ければこれを根元たで入れたたたで倖出ずかもできそうですね❣

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This toy isn't too big even though it's XXL size, but the colors are so cute that I can't help but play with the dildo "Torben" 😊
This is the XXL size, but the thickest part is only 8.7cm in diameter and 23.5cm in length, so it's petite 💕
Over and over again I want this cute dildo to pound my ass and put a big eggs in my womb 🥵💖
There is a custom of not wearing underwear when wearing a kimono, so I respect that and I don't wear underwear either 👘
When I'm not wearing panties, every time I move my ass hard, my clitty swings up and down, so I'm excited 🔥
I recognized my butt as a very good sniper 🔫😋
パンツを履かないず腰を激しく動かすたびにおちんぜが䞊䞋に揺れるので勝手に興奮しお昂っおきたす( Ž꒳​` )💝

This toy isn't too big even though it's XXL size, but the colors are so cute that I can't help but play with the dildo "Torben" 😊 This is the XXL size, but the thickest part is only 8.7cm in diameter and 23.5cm in length, so it's petite 💕 Over and over again I want this cute dildo to pound my ass and put a big eggs in my womb 🥵💖 There is a custom of not wearing underwear when wearing a kimono, so I respect that and I don't wear underwear either 👘 When I'm not wearing panties, every time I move my ass hard, my clitty swings up and down, so I'm excited 🔥 I recognized my butt as a very good sniper 🔫😋 サむズ的にはXXLサむズでもあたり倧きくはないですが色合いがずおも可愛いので぀い぀い手を出しおしたったディルドヌ"トヌベン"ちゃんです♪ 倧きさは最倧のXXLサむズでも䞀番倪いずころで盎埄8.7cmで長さも23.5cmしかなく小柄です💕 Nothosaurさんのディルドヌはディルドヌ䞀぀ひず぀に結構詳现な物語が付いおいお楜しいです🥰 このトヌベンちゃんは元はサヌカスの芋䞖物だったのが逃げ出したくたさんの蚭定のようです🧞 着物では䞋着を付けないずいう習慣に敬意を衚し今回はノヌパンです💗 パンツを履かないず腰を激しく動かすたびにおちんぜが䞊䞋に揺れるので勝手に興奮しお昂っおきたす( Ž꒳​` )💝 最埌は卵がカメラにぶ぀かっお次回䜜を予感させる倧䜜のような終わり方になりたした😋

My recent routine is to put this dildo plug in my hole and fasten it with a harness to live all day long 💗
The length is 32cm and the maximum diameter is 8.5cm
This toy is longer than my favorite black plug, so it expands the depths of my hole 🍩💕
And there is a big knot on the bottom so I put this in and out of my hole I can be very naughty 😈💜
It comes under my navel!
長時間入れたたたで抜いた埌にそのたたオナニヌに移行できたす( ˶Ž⚰`˵ )💗

My recent routine is to put this dildo plug in my hole and fasten it with a harness to live all day long 💗 The length is 32cm and the maximum diameter is 8.5cm This toy is longer than my favorite black plug, so it expands the depths of my hole 🍩💕 And there is a big knot on the bottom so I put this in and out of my hole I can be very naughty 😈💜 It comes under my navel! わたしが最近はたっおいるハヌネスで長いディルドヌを固定しお生掻をするプレむです♪ 長さは32cmで倪さはコブのずころが円呚27cm(実枬)なので盎埄8.5cm盞圓です わたしのお気に入りのボス8より長いので奥の開発に䜿っおいたす 長時間入れたたたで抜いた埌にそのたたオナニヌに移行できたす( ˶Ž⚰`˵ )💗 コブの出し入れがずおも気持ちいいので病み぀きですね  長いのでおぞそあたりたで来おいるのがお腹の䞊から䜓感するこずができたす💖