pigmananal | Page 2

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It's been hot lately, so I'm wearing a black leather skirt that exposes my ass 🖀 This is a slightly provocative design 😈💜 From the front, this looks like a normal skirt 🧐 Look at my ass from behind, you can clearly see my naughty panties and plug ❣❣❣ Maybe it would be nice to put a leash around my collar and take me for a walk on all fours 🐩💓 暑い日が続いおいたすのでずっおもえっちなお尻が䞞出しになるレザヌスカヌトを履きたす たぶんこれはどSな人が着るような感じのちょっず挑発的なデザむンなんだず思いたすがどМな人でも履けたした💖 埌ろから芋るずプラグが䞞芋えになるのでずっおも奜きです♪ 前から芋るず䞀芋普通のスカヌトに芋えたすが()埌ろから芋たら確実にド倉態です きっず拘束具ずかずも盞性が良さそうですね(♡ơ ₃ơ)✹

Summer is here, so I'm going to enjoy using this dildo that reminds me of the blue ocean 🌊 This toy has lots of suction cups, so I want it to rub the nice spots inside my hole 🐙 I feel so good I want to grab this base with both hands and thrust it hard and fast in and out of my hole 🥵💖 When this thing comes out of my hole, it bends and comes out while rubbing the entire inside of my hole with its suction cups 🍩💊 When I look at this dildo, I get hungry and want to eat takoyaki 🀀✚❀ 倏ず蚀えば海海ず蚀えばたこたこず蚀えば觊手ずいうこずで觊手ディルドヌにわたしのお尻の䞭に入っおもらいたす🐙 吞盀にいっぱいわたしの䞭の気持ちいいずころを擊っおもらいたす♪ 土台のずこを䞡手で掎んでハヌドな高速出し入れしたいくらい気持ちいいです❀❀ 出おくるずきも穎の党䜓を吞盀で擊りながらしなっお飛び出しおきたす💖 このディルドヌ芋おるずたこ焌きずか酢だこずかたこからずか食べたくなりたすね(๑﹃ ๑)

It is a triple dildo with three dicks that only greedy hole can enjoy 🀀💝 Although each ones is thicker and longer than a normal erect ones, it is perfect for greedy hole where three can be inserted at once! 🍩💊 When I see a close-up of my hole in the video from behind, I get very excited because I can see that the moment the dildo comes out, my hole is very swollen, impressive, and enlarged 🥵🔥✚ My costume this time has my tits exposed, my lower body exposed, and I'm wearing sexy fishnet stockings 💜💜 欲匵りあなるだけが䞀床に味わえる䞉぀のちん○を持぀トリプルディルドヌです♪ そもそも䞀本のサむズが通垞の勃起おち○ぜより倪くお長いのにそれが䞉぀もいっぺんに入れられるガバマンさんには莅沢な仕様になっおおりたす💗 埌ろからの映像で穎のアップのずきのディルドヌの抜ける瞬間があなるが盛り䞊がっお迫力がありずおも倧きく拡匵されおいるのがわかっおずおも興奮したす๑•﹃•๑♡ 出し入れ䞭に挏れ出るえっちな音も奜きです❣ 衣裳はおっぱい䞞出し䞋半身䞞出しで網タむツ履いおたす💜

Today I'm wearing fishnet tights over my naked body to cool off 🖀 Wearing a corset makes me feel better! 😈💜 The key point of this fashion is the plug that is firmly in my ass 👗✚ I can't take it off without tearing these tights down a bit 🥵♠ It would be exciting and fun to wear just a long coat over this and go for a walk! ❣❣ 今日は裞の䞊から党身網タむツを着お涌んでいたす♪ 颚通しも良くかずいっお最䜎限のドレスコヌドはクリアしおいるのではないかず感じたす💖 コルセットを着甚するこずで気が匕き締たりたす૮₍ ˃ ’ ˂ ₎ა ポむントはお尻にしっかり入っおいるプラグです🖀 少しタむツをずらさないず取り倖せない仕様になっおいるのでいきなり飛び出すこずはないので安心ですね✚ この栌奜でロングコヌトだけを矜織っおお散歩するのも刺激的で楜しそうです💕

It's already starting to be a really hot summer-like day 🥵🌞 There are more and more sweaty days 💊 So I feel like I take a shower every time I sweat 🚿🛀 I recommend taking a shower with the plug in your hole, as it will loosen up your hole as well 😋👍✚ The plug may come out of the loose hole, but you can rest assured that you can immediately put it back on in the bathroom 🀗✚❣ ゎヌルデンりィヌクも終わっおもうめっきり倏のような暑さになっおきたしたね♪ 汗ばむ日も倚くなっおきたした🔆 Ìš Ìš 𓄹 ₍🕶; ₎ そんな日が続いおいるので汗かくたびにシャワヌを济びおいる気がしたす💊 プラグを入れたたたシャワヌを济びるず穎もゆったりほぐれるのでおすすめですよ🥰 途䞭で緩くなっおプラグが飛び出ちゃうずきもありたすがお颚呂堎ならすぐ入れられるので安心ですね💖 やっぱり党裞はきもちいいです😚

Today I'm a maid wearing glasses, so let's play with an egg with a chain 💜 The shape of this big egg with chains is so naughty and full of ideas that I hope it wins a Good Design Award 🥚❣❣ If you pull a big egg out of my hole, and there are multiple smaller eggs hidden deep inside, it would be very naughty 😳💗 I'm sure you'll get excited if I stick this chain out of my ass and walk on all fours at night 😈💜 Which do you prefer: me without glasses or with glasses on? 🀓 今日は県鏡メむドになったので鎖付きたたごで遊びたしょう♪ この倧きな卵に鎖が付いおいる圢状は被虐感に溢れおいおあなるグッドデザむン賞を取っおほしいくらいです❣ 匕っ匵っお倧きな卵を匕きずりだしたらさらにその奥に小さな卵が耇数隠れおたらえっちですよね💗 この鎖だけお尻から出しお四぀ん這いになっお倜にお散歩すれば絶察興奮するず思いたす🐩✚

I feel better wearing cute clothes! 🀗💖 I am surrounded by cute things and my mind and heart are healed 🧞✚ My body was getting hot so I decided to take off my clothes one by one 🥵🔥 No one would know that there is such a big hole under those cute light blue panties! 💙 Even my natural hole without any plugs or toys looks this big! 🀀🍩💓 May I swallow you with my lower mouth? ゎヌルデンりィヌク䞭はいろいろあっお倧倉だったのでかわいいふりふりの服を着おストレス発散をしおいたした♪ かわいいものには癒されたすよね(*àž…ÌË˜àž…Ì€*) 途䞭で熱くなっおきたので着おいるのを脱いでいくこずにしたした❣ かわいい氎色のおぱんちゅの䞋にこんなに倧きなあにゃるがあるなんお誰もわからないですよね なにも入れおないあなる久々に撮った気がしたすけどだいぶ倧きくなっおいるような気がしたすね 💜

I took a close-up shot of my ass and hole at the moment the plug comes out of my hole 💖 After it comes out, my hole is completely relaxed and careless, as if it will never close 😈💜 I kept it in my hole for a long time, so a lot of lotion spilled out from inside 🍩💊 When my ass is filled with so much naughty juice, even with a thick plug, it spills out through the gap and makes my ass all wet 🥵💗💗 Just looking at my loose hole makes my clitty erect and excited 🀀❣❣ プラグが抜けるずころをお尻ず穎をアップで接写しおみたした♪ 抜けた埌の穎は完党に匛緩しお油断しおたるで氞遠に閉じられないように緩んでしたっおいたすね💗 長時間入れおいたので䞭からロヌションがたっぷり倧量に零れおきたす😋 これだけお尻の䞭にえっちなお汁が詰たっおいるず倪いプラグをしおいおもその隙間から零れおきおお尻がべちょべちょになりたすね🍑 自分の穎を芋おいるだけでクリちゃんが元気にムクムク勃起しおくる氞久機関の完成です❣❣

I will happily give birth to a cute baby from my hole today too 👶✚ After all, I am addicted to the feeling of the baby's head going in and out in my hole 🍩😳 A healthy baby will jump out of my thick, vertical hole! It feels so good that I keep giving birth over and over again, so by the end my hole is completely relaxed and so loosened 🍩💊 I tried giving birth while changing various positions 😏💖 ぀いにゎヌルデンりィヌクに突入したので恒䟋の赀ちゃんをいっぱい産みたいず思いたす♪ やっぱり赀ちゃんの頭が入ったり出たりするのがずおも気持ちよくダミツキですね❣❣ 瞊割れ肉厚おた○こから赀ちゃんが飛び出しおきたす 赀ちゃんが産たれおすぐのずきの穎は瞊に閉たっおたるで䞡手でお祈りしおいるような感じの瞊割れになっおいたす💪 気持ちよすぎるので䜕床も繰り返ししお産むので埌半は穎が完党にガバガバに匛緩しきっおいたす🍑 䜓勢をいろいろ倉えながら産んでみたした💓

It was quite cold just a few weeks ago, but it's suddenly warmed up recently and it's already hot like a summer! 🌞💊 The season has come when it feels good to take off your clothes and get naked 😋💕 I was sweating so I took a shower right away and felt better! 🚿 I want to freely walk around various places wearing only plug 😈💜💜 You too can take off the clothes you are currently wearing and feel liberated 🀩✚ ぀い数週間前たではだいぶ寒かったのに最近いっきに暖かくなっおきおすでに熱いくらいですね🌞 たさに服を脱ぎ捚おお裞になっおも気持ちいい季節がやっおきたしたね♪ 汗もかきやすくなっおきたのでシャワヌが気持ちいいですねっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  身に着けるものはプラグ䞀぀で生掻しおいきたいです シャワヌを济びおる間もプラグが飛び出そうになるず火照っおオナニヌをしたくなっおきたす 💘

I'm wearing a red dress and playing with a super long dildo 😊❀ The length is 40cm and the thickness is 7.5cm, which makes it look long and extra large 🥵❣❣ It's so long and soft that it can't stand on its own, so I have to hold it tight 💖 And since it's heavy, it acts like a whip when it pops out of my hole 🖀🖀 Thick ones are good, but long ones are also exciting, so I'd like to develop the depths of my hole further and insert longer ones 😈💜 My tunnel digging work continues 🕳 赀いドレスを着お超ロングディルドヌで遊びたす♪ 長さ40cm、倪さ7.5cmのもう芋た目から長くお特倧で玠敵です❣ 長すぎお自立はできたせんがりネりネしお楜しいです(チンアナゎに䌌おおかわいい) ãã‚Œã§ã„ãŠé‡é‡ã‚‚ã‚ã‚‹ã®ã§ç©Žã‹ã‚‰å‡ºãŠãã‚‹ãšãã¯éž­ã®ã‚ˆã†ã«ã—ãªã£ãŠãšã©ã‚“ã£ïŒãšèœã¡ãŠãã‚‹ã®ã§èˆˆå¥®ã—ãŸã™à»’ê’°àŸ€Ë¶â€¢àŒâ€¢Ë¶ê’±àŸ€àœ²áƒ 倪のもいいですけど長いのも刺激的で奥をもっず開発しおもっずもっず長いのを入れおみたいです💖

I wear a revealing clothing 😮🀍 I really like the design of the crotch part because my lower body is exposed when I wear this ❣❣ I think it matches very well with the red O-back panties 💖 The plug is firmly fixed with two black strings 🖀😈🖀 The skirt is also see-through and cute! 😋❀❀ Try pulling this plug from behind me 🥵🔥 今日から新幎床がスタヌトですね🌞 気合を入れお露出床が高い衣装です 前の玐を匷く匕っ匵っお䜓を匕締め甚ず思っおいたら䞀番䞊のずこが切れおしたい焊りたしたけどなんずか着れたした♪ 䞋半身䞞出しのクロッチ郚分がずおも奜きです➜(๑’ᵕ’๑)➝ 赀いOバックず合わせるずずおもマッチしおいるように思いたす💗 二本の玐でプラグもがっちり固定されおいたす❣ スカヌトも透け透けでかわいいです✚

Happy, Hoppy Easter! 🐇 Easter is all about rabbits and eggs, so let's dress up as a bunny and play with an egg-shaped dildo 😞❀ I tried to create a spring-like outfit with a cherry blossom bunny suit and a light blue egg 🌞💖 This egg has a very large diameter, so the impact of it entering my hole is amazing! 🍩🀛💓 However, as I keep pushing it in and out, my sphincter gets used to it and I can easily do continuous thrusts in and out in my hole 🥵🍩🍑 Have a luck-filled Easter weekend! 🥚 むヌスタヌずいえばりサギずタマゎなのでバニヌさんの栌奜をしおタマゎ型ディルドヌで遊びたしょう♪ 桜色のバニヌに氎色のタマゎで春らしい感じのコヌデにしおみたした🌞 このタマゎは盎埄がずおも倧きいので"ずどんっっ"お感じで入っおくる衝撃がすごいです 他のプラグやディルドヌにはない感じで最倧質量がいきなりMAXで入っおくる感じです💓 それでもしばらく入れおいるず括玄筋が慣れおくるので連続の出し入れがすんなりできるようになっおくるんです❣ ãã‚“ãªæ„Ÿã˜ã§ã‚€ãƒŒã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒŒã£ãŠãˆã£ã¡ãªè¡Œäº‹ã«ã—ã‹èŠ‹ãˆãªããªã£ãŠããŸã™â€Šâ‚á¢ïœ¡â€¢àŒâ€¢ïœ¡á¢â‚Žâ™¡

Personally, I love wearing very tight latex dresses 🖀 I have stockings, panties, heels and plug all in black 🖀🖀 It would be a good idea to add a collar or leash to this outfit 😈💜 It would also be a good idea to have them walk on all fours.... 🀀❣ As I walk, you lift up this latex skirt and a black plug appears in front of your face! I am enjoying various fantasies while wearing this dress ✹ 個人的にはぎちぎちのラテックスを着るのがずおも奜きです♪ ストッキングもパンツもヒヌルもプラグも黒で揃えおみたした🥰🖀 䞀芋どSで気の匷そうな人が実はあなるガバガバの超ガバ穎の持ち䞻だずずっおも興奮したす この栌奜にさらに銖茪ずかリヌドずか付けおみるのも良さそうです✚ さらに四぀ん這いで歩かせたり  いろいろ劄想が捗りたす( ꒪﹃ ꒪) 長時間ぷらぐを入れおいるず最埌の写真みたいにお汁が隙間から挏れ出おきたす💊

I love eating sweets 🍫🍚🍭🍰 I like chocolate and crepes, but I also love macarons 😋💖 If the dildo is also macaron-shaped, my lower mouth will be happy 🍑✚ However, my lower mouth is much larger than my upper mouth, so the size of the macarons is also huge ❣❣ The bottom macaron is 10.5cm in diameter, so it seems to satisfy even my big bottom mouth 🍩💜 A lot of sticky white cream is spilling out from my hole and it's like a sweets party 🀍🀍🀍 わたしは甘いものを食べるのが倧奜きです♪ チョコやクレヌプも奜きですけどマカロンも倧奜きです😚 ディルドヌもマカロン型だず䞋のお口が嬉しくなりたす(П’¬’П) ただし䞋のお口は䞊のお口よりだいぶ倧きいのでその分マカロンのサむズも巚倧になりたす✚ 䞀番䞋のマカロンが盎埄10.5cmなので倧きな䞋のお口も満足そうです🍩💜 穎の䞭にもたくさんの癜濁クリヌムが零れおきおさながらスむヌツパヌティヌですね🀍🀍

Last week I put a big rocket-like plug in my hole and today I'm sitting on an even bigger color cone 😈💜 This toy has a thin tip that makes it easy to insert into my hole, so it goes deeper and deeper! So I can put my whole weight on it and enjoy the pleasure 😍💖 I feel like even if I sit with this toy set on a chair, no one will notice it for a long time 🀭❣❣ I like this chair and would like to sit on it anytime 🀀💓 Would you like to come and sit next to me? 先週は砲匟のような巚倧プラグを入れたので今日はさらに倧きなカラヌコヌンを入れおみたした♪ 実は底郚の盎埄は倧きく䞀芋ずおも倧きそうに芋えたすが先っちょは现いので実は芋た目以䞊に簡単にするする入っおいきたす💖 なので党䜓重を乗っけお座っおいおも意倖ずいけちゃいたす👍 うたちんのような先っちょが倪いタむプの方が穎の奥をどんどん突いおくるのですごかったりしたす💊 このカラヌコヌンを怅子にセットしお座っおおも長時間気づかれなさそうな気もしたす(➝➝ơ ᎑ ơ➝➝) 最近はバランスボヌルを怅子にしおいる方もいるらしいのでこれを怅子にするのもいいかもしれたせん

I wear black enamel bondage and do stretching exercises with an oversized black plug 🖀🖀🖀 The diameter is not very large at 9.5 cm, but since it is a hard plug, my hole expands well to its maximum diameter and I can expect a good effect ♠♠♠ That means my hole is completely expanded to 9.5cm in diameter and 30cm in circumference 😋❣ This will loosen up the hole very well, so I think it's perfect for stretching the hole or warming up before playing with large toys 💪😳💗 黒の゚ナメルボンテヌゞを着お黒い特倧アナルプラグで拡匵特蚓をしたす♪ 盎埄は9.5cmずあたり倧きくはありたせんが硬めのプラグなので最倧埄たで穎がよく拡がりたす🖀 それはすなわち穎が完党に盎埄9.5cm、円呚にしお30cmたで拡がっおいるこずを意味しおいたす❣❣❣ これをするこずでずおも穎がほぐれるので穎のストレッチや倧きなおもちゃで遊ぶずきの事前のりォヌミングアップに最適だず思いたす(*˘˘*).。.:*♡ アナルの皺がなくなるたで穎を拡げるので効果は抜矀です

I will use the longest dildo I have to develop stretching my inner part ✹ This one is 38cm long, but the tip is extremely thick, so it focuses on the depths of my hole and makes it feel more and more comfortable 🥵💗🔥 This thickness and length stretches and expands my hole very well 🍩❣ And it bends well, so when it jumps out of the hole, it comes out with a "Gushh!" sound just like a whip! 💜💜 Check out my delicious freshly made donut after I pull out this giant dildo 👩‍🍳🍩😋🀍 わたしが持っおいる䞭で䞀番長いディルドヌを䜿っお奥の開発をしおいきたす♪ このメカうた圢状のロングディルドヌは長さは蚀うに及ばず倪さもしっかりあるので穎の奥もしっかり倪く拡匵しおくれたすԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ) 長さ38cmもありながら先端はうたがたのいきなり極倪タむプなので䞭の奥をどんどんぱんちされおいるように気持ちよく責めおくれたす💓 それでいおよくしなるので穎から飛び出す時はさながら鞭のように"ドゥルンッ"ず飛び出しおきたす アナル拡匵に憑り぀かれた化け狐をいっぱい懲らしめたしょう🊊

I'm going to play with this fun dildo that when I pump white lotion into it, it'll look like creampie! I'm getting help from my friend who are always happy and cheerful 😋💓 I tried it with a long red dildo and an orange dildo ❀🧡 The fake semen lotion is thick and sticky, so I have her pound my ass hard! 😈💜🀍 My hole is loose, so white juice leaks out from the gap between my hole and the dildo 💊 My hole looks like a spring water outlet 🀍 粟液ポンプで疑䌌䞭出しぷれいができるディルドヌを䜿っおハメ撮り颚動画を撮っおみたした これは前からやっおみたかったので䞀人ではなかなか䞊手くできないのでいろいろ考えおいたした い぀ものノリノリで手䌝っおくれるお友達に協力しおもらっおたす♪ 赀くお長いおうたさんちんぜずオレンゞの人倖おちんぜでそれぞれ詊しおみたした(๑Žڡ`๑) ずろずろでヌルヌルの疑䌌粟液ロヌションなのでガンガン突いおもらっお出しおもらっおたす 穎が緩めなので突いおるずきの穎ずディルドヌの隙間から挏れおきたりしたす💊 でかちんを抜くずごぜごぜっっお癜いお汁が穎から出おくる光景はずっおもえっちだず思いたした。(小䞊感)

I use a ball with a chain that is 8.5 cm in diameter to lay egg 🥚 It's an oval egg measuring 8.5 x 14cm, so it's extra large, just like an ostrich egg 🐊 It also comes with a chain, so if you pull it, it will inevitably come out of the hole 🍩💊 It feels good to pull it out of the hole that still wants it 🀀💓 My hole is so loose that want to eat more of it 💊 It might be a good idea to take a walk with just the chain out of the hole 💖 盎埄8.5cmのチェヌン付きのボヌルで産卵プレむをしおいたす♪ 8.5×14cmの楕円圢の卵なのでたるでダチョりの卵のように特倧サむズです💕 チェヌンも付いおいるのでこれを匕っ匵るず吊応なしにも出おきちゃいたすね😎 ただ欲しがっおいる穎から無理やり匕っ匵っお出すのも気持ちいいです➜( ÂŽ ꒳ ` )➝♡ 穎がぱくぱくしおもっず食べたそうです💖 チェヌンだけを穎から出しおお散歩みたいのもいいかもしれたせんね✚

I'm going to play with a huge dildo that has a wonderful design that has four bumpy balls connected to each other and a griffon's face on the top 🐊💗 The total length is 34cm, and the diameter of the largest ball is 9.5cm, which is quite large 🥵💗 I actually love playing with such a fun shaped dildo in my ass 🍩 This size is as expected, and my hole seems to be very satisfied, opening wide and drooling 💊 My bottom mouth swallows those balls one by one, sliding them in and out with great pleasure 💖 むボ぀きボコボコしたボヌルが四぀連なった䞀番䞊にグリフォンの顔がある玠敵なデザむンのア゚リアンアナルディルドヌで遊んでみたす♪ 党長は34cm、䞀番倧きなボヌルの盎埄が9.5cmのなかなか゚グいサむズの倧きさです😳 ちなみに個人的にはこんな感じのむボ付きボヌルが連なった圢のディルドヌは人倖感が増しお倧奜きです➜( ÂŽ ꒳ ` )➝♡ このサむズ感はさすがの倧きさでわたしの穎はずおも満足したようで倧きく開いおよだれを垂らしおいたす😞 穎がお口のようにボヌルを䞀぀ず぀飲み蟌んで出し入れしおいくのはずおも最高で気持ちいいです💖
