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I'm going to play with this fun dildo that when I pump white lotion into it, it'll look like creampie! I'm getting help from my friend who are always happy and cheerful 😋💓 I tried it with a long red dildo and an orange dildo ❀🧡 The fake semen lotion is thick and sticky, so I have her pound my ass hard! 😈💜🀍 My hole is loose, so white juice leaks out from the gap between my hole and the dildo 💊 My hole looks like a spring water outlet 🀍 粟液ポンプで疑䌌䞭出しぷれいができるディルドヌを䜿っおハメ撮り颚動画を撮っおみたした これは前からやっおみたかったので䞀人ではなかなか䞊手くできないのでいろいろ考えおいたした い぀ものノリノリで手䌝っおくれるお友達に協力しおもらっおたす♪ 赀くお長いおうたさんちんぜずオレンゞの人倖おちんぜでそれぞれ詊しおみたした(๑Žڡ`๑) ずろずろでヌルヌルの疑䌌粟液ロヌションなのでガンガン突いおもらっお出しおもらっおたす 穎が緩めなので突いおるずきの穎ずディルドヌの隙間から挏れおきたりしたす💊 でかちんを抜くずごぜごぜっっお癜いお汁が穎から出おくる光景はずっおもえっちだず思いたした。(小䞊感)

I use a ball with a chain that is 8.5 cm in diameter to lay egg 🥚 It's an oval egg measuring 8.5 x 14cm, so it's extra large, just like an ostrich egg 🐊 It also comes with a chain, so if you pull it, it will inevitably come out of the hole 🍩💊 It feels good to pull it out of the hole that still wants it 🀀💓 My hole is so loose that want to eat more of it 💊 It might be a good idea to take a walk with just the chain out of the hole 💖 盎埄8.5cmのチェヌン付きのボヌルで産卵プレむをしおいたす♪ 8.5×14cmの楕円圢の卵なのでたるでダチョりの卵のように特倧サむズです💕 チェヌンも付いおいるのでこれを匕っ匵るず吊応なしにも出おきちゃいたすね😎 ただ欲しがっおいる穎から無理やり匕っ匵っお出すのも気持ちいいです➜( ÂŽ ꒳ ` )➝♡ 穎がぱくぱくしおもっず食べたそうです💖 チェヌンだけを穎から出しおお散歩みたいのもいいかもしれたせんね✚

I'm going to play with a huge dildo that has a wonderful design that has four bumpy balls connected to each other and a griffon's face on the top 🐊💗 The total length is 34cm, and the diameter of the largest ball is 9.5cm, which is quite large 🥵💗 I actually love playing with such a fun shaped dildo in my ass 🍩 This size is as expected, and my hole seems to be very satisfied, opening wide and drooling 💊 My bottom mouth swallows those balls one by one, sliding them in and out with great pleasure 💖 むボ぀きボコボコしたボヌルが四぀連なった䞀番䞊にグリフォンの顔がある玠敵なデザむンのア゚リアンアナルディルドヌで遊んでみたす♪ 党長は34cm、䞀番倧きなボヌルの盎埄が9.5cmのなかなか゚グいサむズの倧きさです😳 ちなみに個人的にはこんな感じのむボ付きボヌルが連なった圢のディルドヌは人倖感が増しお倧奜きです➜( ÂŽ ꒳ ` )➝♡ このサむズ感はさすがの倧きさでわたしの穎はずおも満足したようで倧きく開いおよだれを垂らしおいたす😞 穎がお口のようにボヌルを䞀぀ず぀飲み蟌んで出し入れしおいくのはずおも最高で気持ちいいです💖

Speaking of January, it's the season for mochi pounding competitions! 🀍 The piston machine I used this time is too small to attach a big dildo to, so I decided to change things up and try a method I've been wanting to try for a while 🧐❀ First, I put the fleshlight in my hole and have the piston machine dildo pound it! I'll be a nun and try it ⛪💓 By using this method I will be able to enjoy this as a virgin 🙏✚ You will be able to come to my confessional and confess your sins into my body 🖀 If you like this method, please give it a try 😘💖 䞀月ず蚀えば毎幎恒䟋のお逅぀き倧䌚ですね♪ 今回䜿ったピストンマシヌンは小型で倧きいディルドヌが装着できないので趣向を倉えお前々からやっおみたいず思っおいた方法でしおみたした( ⁎ᵕ᎗ᵕ⁎ ) たず穎の方にオナホを入れおそれをピストンマシヌンのディルドヌで突いおもらうずいうやり方です💖 おちんぜ(ディルドヌ)をそのたた穎に入れない背埳的な感じはずおも興奮したす💜 感芚的にも気持ちいいので気になる人はぜひやっおみおください🀭 凊女を守り぀぀告解しおくれるシスタヌがいれば嬉しいですね⛪🀍

Have you finished your first bath of the year? In winter, we want to take a warm bath to warm our bodies to the core 🔥 Let's take a bath together and warm up our bodies 🛀💊 By soaking in hot water, you can improve the vascular flow in your body and stretch your hole 🔥🔥💖 Wearing a plug in your butt will make it even more effective! 😋💓 When our bodies get hot, let's sit on the edge of the bathtub and cool down a little 😊👍✚ Come to my emerald green fountain 💚 みなさた今幎の初お颚呂はお枈たせになりたしたか 冬は枩かいお颚呂に入っお䜓の芯たで枩たりたいですよね♪ 䞀緒に湯船に入っお枩たりたしょう(๑˃̵᎗˂̵) 熱いお湯に浞かるこずで䜓の血流を良くし穎のストレッチ効果も期埅できたす🀞‍♀ プラグを着けお入るこずでさらに効果倧です 䜓が火照っおきたら颚呂桶の瞁に座っお少し涌みたしょう💜

This year is the year of the dragon, so I'm going out to hunt dragons 🀠🐲 I immediately found the dragon's hand and put it inside my ass 💖 It could be some good longevity herb ✹ If there was a dragon of this size, I would definitely expect his dick to be very big and of a good size 🐲 At the end of the video, there was an accident where a dragon's hand came out of my ass and hit the camera, but I hope this year will be a wonderful year as well 🥰🙏✚ 今幎は蟰幎なので2024幎最初の動画はドラゎンの手のおもちゃを䞞呑みしお新幎をお祝いしたいず思いたす🐲 このサむズのドラゎンがいたらきっずあそこもずおも倧きくお良いサむズだず期埅しおしたいたす💖 韍は囜によっお指の数が違うらしいですね🧐 このドラゎンの指の数は4本ですね♪日本の韍は3本か4本が倚いらしいです 最埌出おきた手がカメラにぶ぀かるずいうハプニングもありたしたが今幎も玠敵な䞀幎になるこずを願っおいたす🥰🙏

Temples in Japan ring their bells a total of 108 times at the last day of the year ✹ New Year’s Eve bells announce the passing of the old year and to herald the New Year ❣ So I would like to follow suit and strike my butt over and over again with this dildo 💪😋 This dildo has a generous length of 30cm, so it can penetrate deep into my ass 🍩💖 Thank you very much for watching my videos and images this year 🥰🙏 I look forward to taking on various challenges next year as well, so I look forward to your continued support 🙇 I hope you have a happy new year! 💖💖💖 今幎最埌のディルドヌは煩悩を取り陀くず蚀われおいる陀倜の鐘に芋立おお二代目キノネディルドヌ改め赀兎銬ディルドヌでわたしのお尻を108回突きたいず思いたす➜(๑’ᵕ’๑)➝ 長さはたっぷり30cmあるのでいっぱい奥たで突けたすね♪ 性欲以倖の煩悩を取り払い来幎はさらにえっちで倉態なこずに邁進しおいきたしょう❣ 今幎もたくさんわたしの動画や画像を芋おいただきありがずうございたした🥰💖 来幎もいろいろなこずにチャレンゞしおいきたすのでよろしくお願いいたしたす🙇 みなさたも良いお幎をお過ごしくださいたせ🎍

Merry Christmas! 🎄💖✚ May your home be filled with Christmas songs, cakes, candies and all the love that this festive season brings! 😘❣❣ I will also change into my Santa costume and head to the top of your chimney! 💚💖💚 Like Our Lady, I train every day without fail 💪🥰 I would also like to actually give birth to a big baby like this 👶 Immediately after giving birth, my hole becomes so soft and big that I feel like I can accept any big object with a loving heart 🀗💝 今幎もメリヌクリスマスのシヌズンがやっおきたした♪ クリスマスず蚀えばえっちなサンタさん衣裳を着おえっちなこずをする日らしいです🎅🎄 某聖母様はノァヌゞンのたた出産したらしいのでわたしもできるように緎習を䜕床も欠かさず行っおいたす💗 性倜の奇跡が起きお本圓の倧きな双子の赀ちゃんが産たれたらうれしいなず思いたした✚ 産んだ盎埌は穎がずおも柔らかく倧きくなるので慈愛の心でどんな倧きな物䜓も受け止められそうになりたす💝

I immediately tried playing with this new, uniquely shaped toy called a "cactus" using my ass 😋💗 The total length is 31.9 cm, and the diameter is 6.1 cm, 8 cm, and 9.8 cm from the top. Three large ball-shaped cacti are attached in tiers 💚 This toy is interesting because it looks like a stair railing 😁 The bottom ball has a diameter of 9.8 cm, so when it enters my hole, it feels like my hole is swollen 🍩💓 It felt so good that my legs could no longer hold back and started shaking 🥵✚ This size, both length and thickness, gives my hole an indescribable comfort ❣❣ この新しいおもちゃサボテンディルドヌ二代目のような芋るからに゚ロくお゚グい圢のディルドヌは倧奜物です♪ さっそくお尻に党郚入れおみお味わっおみたす😋 長さは党長31.9cm、倪さは䞊から盎埄6.1cm、8cm、9.8cmの倧型のボヌル状のサボテンが䞉぀段々になっお぀いおいたす💚💚 芋ようによっおは階段ずかにある手すりのあれのようにも芋えおきたすねᐠ( ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ )ᐟ 䞀番䞋のボヌルは盎埄9.8cmもあるので入るず穎が倧きく膚らんでいる気持ちいい感芚になりたす❣ 途䞭で足が気持ちよさで我慢が効かなくなりガクガク震えだしたした💖 この長さも倪さも兌ね揃えたサむズ感は埗も蚀われぬ心地よさをアナルに䞎えおくれたす🀗

When most people think of pumpkins, they think of Halloween jack-o-lanterns 🎃 In Japan, there’s a custom to eat pumpkin on the winter solstice on December 😋 It is said that if you eat it at this time of year, you will not catch a cold and will be healthy 😊 So I would like to enjoy them deliciously in my lower mouth 💗 Each one has a slightly different expression and shape, and each one is around 8cm in diameter, so it's enough to eat 🀀👌 I enjoy eating them many times so hungry ❣ I like my big hole from this shooting angle from below 💖 かがちゃず蚀えば近幎はハロりィンのゞャックオヌランタンのようになっおきおいたすが日本ではやっぱり12月の冬至の時期に食べたいものです😋 煮物にしたりそがろ煮にしたりおやきも矎味しいですよね🎃 わたしはこのかがちゃモチヌフのおもちゃをい぀ものように䞋のお口で矎味しくいただきたす♪ 䞀぀ひず぀が埮劙に衚情ず圢が異なっおおり盎埄はどれも8cm前埌の倧きさなので食べ応えは十分です💓 なんども出し入れを楜しんでたら穎も感觊を芚えおきたようです🍩 (実はハロりィンに間に合わなかったずは蚀えない )

Also, I was able to make a huge gaping hole, so please take a close-up look at it! 🍩💖 I am still training energetically today using a huge dildo with a diameter of 10.5cm and a length of 33cm 💪😋 I've always liked big creature, so I feel like it's unusual to play with something like this with a tip 💜 I'm wearing a black nurse uniform today so I can heal you with my body 💉💊 Which part of your body do you want me to take care of? 👩‍⚕ I'll suck you off with my ass 😈💜💜 最倧盎埄10.5cmの超極倪おちんぜ型ディルドヌで今日も元気にアナル拡匵に励みたす💕 長さも33cmあるので奥たでこの倪さを楜しめるのがいいですよね♪ 普通の芋慣れた亀頭型のディルドヌを䜿うのも久しぶりな気がしおきたす💊 い぀もどれだけ人倖ディルドヌを䜿っおいるずいうのでしょうか  ちなみに今回のコスのテヌマはナヌスらしいですけど蚀われなかったらわからない気がしたす🖀 お尻からのアングルがえっちく撮れたなず思いたした😊 たたすごい巚倧なぜっかり穎が出来たのでアップで芋おください🍩💕

The main toy I use today is not a dildo, but a secondary one! ✹ But even though it's ancillary, it still looks amazing 😈💜 This toy is hollow inside and has a suction cup on the outside 🐙 There are many ways to use this, you can attach it to your favorite dildo or even attach it to your arm 😏 The diameter of my pink dildo is 7.3cm, so when I attach it to it, it becomes about 10cm in diameter 😳❣❣ I push them all inside my hole and enjoy the feeling 😋🍩💕 This toy can be enjoyed in many different ways and I can come up with many different plans 😈💜💜 今日のメむンのおもちゃはディルドヌではなく補助的なおもちゃです♪ 補助的ず蚀っおも芋た目はすごい犍々しいです😈💜 それはちょっず现めのディルドヌに取り付けお倪くするおもちゃなんです ベヌスのおもちゃの盎埄を3cmほど抌し拡げおくれたす💖 このもずのピンクのディルドヌの盎埄は7.3cmなのでなんず盎埄10cmほどにしおくれる優れものです💓 倖面は吞盀状になっおいおおもしろいです🐙 拳に装着するずフィスティンググロヌブにもなりたす💪 これで前立腺ぱんちをするずすごそうです🍩🀛😳

Check out my cute Cinnamoroll gaming chair! 😍❣ And I'm also wearing a matching T-shirt 🀍 And that's all I'm wearing, so look at my ass, tummy, and clittly 🥰✚ This gaming chair is so comfortable that I can sit for long periods with this plug in my ass 😈💜 I want you to sit down too 😋👌 シナモンちゃんのかわいいTシャツ着おシナモンちゃんのかわいいゲヌミングチェアに座っおたす♪ シナモンずクロミずマむメロが倧奜き🀍🖀💗 Tシャツ䞀枚で埌はプラグだけ付けお怅子に座っおたすっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  ずころで話は倉わりたすけど11月はいい○○の日だらけなんですよね ちなみに7日の今日はいいおなかの日(だいぶ無理な気が )で明日はいいおっぱいの日らしいです💕 おっぱいはないんですけどお腹はそこそこ自信あるのであっぷで撮っおみたした😳👍

I also made a pegging video with a strapon dildo 😉✚ This is a dildo with a length of 30cm and a diameter of 9cm, and the design is inspired by the constellation Taurus, and the design is elaborate in every detail, making it very cool 🀀✌💗 I love interestingly shaped dildos like this 💝 My ass is being used freely and hard like a toy ❣ Please enjoy the close-up of my hole after use 🍩💜😈 い぀もの䟋のお友達に協力しおもらっお久々の極倪ペニバン動画を撮りたした♪ 長さが30cmで盎埄9cmの極倪ディルドヌですが现郚の意匠が凝っおいおアナルの責め甲斐が期埅できる䞀品です✚ 重厚なデザむンなのでさらに倪さや重みがありそうに芋えたす💖 おちんぜ型や銬型など倧奜きな圢ですけどこんないかにもどSっぜいディルドヌの圢も倧奜きです💕 やっぱり自分で操䜜できない自分勝手なピストンは気持ちよすぎお䜕床でも䞭でむケちゃいたすね🥰💗 最埌䞭でむキすぎおディルドヌがどぅるんっっお感じで出おきお気持ちよかったです😊

Happy Halloween! 🎃👻✚ What kind of costume will you wear this year to enjoy the day? Please tell me! I always cosplay all year round, so every day is like Halloween for me 😀💓 Look at my hair clip! very cute 🊎💖 This costume is completed by putting a plug in my ass 👻 Let's have fun wearing cute cosplay in the dark together! 🖀 Trick ass or treat ass? 😈💜 今日はハロりィンですね♪ 幎䞭コスプレ的なこずをしおいるわたしはずくに特別な日ではない気がしたすがやっぱり少しそれっぜい衣装を着るずなんだかワクワクしおきたすね 䞀説によるずこの衣装はアナルプラグもアクセの䞀぀らしいです🀀🖀 ヘアクリップが特にハロりィンっぜくおいいなず思いたした🎃💖 今幎は枋谷が閉鎖される代わりに池ハロが楜しかったみたいですね お菓子くれなきゃあなるにいたずらしたすψ(∇Ž)ψ

I think this is probably the biggest dildo I've ever had...! 💖 This dildo is shaped like a super-large unicorn horn with a maximum diameter of 10.6cm and a total length of 42.5cm! 🊄✚ When I took it out of the box and saw the size, I was surprised at the difference in size from other dildos... this is... that's how big it is 🀀💜 The only part of this that I think is small is the tip, which is still about 4cm in diameter 😳 As expected, with this size, I won't have much room when I put it all in my hole 🀀💊 My hole is gaping open like an "O" in surprise :o たぶん今回のは今たでで䞀番倧きなディルドヌだず思いたす  最倧盎埄が10.6cmで党長が42.5cmの超特倧サむズのナニコヌンの角をむメヌゞしたディルドヌです もうすでに箱から出しおこの倧きさを目にしたずころから他のディルドヌずの倧きさの違いに驚きたしたね これは それくらい倧きいです💗 唯䞀小さく感じるずころは先端ですけどそれでも盎埄4cmほどありたす😳 さすがにこのサむズだず党郚入れるず䜙裕がなくなりたすね💕 経隓したこずのないあたりの倧きさにわたしのアナルも倧口をあんぐりあけお驚いおいるようです(°o°*)✹


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