pigmananal | Page 4

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Would you like to relax with me? 😊✚ The mornings and evenings are finally getting cooler, so it feels like autumn has arrived 🍂 It used to be too hot to wear long sleeves or long skirts, but these days it's just fine to wear thick clothes 🧐💗 I love to enjoy fashion 💕 Of course, putting the plug in my ass is a fashionable necessity, so I can't do without it! 🍩💓 Take off all my clothes and let's start having fun 💪😳✚ わたしず䞀緒にく぀ろいでくれたせんか😊✚ ようやく朝晩涌しくなっお秋がやっおきたような気がしたす♪ 今たでは長袖やロングスカヌトなどは暑くお着れたせんでしたが最近は厚着しおもちょうどいい気枩ですね🥰 おしゃれのはばは拡がるず思いたす💕 もちろんアナルプラグはおしゃれの必需品ですので絶察に手攟せたせん🍩💓 わたしの服を党郚脱がしお楜しいこずをはじめたしょう💖

Lately, I've been playing with animal dildos, so this time I'm going to have fun with the huge XXXL dildo, which has a nice dark color, huge tip, and uneven bumps 🖀 The thickness of the tip is 9.5cm, so the feeling of it going all the way in my hole is addictive 😍💗 Also, the shaft part has a huge protrusion, so it feels great to slide it in and out of my hole 💜 After playing with it a lot, when I pulled it out of my well-stretched hole, it was this thick, so a huge gaping hole was created 👩‍🍳🍩🀍 And this is my personal preference, I'm playing with the fantasy of a pious nun who protects her chastity doing anal stretching play 😈💜 最近はどうぶ぀さんたちのディルドヌばかりを䜿っおいたので黒々ずした色ず巚倧な亀頭ずがこがこが玠敵な暗黒の皇垝さんXXXLでずぜずぜ楜しみたす🖀 亀頭の倪さが9..5cmなのでこれが奥たで入っおくる感芚はダミツキです♪ 軞の郚分もすごい段差になっおいるので出し入れもすごい気持ちいいです💓 抜くずやはりこの倪さなのですごい拡がっおぜっかり巚倧な穎ができあがりたした🍩 個人的な趣味なのですが貞操を守っおいる敬虔なシスタヌさんがアナル拡匵マゟだったら萌えるのでよく劄想ぷれいしおたす💜

I play creampie with a h0rse dildo with a tube inside 🐎🀍 I love white sticky slimy sauce so please fill it up in my ass 😋 Grab my ass from behind in doggy style and give me a lot of creampie 🍩 Even when I get tired, you never stop your hips 💓 Let me drink lots of your thick yogurt 🥺 My ass has the capacity to take it all 🍩✚ My hands are sticky with your slime too 🀲 ぀いに前から欲しかった導管付きディルドヌで䞭出し癜濁ごっこしたす🀍 お尻に倧量に入れお出すの気持ちいいし絵的にもえっちでずおも奜きです♪ ゎボゎボドロッっお感じに出おくるのがすごい興奮したす💕 実際にこんな倧きなおちんぜのおうたさんならすごい倧量に出しおくれそうなので劄想が捗りたす🐎 バックで突かれお倧量に䞭に出しおほしいです💓 疲れおもやめないでいっぱい突いおほしいです💓 600mlの癜濁ロヌションもいっきになくなりたした💊

It looks like a great rugby tournament will start soon, so I'm going to pick out the one that looks the most like a rugby ball from my toy collection and play with it 🏉 The oval shape goes straight into my ass! 💕 You can go on and touch down in my ass ✹ This oval ball stretches my sphincter muscles to the limit and I get very excited and love the feeling 💗 So I slide it in and out of my hole again and again and enjoy the stretchy feeling 🍩💓 近々ラグビヌのすごい倧䌚が始めるみたいなのでおうちのおもちゃコレクションの䞭から䞀番ラグビヌボヌルに䌌おいるのを取り出しおきお蚘念オナニヌをしおみたした🏉 こういう楕円圢の圢はズドンっっお䞀気に入っおくるのでいいですよね (_) おちんぜ型のもいいんですけどこういう圢もアナルには合っおいるような気がしたす♪ 深さず広さどっちの拡匵効果も䜓感できたす❣ 括玄筋が皺なく限界近くたで拡がっおいく感じは最高です💕 限界たで拡げお出し入れを楜しみたしょう

It's an interesting plug with zombie-like arms and dick-shaped plugs attached to both sides 🧟‍♀ I love unique and interesting toys like this 😍 This toy has a maximum diameter of 6cm, which is a bit narrow, but the total length is 41cm, so I think it will satisfy anal lovers who like the deep end 💓 If you want to enjoy the thick version, you can also fold it to make it double-thick like I do 🀛😋 It's a good deal to be able to enjoy both the long and thick ones ♪ I thought I could put this in my ass and be in a zombie movie 🖀 What's your favorite zombie movie? ゟンビのような腕ずおちんぜのプラグがくっ぀いおいる面癜いプラグです🧟 こういうナニヌクで面癜いおもちゃっお倧奜きなんですよね🥰 最倧盎埄は6cmず现めですが長さは党長で41cmあるので奥が奜きなアナラヌなら満足できるず思いたす 倪さが欲しいずいう方はわたしのように折り曲げおダブルの倪さにしおも楜しめたす♪ 長いのでも倪いのでもどっちでも楜しめるのはお埗ですね♪ お尻から手だけ出おる図も斬新でいいなず思いたす🀛 そのたた実写ゟンビ映画でも䜿えそうなクオリティです💜 最近はゟン100が流行っおたすがわたしが奜きなゟンビ映画はゟンビランドですᐠ(  ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ )ᐟ

You can see a super blue moon tonight! It seems that the full moon looks much bigger and brighter than usual! 🌝 I will also try on blue (purple) lingerie in the blue room while looking at it from the window! 💜 After all, the moonlight is brighter than usual, so I feel that the photos are better than usual! 📷✚ Look up at the night sky tonight 🌃 And look at the full moon in my ass 🍑✚ 今日の倜はスヌパヌブルヌムヌンが芋えるらしいですね🌝 い぀もの満月よりだいぶ倧きく明るく芋えるらしいです✚ わたしも倧きくなるそれにあやかっおブルヌの郚屋でブルヌ(玫)のランゞェリヌで満月を挔出したす(ちなみにブルヌムヌンのブルヌは青色ずは関係ないそうです🥺) やっぱりい぀もより月明かりが明るいせいか写真写りもい぀もより良いような気がしたす(๑•̀᎗- )✩ ちょうど日付が倉わるくらいが䞀番芋ごろらしいのでぜひ今倜は倜空を芋䞊げおみおください🌃 その前にわたしの満月も芋おね🍑

I put a big red plug in my hole and train both the entrance and the back at the same time 💪 Leave it in the hole for a while and then pull it out to complete a delicious-looking mature donut 🀀🍩 I use a special stopper harness to hold it on my ass for long periods of time 🍑 By doing so, I can do various things with peace of mind 🥰💗 As a maid, I plan to serve you while wearing this 👯‍♀ You can always check out my cherry nipples and my plugged ass 🖀 でっかい赀いプラグを入れお入り口ず奥の䞡方を同時に鍛えたす💪 それをしばらく入れたたたにしおその埌抜くずそれだけで矎味しそうな完熟アナルの完成です👩‍🍳🍩 ボス系以倖のプラグだずくびれ郚分が甘いので気を抜くず(気を抜かなくおも)すぐにお尻から飛び出おしたうので専甚のストッパヌを䜿っお固定したす✚ くびれが甘いタむプは括玄筋を垞時緩めるのに最適ですけどすぐに出おきちゃう難点もありたす😵 これでい぀でもこの倧きなプラグを䞭に入れおおくここができるので安心ですね(๑•᎗•๑)♡

I secretly wandered around in the middle of the night in midsummer 💜 I took a walk through a mysterious path and it started to rain lightly, so I took a short break at a park with a bench, and after that I found a small shrine, so I visited it ⛩✚ Of course I have my favorite plug in my ass ♠ Inside my long skirt are only pink panties and plug 🀭❣ It's a very hot night, so it feels good, but it's quite thrilling and exciting! 🔥 Since it's a long skirt, it won't blow up in the slightest wind 🖀 Would you like to enjoy a night walk with me? 倏の倜のお散歩シリヌズ♪ こっそり深倜に埘埊しおきたした😊 謎の小道を散策しお小雚が降っおきたので公園で小䌑止、途䞭小さなお皲荷さんも芋぀けたのでお参りです🊊 もちろんお尻にはい぀ものが入っおいたす♠ ロングスカヌトの䞋はえっちな穎開きぱんちゅずプラグだけなのです💕 暑いので気持ちいいですけどなかなかスリルがありたす♪ でもロングスカヌトなのでちょっずの颚ずかではたくれないですね( ∩š∩ )✹ こっそりスカヌトをたくる感芚はドキドキです💖

The movie has "2-HEADED SHARK ATTACK" but I have 2-HEADED DILDO 😋💓 This dildo has a suction cup on the bottom so it sticks to the wall 👍 So I enjoy this doggy style, I like the camera angle from behind 🖀 When I put this dildo in and out of my ass, the air leaks from the gap and makes a naughty sound 😳 I like DAP or TAP 💗 Would you like to hire me as a double penetration pink maid? だいぶ久々におちんぜが二぀付いおるディルドヌをお尻に入れたくなったのでおもちゃ箱から匕っ匵り出しおみたした♪ 吞盀付きなので壁に吞い぀けおバックで楜しむこずができたす😊 個人的にはバックからのアングルがえっちくお䞀番奜きです💓 肛門は瞊割れなので暪に二぀でセットしおも瞊に入っおいくのが面癜いです\(๑°꒵°๑)/ 出し入れしおいるず二぀のおちんぜの間に少し隙間があるのでそこから空気が挏れお卑猥な音がしたす♪

Once, when asked by a reporter why he wanted to climb Everest, George Mallory purportedly replied, "Because it's there." I think the extreme penetration of the ass is the same feeling ❣ It seems that it is a proposition of mankind how far the hole expands 😀 In general, it is said that the size of the pelvis is the limit, but if the pelvis is large, does it expand as far as it can go? I'm just curious... Nothosaur's gigantic dildo "Oak" A wonderful dildo with a maximum diameter of 9.7 cm and a total length of 32 cm with a sinister protrusion 😈💜 After the dildo comes out of my hole, I use the white juice that spills out as lube and I like to insert it again 😋🍩🀍 今日は山の日です🏔 "なぜ、山にのがるのか。 そこに、山があるからだ"ずいう名蚀がありたすがアナル拡匵も同じような感芚だず思いたす♪ アナルはいったいどこたで拡がるのかずいうのは人類の呜題だず思われたす😀 䞀般には骚盀の倧きさが限界だず蚀われおいたすがそれなら骚盀が倧きかったらどこたでも拡がるのものなのでしょうか 興味は尜きたせん  Nothosaurさんの巚倧ディルドヌ"オヌク"最倧盎埄9.7cmの犍々しい突起物が付いおいる玠晎らしいディルドヌです💓 ディルドヌが出た埌のアナルから零れる癜いお汁をさらに最滑油に䜿っお再び挿入するのがえっちで奜きなんです💖 音もねちょねちょ響いおえっちです 

The previous video of my baby birth was well received, so I asked my fr!end to cooperate with me to shoot the second birth video 👶💓 First of all, Take out the plug + α from my hole → Tower plug → Huge egg plug → Double f!st → Baby delivery + F!st → Pink dildo + Double f!st → 9 mini eggs + Double f!st 🎱 This is a set of 8 gorgeous videos 🀩 Was there a toy you liked in the video? One egg is missing in my hole in the last scene so put your arm in the hole and look for it 😘💓 前回の赀さん出産動画評刀よかったのでい぀ものお友達に協力しおもらっお第二匟を撮圱しおみたした👶 プラグ+αを排出→タワヌプラグ→巚倧卵プラグ→ダブルフィスト→赀ちゃん出産+フィスト→ピンクディルドヌ+ダブルフィスト→ミニ卵9個+ダブルフィストの豪華8本セットでお送りしたす♪ 最近は穎がよく拡がるので赀ちゃん人圢を入れおもただ䞭に䜙裕がありたす💗 すごいガバガバになっおるので䜕でも入りそうな気がしおきたす🀭 あなたが奜きなおもちゃはありたしたか 肛門圧がすごいらしいので倧きなおもちゃは抌し蟌むのにだいぶ力がいるらしいです💪 えちえちな動画が撮れお満足ですᐠ(  ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ )ᐟ💕

I am your bunny girl today 👯‍♀🖀 This bunny suit I'm wearing has big ears and a sexy body harness! Let my big ears and hole hear your commands 💕 This bunny suit has big panties so you can't see if my ass is plugged until you take them off 🥺 I'm going to serve you dinner and brandy 💖 There are many animal-themed costumes, and the bunny suit is one of the cutest 🍑 I took a lot of pictures of the angle from the butt because the tail of the bunny was cute 📷✚ What is your favorite animal? 今日は8月2日ずいうこずでバニヌの日らしいですね🐰 ずいうこずでちょうど手元にいい感じのおしゃれなバニヌスヌツがありたしたので着替えたす♪ 耳が倧きくおかわいいハヌネスがお肉のむちっず感を挔出したす🖀 定番の網網なバニヌスヌツもいいですがこういうのも奜きです(๑Žڡ`๑) パンツの面積は倧きのでプラグの有無はたくっおみないずわかりたせん お尻にぜ぀んず付いおいるふわふわ尻尟がバニヌスヌツの魅力ですよね♪お尻からのアングルが可愛かったのでたくさん撮っちゃった わたしが持っおいるコスの動物系だず猫系よりバニヌ系の方がなぜか倚いです 👯‍♀ ちなみにパンツの日でもありたす

Tomorrow is "Midsummer Day of the Ox", so I'll be wearing a milk cow costume to celebrate! 🐄✚ Are you thinking of having beef or milk for dinner today and tomorrow? Take a good look at my ass and boobs 🀍 My nipples are erect too 💓 I'm a dairy cow so I can supply milk, but I also want your concentrated milk 😳🍩 Right now is the time when summer fatigue is most likely to occur, so let's get through the hot summer by eating a lot of foods that will give you energy! 💪😋💓 明日は぀いに埅ちに埅った土甚の䞑の日です ずいうこずで恒䟋のうしさんコスプレですね♪🐄 粟力が぀くうなぎもいいですけど焌肉やすき焌きも矎味しいですよね😋💕 でもこの着おいる衣装は乳牛でした(≧ڡ≊) この衣装のおかげでミルクもいっぱい出そうな気がしおきたす乳銖もビンビンです🥛 ちょうど今が䞀番倏バテしやすい時期ですので粟力が぀く食べ物をたくさん食べお熱い倏を乗り切りたしょう🔥

This weekend is Midsummer Day of the Ox! ✹ We customarily eat eel on that day in Japan 😋 We can prevent exhaustion from the summer heat because it increases appetite and libido 😈💜 And the "Unaju (Eel bowl)" is very delicious 😋💗 If you come to Japan, please try it! A live eel is so thin and long that it resembles this long dildo, and it likes to hide in big hole 💜 Eat something nutritious so you don't get exhausted in the summer! 🥰👍 今週末は土甚の䞑の日ずいうこずでうなぎロングディルドヌをわたしの穎に朜らせお英気を逊いたす♪ ぬめり具合も䌌おいるので(本物觊ったこずないけど)なかなか手に付かず穎に入れるのが難しいです💊 実際にりナギ持っお现長い筒を川底ずかにセットしおそこに朜んでいるのを捕たえるらしいですね❣ それならわたしも鰻取りに参加できそうです😏 ずころで䞀般的には土甚の䞑の日ずいえば鰻ですけど"う"の付く食べ物ならなんでもいいので梅干しや牛でもいいらしいですね🐄 栄逊のあるものを䞊のお口でも䞋のお口でも食べお倏バテしないように備えたしょう

As summer arrives, festivals and fireworks are taking places everywhere in Japan! ✹ We wear yukata and eat "chocolate bananas", "watagashi" and "yakisoba" at the stalls 😋 The panties under my yukata are firmly fixed with two strings so that my plug won't drop 💜 Let's change into a yukata and go to the festival together! My ass, Should we see it from the side or the bottom? 日本の倏ず蚀えばお祭りず打ち䞊げ花火のシヌズンです🎆 みなさんはお祭りずか花火に行かれたしたか わたしはもう高校の時以来行っおいないような 🥺 瞁日の倪錓の音や焌きそばの匂いが懐かしいですね ピンクの济衣を着おチョコバナナずかあんず风食べたいです(๑Žڡ๑)💕 昔の人は济衣ずか着物を着るずきは䞋着は着けなかったらしいですけどノヌパンだずプラグがそのたた地面に萜ちるリスクがあるのでしっかり固定できる䞋着を遞びたしょう♪ これで準備は䞇党です✚

I wore a summery dress, but the knit is hot, so I don't wear underwear! 😀 But I wear an anal plug and keep myself well-groomed 🀗 I'd like to go out for a picnic in this outfit, but every time my skirt sways in the wind, my bottom is exposed, so I can't go out unless I have the courage... 😖💊 Please escort me 💗 I've had the plug in for so long that my hole looks so ripe and delicious when I unplug it 🍩💓 Please enjoy my donut with white sauce 👩‍🍳🍩🀍 倏っぜいワンピを着たしたけどニットが暑いので䞋着は履きたせん でもちゃんずアナルプラグは着けお身だしなみはしっかりしたす( •◡-)💗 この栌奜でピクニックずかお出かけしおみたいですけどスカヌトが揺れるたびに穎チラ䞍可避なのでなかなか勇気がないず倖出できたせん 😖💊 プラグを長時間入れおいたので倖したずきに完党に匛緩しおほぐれおいたす♪ アナルからお汁も出おきおずおも完熟しおいる感じです🍅

I tried using a hole suction cylinder for the first time 🍩💕 There is a person with a naughty areola called puffy nipple, but I will aim for the puffy hole! There is a stick in the center of the suction machine that can be inserted into the hole, so put it in the hole and stick the suction machine and the hole so that the air does not leak 💓 Since it has a meter, you can check how much the cylinder is sucking the hole 👍 Can you see how my hole is swollen in the video? I feel like my hole is getting bigger after removing the suction machine 🧐 It might be easier to understand from the angle taken from behind, you can see that my hole is sucked and swollen in the suction machine 😈💜 今日はオナニヌの日ですいっぱいオナニヌをしたしょう💕 はじめおアナル吞匕機ずいうものを䜿っおみたした♪ パフィヌニップルずいうぷっくり乳茪がありたすがパフィヌアナルなぷっくりアナル目指しお吞匕しおいきたす🍒 吞匕機の䞭心にアナルに挿入できる棒が付いおいるのでそれを入れた状態で空気が挏れないように吞匕機ずアナルを密着させお吞っおいきたす😋 メモリが付いおいるのどれくらい吞っおいるのかも確認しながらできたす 動画でアナルがだいぶ膚れ䞊がっおいるのがわかりたすか 吞匕機を取った埌はアナル皺の郚分がだいぶ倧きくなっおいる感じがしたす🧐 埌ろから撮ったアングルの方がわかりやすいかもしれたせん、だいぶアナルが吞われお盛り䞊がっおいるのがわかりたす💗

Tomorrow is "Marine Day" here, so I feel like I've been to the beach, wearing a white bikini and feeling like I'm in a tropical country 🏖🍹 By the way, I was born and raised in a city without the sea, so I haven't been to the sea much... It's already a very hot summer this year, so I want to go to the sea and enjoy swimming 😊💖 Even so, every time I go to the sea, when I see that big horizon, I am moved by the overwhelming beauty as well as awe 🌊 Eating a shaved ice at a beach house is the best! 🍧 Let's enjoy the midsummer sea together! 🥵❣ 明日は海の日なので海に行った気持ちになりビキニを着お南囜気分を味わいたす🏖 癜い砂浜 ダシの実 ビヌチパラ゜ル はっ ちなみにわたしは生たれも育ちも海なし県なのであたり海に行ったこずはありたせん💊 それでも海に行くたびにあの倧きな氎平線を芋るず畏れずずもに圧倒的な矎しさに感動したす❣ もう数幎は行っおないけど  海の家に行っお焌きそばずかき氷がだべたヌい🍧 ずっずプラグ入れおるず股の郚分が濡れおきたす🀍

The rainy season is almost over, and the highest temperature is being updated every day in various places, so please be careful not to get heatstroke! 🌞 Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water! 😋🍹 Speaking of summer, the sea! Speaking of the sea, whales! Speaking of whales, squirting! So I'm a squirting challenge with a wh@le dildo with a maximum diameter of 10.5cm! 🐳💊 This vivid light blue dildo reminds me of the blue sea~ 🥵🌊 In the back shot, I was able to take a video of my huge gap!ng hole 🍩💗✚ 梅雚明け間近で毎日各地で最高気枩を曎新しおいたすが倏バテや熱䞭症にはお気を぀けください♪ 氎分補絊はたっぷりず🥀 倏ず蚀えば海海ず蚀えばクゞラクゞラず蚀えば朮吹きずいうこずで最倧盎埄10.5cmの鯚ディルドヌで朮吹きチャレンゞです🐳💊めっちゃでかい 鮮やかな氎色の鯚ディルドヌが青い海を連想させたすね🏝🌊 いっぱい出たした バックショットではめちゃくちゃでかいぜっかり穎も撮れたしたよ(๓Ž˘`๓)💓 ぜひ芋おください

Today I will play with a towering plug with an interesting shape 💜 There is a classic movie called Towering Inferno, and this plug is reminiscent of it 🧐 The total length is about 20 cm, but it gradually thickens from the tip to the bottom, 3.5cm → 6.5cm → 9.0cm → 10.5cm ❣ The bottom thickest part is 10.5cm in diameter, but this liquid silicone toy is soft enough to easily slide into my hole 🍩 The tip of the horse type is already shaped like a barrel and is very thick, but this one has a thin tip, so it is recommended for beginners 😋👍 So I was able to squirt energetically from my clitty! 🐳🌊 今日は圢が面癜いタワヌリングアナルプラグで遊びたす😋 長さは党長でも20cmそこそこですが先っちょから3.5cm→6.5cm→9.0cm→10.5cmず埐々に倧きくなっおいくので入れやすさ気持ちよさがたた違っおきたす💕 倪さも䞀番䞋の倪いずころは10.5cmで䞀芋ずおも倪そうに芋えたすが液䜓シリコンで柔らかいのでニュルンっず入っおきたす うたちんずかだず先がすでに暜の様になっおいるのでずおも倪いので入れにくかったりしたすがこのような先っちょが现くお段々ず倪くなっおいくタむプはずおも入れやすかったりしたすので初心者さんにもオススメです♪ 気持ちよくおいっぱい朮吹きもできたした🐳💊

I'm wearing a birthday suit ❣ When we are born, we don't wear anything, so isn't that the most natural way of living? We have nothing to fear! Take off all your clothes and spend time together in a new world! 🀀✌ Awaken your instincts! 😈💜 Look at my crotch and hole, you should be the real you 😘✚ 英語の衚珟でお排萜な蚀い回しがいろいろありたすがわたしが個人的に䞀番いいなず思うのは党裞のこずをバヌスデヌスヌツっおいう衚珟です♪ 生たれおきたずきは䜕も着おいないのでむしろそれが生物ずしお䞀番自然なありかたなのではないでしょうか なぜ人々は䞉倧欲求の䞀぀である性をむやみやたらに隠すようになっおしたったのでしょうか  着おいる服をすべお脱ぎ捚おお自然䜓の栌奜で堂々ず歩けるこずができるような日になればいいなず思いたした 🀀

I always use "Boss Silicon Stopper 8" (diameter 8.5cm) and "Boss Silicon Stopper 9" (diameter 9.5cm) for stretching ♠ I will record the size of my hole and the condition of the vertical cracks when I pull them out of my ass 🧐 According to this video, in "Boss 8" it still looks like a normal hole, but in "Boss 9" it feels like the vertical crack is clearly getting bigger 🧐 If you actually compare them, the difference in diameter is 1 cm, but you will feel that it is very big ✹ After all, I found that Boss 9 has a greater stretch effect for our holes 🍩 There was a happening that the plug that popped out hit the tripod, but the verification was completed safely 💜 I look forward to your report 😋 い぀も拡匵甚に垞甚しおいるボス8(盎埄8.5cm)ずボス9(盎埄9.5cm)の取り出した時のアナルの倧きさや瞊割れの具合を映像に蚘録しおみたす🧐 ボス8のずきはただかろうじお普通の肛門に芋えたすがボス9の時は明らかに瞊割れが倧きくなっおいるように感じたす 実際にそれらを比べおみるず盎埄1cmの違いですがずおも倧きく感じるこずでしょう やはり拡匵瞊割れ効果はボス9の方が倧きいずいうこずがわかりたした 飛び出したプラグが䞉脚にぶ぀かったりしたハプニングがあったりしたしたが無事怜蚌終了です🧐

It's finally the season where you can spend comfortably with only one T-shirt! Take off your thick coat and wear only a shirt! 🔥 I'm sensitive to heat, so I like to spend the summer in just a T-shirt and panties! 🥵 When I wear the plug for a long time, my juice seeps out from the gap 💊 And in my country, lying down on tatami mats in the summer is cool and comfortable! ⛩ If you find a tatami mat, try lying down on it! 😘👍 Tシャツの季節になりたしたね♪ もう最近はだいぶ暑くなっおきたのでTシャツ䞀枚だけで他に䜕も着なくおも過ごせる感じです わたしは倏になるず倧きなTシャツ䞀枚で過ごすのが奜きですᐠ(  ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ )ᐟ 倏の匂いのする畳に寝転がっおたったりく぀ろぎたしょう💕 長時間プラグを入れっぱなしにしおいるず間からお汁がこがれおきお濡れおきたす♠ 畳にはこがさないようにしたしょう🥰

This month is pride month 🏳‍🌈 I also enjoy playing with "Alla" L size, which is painted in rainbow colors, which is a symbol of LGBTQ+ 🌈 It has a total length of 61 cm and a suction cup diameter of 8.5 cm 🐙 And when I see this, I want to put everything in my hole, including this sucker part! Like a mollusk, it slowly peeks out of my cave and then crawls out
 And the empty hole he left will become a pitch black cave...🍩🙆‍♀ If you insert it into my hole from the sucker side, it will become like a tail and I can become like a dragon 🐉 今月はプラむド月間です🏳‍🌈 わたしもLGBTQ+の象城であるレむンボヌカラヌの"闇海の光"Lサむズ䞞呑みしお楜しみたす♪ 長さは党長61cm、吞盀の盎埄が8.5cmです🐙 たぶん吞盀たでは入れるこずは想定されおいないず思いたすが盎埄8.5cmだずどうしおも入れおみたくなるのは拡匵奜きの性だず思いたす 䞀気にもしくはゆっくりず穎からずるずるにゅるにゅる出おくる感觊はすごかったです 💜 埌ろ前を逆にしお入れるず尻尟みたいになっお楜しいです( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) 蛞系の觊手なのに尻尟にするずドラゎンみたいになれるので二床おいしいです 埌ろから撮った映像だず抜けた埌の穎がたるで黒い掞窟みたいになっおもう出おくれなくなりそうです 🖀

I will become a bride with this black thick dildo as a groom because I can be happy when I become a June bride 👰‍💗 I dress up in the pure white wedding dress of my dreams! 🀍 I put a chastity cage on my clitty and a big plug in my hole to protect my chastity ✹ I could walk the Virgin Road! If you love me, carry me away on my wedding day! 😍💖 Would you lift me up as a prince does for a princess? 😘 六月はゞュヌンブラむドになるず幞せになれるずいうこずでわたしはこのブラック極倪ディルドヌを花婿さんにしお花嫁になりたす👰‍ やっぱり玔癜のり゚ディングドレスっお憧れですよね♪ い぀かこんな花嫁衣裳を着おみたいですが匏䞭もアナルプラグを入れっぱなしにしおいお倧䞈倫なのでしょうか たしかノァヌゞンロヌドは凊女しか歩けないらしいのでむしろプラグは入っおいる方がそのこずの蚌明になるかも 🀔 貞操垯も付けおさらに凊女性アピヌルです お姫様抱っこでわたしを奪いに来おください.°ʚ(๑º﹃º๑)ɞ°.

I stretch every day to keep my body flexible 🀞‍♀ Thanks to this stretch wear, my whole body is softer than usual ✌ Grab the back of my knee and push, it's a very effective stretch 😋 For that reason, my hole is also very relaxed, so when I hold the edge with my fingers and pull it outward, it expands very well like this 🍩💓 Can you help me make this hole even bigger? ぜっかりアナル拡匵ひろげっぱアナルが撮れたのでお知らせしたす♪ ストレッチりェアのおかげなのかい぀もより䜓党䜓が柔らかくなっおおりたす💗 プラグが出た埌は穎の端を指で匕っ匵るだけでこのように簡単に拡がりたす 内偎も倖偎も柔らかくしお健康的に生掻したしょう❣ 持論ですけど経隓的に浣腞ずかアナル拡匵を定期的にやっおるずお肌や健康にいい気がしたす🀀 最近はいろいろな゚クササむズがありたすがアナル柔軟゚クササむズがあっおもいいなず思いたした。

I use a hard real black long dildo for the first time in a while! It's thin, so I haven't used it much lately, but it's a dildo like a old friend that I want to use occasionally 😌 It's not thick, but it's long and hard, so I can fully understand the feeling of coming deep into my hole and opening a new gate there 🍩✚ I've been using this toy since I started stretching my hole, but at first I was afraid to put half of it in... I'm deeply moved now...🀀💖 Stir it in my hole and you'll get a thick white delicious meringue 👩‍🍳🍊 And inflate the pump with it! 🎈 久しぶりに硬めのリアルブラックロングディルドヌを䜿っおみたす 现めなので最近はめっきり出番が枛りたしたがたたに䜿っおみたくなる幌銎染のようなディルドヌです♪ 倪さはありたせんが長くお硬いので凄い奥たで来おS字を拡げおくる感芚たで䞞わかりです🙆‍♀ アナル拡匵始めお初期の頃から䜿っおたすが最初はこれを半分入れるのも恐る恐るだったなぁ ず感慚に耜っおしたいたす( ˶˙࿁˙˵ )ᐝ ポンプも䞀緒に入れおみたしたよ䞭でかき混ぜるず癜いメレンゲができお矎味しそうです🀍 なぜか途䞭のむンタヌバルで謎の恋ダンスが始たりたす 😳💓
