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The reason I don’t like venting on here is because I don’t like reading 100 messages of people just telling me to get over it, it’s not that big of a deal, depression is all in my head and everyone goes through it so I’ll be fine. Words like “I’ll support you no matter what I love you” are great but if you start your message off with “you shouldn’t or you should, this is what I’ve learned about depression and what you should do” STOP That’s NOT helpful to anyone placing what you think you should do onto someone else Im communicating that my communication will be shit, I was saying I might not be posting a lot for a while, and I was looking for people to listen. 9/10 when someone is depressed or sad or upset they just want someone to listen. But us humans we think we need to fix them and shove 100 words of advise down their brain they didn’t ask for, which is also under a lot of pressure already. So I’m coming back because I’m feeling much better but I’m ignoring all of the messages that come from “I know better than you” attitudes. If you’re just there to listen great, if you don’t know how to listen to someone (I had to learn to) you don’t have to talk to them when they’re upset. And if a girl you’re interested in in the real world is having a bad time in life please just listen to her problems don’t try and solve them that will make your dick look 100x bigger ;) And no more “I read this somewhere and want you to learn” I read soooo much stuff to help me be better, if I just laid around and did nothing when I was depressed I wouldn’t be here lol I try so hard to feel better when I don’t feel good and having people listen and be there is what helps the most Remember when you were a kid trying to learn or do something and someone came up and just did it for you. It takes away the feelings you get when you accomplish something on your own. It’s a lot different if that person comes up and asks if you need help before they just fix it for you.

My week of dog sitting is coming to an end :) it’s my last full day with my new friends. I really needed this experience too because I’ve been debating about getting my own puppy but I needed to test it out first. And I’m really glad I did cause I can say with great confidence now that i definitely would not benefit having my own dog, more of a cat person for sure. The puppies were so cute and cuddly and I loved snuggling with them but i woke up every day with back pain, on the edge of the bed next to the cutest pups ever. It definitely wasn’t the worst feeling, especially seeing how happy they are in the morning. But I can’t wait to sleep in again haha. Every day at 7am even if we stayed up till 1am the night before the pups were up with so much energy and I’m just dead in bed 🤣 They also ate my cupcakes? I had chicken wings, Caesar salad and cupcakes on the table one night and I went out to smoke a bowl, and when I came back in the cupcakes were no longer :’( they also ate a pair of my roots leggings lmao, and they bark and wanna attack pretty much everything that walks by, weather it’s a baby or an old women who can barely walk 🙃 I would call them back inside and they definitely listened but I’m not ready to have my own puppy, I’m so excited to go home to my pet less apartment, I will miss the hot tub, and having company all day long. I’m quite happy I did this and maybe pet/house sitting can be a side job of mine :) then I’ll never have to get my own animals hehe The owners are really sweet and they already sent me money for new leggings and I would definitely come back and watch these guys again :)

It’s been a few months since I’ve been in therapy. I found the greatest therapist of all time and then she became overbooked and I haven’t seen her since. I feel like I went enough tho that I have all the tools I need to help myself, I just need to remember I need to practice these tools and they aren’t always easy to learn. One thing I’ve been noticing lately is I hate, HATE feeling negative. I feel like it eats me alive, it eats my soul and happiness, and I’m left feeling like shit. My go to before was to just figure out what made me feel like shit, and then react negatively to that person or situation. In my head I feel like I have a right to be upset, my feelings are justified, but they’re not if they’re negative. When I react negatively I feel negative, and I really believe that this negativity builds up and changes who you are. Getting rid of my instinct to not react negatively is hard, but I’ve been trying really hard to work on it and talk to myself intuitively. I don’t like to feel negative. When I feel happy and positive it’s because of the way I’m thinking and treating myself. It really is all up to me. People used to tell me I way my worst enemy but I always felt like the victim because I was making myself one out of situations I didn’t even need to react to. When I get upset now I try to also forgive myself for being mad, and I push myself to do better. It’s been a really great month despite my lack of posting, I know it can only get better too. After I’m done this silly period I wanna go show you guys all of the snow we have right now it’s beautiful and so are you 🥰


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