
Downtown District (27x48)

Published: November 23rd 2023, 6:33:57 pm

nebula3 main image
nebula3 image #0
nebula3 image #1

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A busy shopping district by day, turns into a dangerous battle zone at night. Rivaling gangs often chose this spot to fight out their disputes. Control of the area often swings back and forth between the rivals, with the current gang in control of the area extorting the local shops for money.

The area has many levels of elevation, and most edges have barriers or railing, allowing for some cover. Hope you will enjoy using the maps in a tactical way!

The map was loosely inspired by XCOM, but with a more cyberpunk vibe rather than sci-fi. I'm planning to make more maps based on the game, some of them will also be more closely connected with their setting and theme.
