
Amy, The Useless Chair - One of the Gang

Published: February 17th 2020, 7:50:51 pm


NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved!  :)  


The Goth Domme won this months OC poll! That picture isn't quite done yet...

But I figured it'd be good see her in her proper position before we get to that! 

So here she is, along with her assistant/sub Petit Morticia, at Jo's house. Amy had the "good fortune" of stopping by just at the right time, and is now enjoying the privilege of the GD's butt (a veritable luxury!), and the contents of Jo's laundry hamper on her face (and in and over her mouth.) Amy is apparently not really a worthy seat for GD, possibly because the few twitches and decibel she can muster is still too much, but I'm sure given enough time, she'll be able to do better :)

Amy's pose is inspired by a picture that was posted in the 'Inspiration and Requests' folder of my Discord.  

 I hope you enjoy this spot of Goth Domme in control! Next we see her, it'll be in a bit of a different position... ;)