
Amy, The Useless Chair - Totally Stuffed

Published: February 17th 2020, 7:50:21 pm


NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved!  :) 

The Goth Domme won this months OC poll! That picture isn't quite done yet...

But I figured it'd be good see her in her proper position before we get to that! 

So here she is, along with her assistant/sub Petit Morticia, at Jo's house. Amy had the "good fortune" of stopping by just at the right time, and is now enjoying the privilege of the GD's butt (a veritable luxury!), and the contents of Jo's laundry hamper on her face (and in and over her mouth.) Amy is apparently not really a worthy seat for GD, possibly because the few twitches and decibel she can muster is still too much, but I'm sure given enough time, she'll be able to do better :)

Amy's pose is inspired by a picture that was posted in the 'Inspiration and Requests' folder of my Discord.

For the WiPs to this one, I've basically done a whole step-by-step thing, trying to show the whole process in a bit more detail. 

Initially this wasn't Goth Domme and Pet as the tormentors, I just had random ppl there. But I figured they fit the scene.
I had a looot of trouble getting Pet's pose to a place I liked, and then even more trouble with her face. And then trouble with getting the size relations correct, too. Especially since I've not really decided on how tall Pet is. Now, I figure she's probably a bit taller than Amy.

 I started working on this picture in... October, I think. Just before I started the Halloween picture! Then that picture was more important to finish, and I had a lot of trouble getting back into this one. I was half done with the flat coloring, and as usual that's where I start doubting a picture. 

When I came back to it this month, I knew I had to quickly finish up the flats in order to not fall out of love with it again.

 I realized that I'd drawn the picture so like half of it would just be a black expanse where GD's legs were, and that drew too much attention. Like a black hole, sucking the viewers eyes away from the "important" parts :)

Eventually, as it so often is for me, it's the patterns and little details that make it work. Adding magazines and various splotches of color here and there + making Amy's gags full of detail  drew the eyes away from the legs. 

For Amy's topmost gag, I used reference based on another picture posted in the 'inspiration and requests' channel on the discord. It's nice to have a repository of pics and ideas that I can draw... well, inspiration from! Though the person who posted that picture probably hoped to inspire me to draw an immensely huuge gag (which was what the picture was), rather than just steal a pattern ;)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this spot of Goth Domme in control! Next we see her, it'll be in a bit of a different position... ;)