Published: February 26th 2020, 2:05:51 pm
NOTICE: All the pictures in this link are of consenting adults performing in role play scenarios. Scenes such as the ones portrayed herein should always be safe, sane and consensual. And fun for everyone involved! :)
Here's a bit of a different one.
Princess captured by her enemies - but eveen though she might appear to be in a vulnerable state, its all part of her plan...
I drew the doodle for this during a stream the other day, and ended up liking the cleanness of the sketch enough that I wanted to make it more finished.
A lot of my stuff is quite detailed and..tight, so it's nice to do pics every now and again that stand out a bit from that.
But then... as I was about to post this, I looked at it again and... started painting over it.
I'm really not sure which one I prefere at this point - simple, clean... or more shadowed and ...volumous?
I guess you'll just have to decide for yourself!
I originally started shading her in warm colors, but realized she blended in to the background a lot. To make her stand out, and to retain her very porcelain-y skin, I then changed the shadows to be a lot more blue.
As I said, it's always really hard with a pic to know where to stop - at least if you dont have much of a plan on how it's going to look.
I really like just the "WiP3_Colors1" version - just some blush and clothes and hair colored without shading and hilights. Then "colors4" is basically done, too.
I could probably keep going on this pic, refining and detailng and paitning, until I go mad. Sometimes you just gotta take a step back and feel like you're done. :)