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WIP - Aftran
WIP - only 90's kids remember
Sketchbook - Lunch People and Misc Sketches
Happy National Eggs Benedict Day
Behind The Scenes: Eggs Benedict
Mole Alien Girl - sketches and early sketches
Sketchbook - comics about life!
Chrysanthemum Grows Up 02
Chrysanthemum Grows Up
Sketchbook Page - Atlacatl Children
Axolotl Mad Scientist - WIP
WIP - Atlacatl characters chillin out
Atlacatl street food vendor - fried fish cakes
Street Vendors
WIP - Street Food Vendors
WIP - Geoff
digital sketchbook - Nunarki
The Adventure Zone - Kardala and Nadiya
Dungeons and Dragons - post 3 of 3
The Evil Within - Ruvik
Digital Sketch - Imani with clipboard
Commission - Jenny and Jerri
Commissions - Dungeons and Dragons (post 2 of... 3)
Commissions - Dungeons and Dragons! (post 1 of 2)
Sketchbook - character scribbles
Sketchbook - characters and clutter
Sketchbook - Food Diary
it's hip 2 be square
Sketchbook - Wasp Cup
Sketchbook - Letters to people I've wronged
Sketchbook - Sense of Humor
Inktober - The Shame Gallery
Commission - Astrid Trevelyan
Digital Sketchbook - Dumb Memes
Digital Sketchbook - Matsue
Inktober - Day 2
Inktober 2017 - Inktober already!?
Sketchbook Pages - brush pen practice
Sketchbook Pages - Matsue
Preview - Mulder & Scully
Sketchbook Pages - Edo Period
Comic - Zoning Out (plus bonus sketchbook page)
Comics - Motion-Activated Lights
Sketchbook Pages - Vermont Downtime
Oldways TED-Ed Illustrations - August 2017
Sketchbook Pages - Rhode Island
WIP - The Adventure Zone Finale