Alright reshill right now. But also I've been over 999+ mess..
Good morning! I am home! These drives are getting rougher an..
Goooood morning!! About to start my drive home. So while I g..
Reshill! Not at home so yeah. Family time :) but I'll be hom..
Good morning! So visiting my mom now. Cause I wanna see her...
Little late but good morning! Hope yall are doing well on th..
Good morning! Probably gonna hold off on traveling back home..
Morning! Morning morning morning! Happy Sunday! Everyone be ..
Okie dokie something old again. Plan on visiting my mom soon..
Good morning my fellow amerigoons. I hope you're all enjoyin..
Okie dokie reshill today. Windy as fuck today yo. Uhmmm...no..
Good morning good morningA bit late but had a lot of stuff t..
Okie dokie you can slowly see my room just starting to form...
Good morning good morning good morning! Feeling real good to..
Okie dokie another reshill but something new probably tomorr..
Gooood morning! Man everything still really feels doomy and ..
Okie dokie reshill time you beautiful people!And I'm just go..
Good morning good morning finally have everything unloaded b..
Okie dokie something new again! I hope to make my filming ar..
Good morning good morning good morning you beautiful fucks. ..
Okie dokie reshill timeAnd that's it yeah. Been busy kinda m..
Gooood morning! Things are moving along. I'm sore AS FUCK fr..
Good morning!Just wanna brag I was able to move in a fridge ..
Got my computer all set up now. Gotta do something about thi..
Good morning good morning <3 I hope everyone is happy for Fr..
Okie dokie reshill and something new soon. Tip thread gonna ..
Good morning good morning good morningToday my stuff comes i..
Something new! After four score and seven years! It's fairly..
Good morning good morning. Looking forward to getting my stu..
Okie dokie plan is to film tonight so new tomorrow. Just a s..
Gooooooood morning! Was able to schedule my pods to come in ..
Okie I'm gonna try and bang out a low budget video sometime ..
Goooood morning! Another day and another happy time for me :..
Afternoon peeps! Unfortunately the bulk of my stuff won't be..
Gooooddd morning! Starting to put together my new place. Nee..
Wanted to try and wait til I had everything up and running s..
I am hereeee. God thank fuck. Was so tired yesterday but I a..
Okay folks! Last day here and they took my upack boxes befor..
Y'all I am EXHAUSTED. Kinda scared of the time crunch as I'm..
Early morning! Hello hello I know I was MIA yesterday but th..
Okie reshill right now and something new tomorrow and then I..
Good morning! Happy Sunday! Hope you're all having a decent ..
Goooooooooooooooooodddd morning! Hope everyone is enjoying t..
Alright folks new tip thread goal <3After the adventurers ha..
Cheerio lads. Top o' the morning to ye
Okie dokie folks. Brand new, titty out throat up that's the ..
Gooooddd morning! I started watching Akiba Maid Cafe and thi..
Okie I'm kinda putting work off in favor of cleaning and mov..
Good morning! It's fucking COLD today yo. Like cold cold. Fu..
Okie dokie tip thread goal!The first boss has been defeated!..