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Gooooddd morning! I started watching Akiba Maid Cafe and thi..
Okie I'm kinda putting work off in favor of cleaning and mov..
Good morning! It's fucking COLD today yo. Like cold cold. Fu..
Okie dokie tip thread goal!The first boss has been defeated!..
Final Fantasy x MTG previews making me die right now. The Ce..
Gooooooddd morning! New tip goal later, same Kayla today. Mo..
Okie dokie things are back on track for stuff. Although I mi..
Good morning good morning! Back at the old home now. So back..
Good morning! Making the drive back to the old place today s..
Gonna be MIA today cause I'm at the new place with no intern..
Good morning! Made it to the place and exploring it a bit. S..
Okie dokie tip thread stuffTip Thread Boss BattleThe first b..
Gooood morning! Gonna be driving over to the new place again..
Alright here's a reshill for you beautiful folks. Time is ch..
Goooood morning!Goal has been reached. New goal sooner or la..
Okie dokie first tip thread goal will be:The Initial Bad Dra..
Goooood morning! Hope you're all up and having a good day so..
Good morning nerds looks like the Eagles absolutely fucked u..
Okie dokie new video focused on the integrity of my vaginal ..
Good morning! Hate being back in my current place. Excited f..
Home now, nothing new today since it's late. No reshill eith..
Good morning! Visiting the place imma move to today to pick ..
Pretty late with this but had some stuff this morning but go..
Okie dokie folks. Another short clip right now. Titties and ..
Goooooooood morning! Something new later today! Feelin' pret..
Defo feeling kinda meh today. Not sure if sick or just an of..
Goooood morning! Kinda feeling eh today so I'mma keep it at ..
Reshill time! Also probably tip thread at some point soon. I..
Good morning good morning good morning! Hope everyone had a ..
Okie dokie reshill time. Todays gonna be a work day cause I ..
Good morning! Woke up and I thought the economic collapse wa..
Okie dokie folks something new! Deepthroating and holding do..
Good new morning folks. Something new later, but for now sam..
Okie dokie it's a packing day. Something new tomorrow but fo..
Peekaboo! Good morning friends and not so friends. Happy Sat..
Gooood morning my friends! Happy Friday! Good day today. At ..
RIP my boots. Seems like they're gone forever. It's ripped a..
Good morning foes. Have yourselves a decent day. I'll be com..
Okie dokie reshill day today. Had a pretty damn good day get..
Good morning good morning good morning <3 Feelin' good today..
Okie dokie a quick short clip for your new content today. La..
Good morning! Hope y'all have yourselves a decent day today...
Okie dokie another reshill I know you all love it. I've been..
Good morning friends! Still patiently waiting for Magic to r..
Okie dokie reshill comin' in. About to hit that cram time to..
Good morning folks. Have a Fantastic sorta day okay?
I'm better than all of you now
Okie dokie I wanted to troll again but I'm not gonna. Someth..
Good morning! Didn't put something out yesterday to keep you..
Good morning goobers! Something new later possibly. We'll se..