Busted knee...designated babysitter...my new years is about to come in differently than I expected. I am NOT complaining. I am so grateful everyday simply for existing and having awareness of self. Animals don't realize they ARE. They think In terms of instinct and survival. I love the fact that I can say "I AM", because that signifies that I am aware of my existence and being. (Yes, I love me some Elkhart Tolle).
As the new year approaches, I'm committing to a REFINED schedule. Although my life has degrees of organization and direction, I am guilty of having loosely defined schedules. I really want to produce more milk. Not just to feed my hungry Papa's, but because having milk makes me feel like a powerful source of sustenance. It symbolizes and represents the amazing necessity of women. I think it's so fucking hot that my body just keeps on producing FOOD. Some of you guys would refer to me as a human cow, but to me, I'm a tree. I bare fruit from the roots and branches that stem from the Earth. Without the fruits of vegetation, human kind would cease to exist.
Anyway, I'm rambling. Point is, I wanna water this plant on a schedule and really commit to my growth. Just like the farmer gets up every morning at Dawn, rather than feeding his livestock all willy nilly and randomly, I want to be able to dedicate a consistent schedule to my growth. So, as this year comes to a close, I am working on my dedicated schedule and I hope y'all keep me accountable to sticking to it. We gone' get these baby feeders full! As always and as with most everything in life, consistency is key.
Once these damn kids return to school, I'm gonna play with a few new toys that I brought. I'm gonna lose my dildo virginity right here in front of you. I'm single, so I had to buy myself a penis. Heehee. I'm so excited to use it! And to explore my body while you watch and cheer me on.
P.s. My bday is on the 2nd. I'll be 36. I'm mulling over 36 things I can give you in celebration. I'm a giver. It satisfies me to provide. Hmmm ....food fo