
boundbyflames | Page 12

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Pt 2 writing: i am healthier than i've been for years, i am vulnerable and motivated. Stressful at times, incredibly challenging emotionally... and i've never been so exposed - and held for that. i'm letting go. Which is exactly what a slave is meant to do (from my personal perspective on myself - i know opinions differ). i'm responding to everything, i'm sharing everything, i'm completely open and vulnerable. i'm changing my responses, bodily, psychologically, audibly, visibly. i'm being willingly conditioned and unknowingly at times - by A/all of U/us. It is a funny thing... to change under Ownership and yet to become more and more exposed for exactly what you are. Changing and yet more myself than ever. Truly my 'self' is becomming more and more Theirs. Intrinsically, not as an act or roleplay. The Collar There is so much to write about. Such deep feelings, so many levels i could go into, and of course a lot has happened since my last writing about service. my collaring being an obvious hugely important change. However... i can't force that to words. i struggle to even for my Owners. They look to me and ask me how my connection to my beautiful collar feels... and i struggle. It's not that i'm hiding anything, but that it's too scary to feel - incase i have it taken away somehow. People cry when they receive things that mean a lot at times. But in a way... it feels too much to show. Like a flame so hot it burns cold, like invisible steam. i try to unfold just how much the collar and Ownership feels to me, and i can't connect to give that to Them. It's sad really, i think it is self protection - a struggle to feel happy to the true extend of that very positive feeling, as it's scary to feel that strongly. However i can connect to sadness. And i believe if They ever took my collar off for a moment, They would see just how deep those feelings truly run. my eyes can water and my heartbeat quicken just beginning to let that thought in. That i can connect to. That is the coin's other side of all it brings and feel

(Also a post on FL) Coming Up to 6 Months in Service to my Owners; Master Pixie and Master Alpha A little while ago one of my Owners, Master Pixie, told me to do a writing for Fetlife. She wanted me to update people on my service. i gave myself until the 31st, the date of my 6 month review as this seemed appropriate. i can often start off quite stiff with writing, i know i should so i start tapping at keys but it is detached and awkward. Eventually feeling finds my words and my stiff rambles turn into emotive rambles (still rambles - always). It is 6am and i sit in a coffee shop typing this. my routine now is consistent if not ideal. for 3-4 nights a week i sleep at my Owners, and for 3-4 nights a week i sleep in a stranger's house (i say a stranger as that is who they are to me, but is a family friend to Master Alpha). This arrangement came about after i crashed the car i had been sleeping in some months ago (mentioned in the first post about my living situation). i'm in the house pretty much every day during daytimes except for every other Saturday. Progress is very slow but it is stable in those aspects. Challenges are a constant, as you'd expect from life, particularly from this lifestyle and particularly from a very unusual dynamic that has an Owner of each sex - in a relationship to eachother, switches and keeping a slave. Human beings are already incredibly complicated - bring two people together and watch as their own personal histories, outlook, natures and everything else come into play with eachoher. Bring another and throw kink and very intese, deep feelings into the mix and... it's a lot to juggle. i mention in my profile how my Owners are powerful flames - completely engulfing when in harmony together, but still totally overwhelmingly powerful alone in each of Their dominance too - with very different styles and desires. Fire comparison is good for many angles of this dynamic. i have felt completely overwhelmed since the start... but i can also see it's not unhealthy for me. i am healthier than


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