
(NSFW) Délicatesse Pencils | Pages 13-20

Published: June 30th 2021, 8:51:35 pm

wise_mommy main image
wise_mommy image #0
wise_mommy image #1
wise_mommy image #2
wise_mommy image #3
wise_mommy image #4
wise_mommy image #5
wise_mommy image #6
wise_mommy image #7
wise_mommy image #8

(Page 19-20/the last two pages in this batch are sexually explicit)

I'm gonna talk about some layout changes I made from the thumbnails to the pencils, and this will both spoil some of the story AND specifically state my intentions with this scene - if you'd prefer to go into the story without my commentary and draw your own conclusions, please don't read between the dots!




The most obvious change is page 15 - in the thumbnails, page 15 has Primrose's narration over a flashback. A lot of this dialogue has changed, and I think shifting away from the conversation at the table makes the scene lose momentum. 

However, the most important change I made to the layout of these pages is on 17-19. From the start, my intent with Henri was to show the less obvious ways he manipulates Primrose (vs. the other men at the dinner scene being very overt with their intentions). Henri praises Primrose for his masculinity (for being "unlike other women"), but at the same time, Henri has only become sexually interested in Primrose after Prim has started to perform traditional femininity. 

This is all to say - the thumbnails are too romantic. With dialogue, I worried that it would seem like I was condoning the questionable things Henri says. By slowly omitting Henri's face from the conversation entirely, his praise becomes less trustworthy. 



I'm hoping to have the last 10 pages done by next week, so I can start moving onto inks afterwards. Thank you for your support so far!