Experiments part 1
sit pop and fun
Sitpop or nailpop?
Destroy the airship balloons
The killing smoke 🎈💥🔥
Sketch -mass pop time!!!
Touch of cigarette
Unicorns aren't Always sweet creatures🦄
The reason to love balloons
Pushing down, crashing sound💥
Taste my heels
Crystal puncturing
Blow Blow Blow!!!!
Bad Elf having fun
I Say Sorry.
Portrait of a lovely girl
Heart sweet heart
Sketch 🎈💥- should i?...-
She Is back!?
Raven Witch 3.0
Beautiful Akira redd
happy new year!!! (with late)
don't look at the boobs, look at the balloon
time for pruning
guilty pleasure
Sketch- Darkest popper
Vampire Looner
Testing new fork
I'm stepping on you
Stomping action sketch!🎈💥
I win!
Please don't touch the balloons
I pop you -🎈💥
Ops! I've do this again 😜
Advance sketch-color test
I'm working about some new Pieces,and today i post one of this new One!!
Sit to pop -final version 🎈💥
New sketch🎈cruel sitpop🎈💥
You are in trouble!!!
Next victim...purple One!
Scene from a murder
the murder of the red caterpillar
Seiyna's remake -from 2016 to today
how big can you get?