Published: December 16th 2015, 6:34:44 pm
I'm experiencing a quandary. I have yet to send you anything for November and now December. I have all these ideas of course like VHS tapes of recorded lectures from my doctoral program, blow-job kits, props from the show, handwritten letters... but I'm not settling on anything as a GOOD idea. So this letter has two purposes. One, to determine what it is that you'd actually like me to send (books from my shelves, postcards from my upcoming junket, etc.) and two, to ask if there's something I can do for you altogether that you'd prefer to the care packages.
It's been an odd few months. As open as I like to be and public with my life, a lot of what has been going on I keep private because the other people involved deserve their privacy. Sometimes I wish I had machine mentality and could move forward without emotional impediments but alas, I always come back to preferring my personhood and humility to bolts and cogs.
Thank you for supporting the channel even though you don't know where your packages are and it seems your host is quite flakey. I'm really grateful for the help and partnership we have. Really! Please let me know what special treats I can send you to show my gratitude and I'll have them in the mail to you soon. If I don't get your reply before I come up with a GOOD idea then know that your suggestions will probably be part of a future package depending on whether or not it's a reasonable request.
Ever so warmly,