
Sex tip: have a friend with whom you can talk about your sex life responsibly. As in someone who is not in your field of eligibles, doesn't have a conflict of interest because they're also buddies with your partner(s), and isn't going to shame you. Ideally this person is more like a mentor who can share experience with you. They are humble enough to recognize they don't have thhheeeee solution yet wise enough to recognize there is a solution. And they get it. Someone who knows to ask you what your fears are and what you need. Your sex life, your sexuality is precious and deserves tender loving care. I hope in this next week you're opening yourself up to identifying someone with whom you can entrust conversation about it all. Go ahead, try. And if you're not sure if the person is willing to be your active listener? Bonus sex tip: Ask.

Published: May 22nd 2015, 5:28:06 am


Sex tip: have a friend with whom you can talk about your sex life responsibly. As in someone who is not in your field of eligibles, doesn't have a conflict of interest because they're also buddies with your partner(s), and isn't going to shame you. Ideally this person is more like a mentor who can share experience with you. They are humble enough to recognize they don't have thhheeeee solution yet wise enough to recognize there is a solution. And they get it. Someone who knows to ask you what your fears are and what you need. Your sex life, your sexuality is precious and deserves tender loving care. I hope in this next week you're opening yourself up to identifying someone with whom you can entrust conversation about it all. Go ahead, try. And if you're not sure if the person is willing to be your active listener? Bonus sex tip: Ask.