
CYOA: The Stepdaughter - Chapter 22 (Story)

Published: September 16th 2020, 2:00:04 pm


"Hmm..." Kenzi put a finger to her chin, pondering, while Janet swallowed and squirmed in her massive, messy diaper. What was she going to choose?! What were they going to be doing for the rest of the day?!

"I mean, it's obvious, isn't it?" Kenzi asked, almost as if she were reading the smaller woman's mind. "We have these great new swimsuits, we have to go to the pool, duh!"

Janet's cheeks began to heat up immediately, imagining going to the public pool now, wearing what she currently had on. There would be so many people there, looking hot and barely dressed, and then her, in a big diaper, like a baby. That was going to be humiliating... 

On the other hand, there was no way she could be expected to go swimming in this outfit; the diaper was huge enough already, and it would only swell up more in an entire pool full of water, not to mention how unsanitary it would be for her to go in with her padding in its present state. She couldn't point that out to Hazel, yet surely the girl would know anyway... Wouldn't she? So, if they went to the pool, Janet was bound to get a change ahead of schedule after all. There was no way Kenzi had intended it, but the girl might have just helped her out.

"Of course!" Zella chuckled. "What was I thinking? I can't wait to see you in your bikini again! You're going to look so hot!"

She took Janet's hand, pulling her away from the hand dryer, Kenzi opening the door for them, revealing the store beyond. The tiny sense of victory Janet had been feeling a moment earlier crumbled immediately, as she realized she still had to get to the pool before she got that change, which meant toddling her way to the exit, and across the parking lot, her diaper on full display.

She groaned softly into her pacifier, not daring make any more noise than that, weakly attempting to dig her heels in as Hazel tugged her forward. Janet had been constantly terrified, while they were in the bathroom, that someone would walk in on them. Thankfully, it had never happened... Now, however, she was paying for that momentary burst of good luck. 

Everyone was seeing her now; there was no way to avoid it. The tankini top was nowhere near covering any bit of the double diaper, bulging around her waist, leaving no doubt about what it was, even to those not close enough to hear the crinkling, or smell her accident. Janet sucked harder and harder on the pacifier, concentrating on the motion, and the calm feeling it brought to her, if only for a split second at a time, until the reality of her situation sank back in.

If someone she knew saw her like this... And she might not know about it right away. They could take a picture, or could see one someone else - someone she didn't know herself - took, and shared with them, and that could get to the rest of her friends and acquaintances, her boss, Harrison... This was so, so bad, yet all she could do was keep waddling along, trying to keep pace with Zella, face down and bright red as she watched the tile floor transition back to asphalt, taking her to somewhere even more dangerous and open.

"I'll meet you girls there!" Kenzi promised, waving and heading to her own car.

"See ya in a minute!" Hazel called, making Janet wince, wishing they'd be quieter, to draw less attention to her. Instead, she removed the pacifier from Janet's mouth, and ordered, "Don't be rude... Tell your Auntie goodbye!"

If she'd been able to talk earlier, she might have begged Zella to stop, to take her back to the bathroom and give her some real clothes... Now, it was too late to bother with that, the relative safety of the restrooms just as far away as the car. That didn't mean she wanted to say anything to Kenzi, however - anything that wouldn't get her another spanking, anyway - and certainly not as loud as the other girls were shouting, potentially telling anyone that may have seen her, and assumed it couldn't be who it looked like, their suspicions were right after all.

And yet, not doing what she was told had not done her any favors so far. "B-Bye, Auntie Kenzi," she mumbled, reaching for the paci.

"Nuh-uh," Zella shook her head, holding the pacifier out of Janet's reach. "There's no way she could hear that, Prissy! Do it properly!"

Kenzi hadn't stopped, leaving even more distance between them, making the job harder with every passing second. Sighing, she shouted, "Bye, Auntie Kenzi!", her stomach churning, shocked at her own volume. Kenzi turned, smiled, gave them a wave.

"Good girl," Hazel patted her on the head, sliding the pacifier back between Janet's lips. "I knew you could do it."

Janet didn't think she'd ever felt more relieved to see a car than when she finally spotted Zella's. At least in there, someone would have to be driving right beside them, and intentionally looking in, to spot her diaper, although she felt less grateful about it after Zella had helped her inside, her bottom sinking into the mushy contents of her diaper once more.

The drive, and her protection from prying eyes, was far too short, Hazel pulling into the next parking lot in no time at all, digging into the shopping bag to pull out her bikini before opening Janet's car door and getting her out, with no diapers, or changing supplies, in her hands.

It was okay, Janet reminded herself. They couldn't possibly let her in the pool like this...

"It's been so long!" Kenzi teased, popping out of her car to join them with a swat to Janet's well-padded posterior. "Didja miss me, Prissy Poopypants?"

Janet blushed, but she could see Hazel watching her, so she nodded. The pool looked busy, although, once she saw who was there, she wasn't quite as nervous as she had been at the store. There were a lot of teenagers, old enough to have brought themselves, which was actually a good sign... Sort of. They were old enough to make her nervous around them, to feel like they were going to make fun of her; at the same time, they were too young for her to have that big of a chance of knowing them. 

Perhaps, if their parents had a relationship like her and Harrison, their stepmothers might have been in class with her back in high school, or she could work with them, but, luckily, their parents didn't seem to be there, for the most part. Most of her co-workers had been around the same age as her, and there was no way any of them could have been the biological parents of any of the teens she saw heading in with her, Kenzi, and Zella.

Then again... They were the right age that it was possible she might have babysat them, at some point. It had been a while since she'd done any of that herself, so they would have been young, and hopefully wouldn't remember her... If she recognized them, though, that would still be pretty embarrassing for her.

"Here," Hazel gave Kenzi Janet's hand. "Take her and start getting changed... I'll rent us some towels."

"Sure!" Kenzi grinned down at Janet, giving her hand a squeeze. "I'll look after the little stinker!"

Janet didn't really want to be left with Kenzi, but, as with most things, she didn't have a choice. She toddled along beside Kenzi, into the shower room, where Kenzi lifted her up onto a small bench, giggling when she saw Janet's nose wrinkle. "Aww, still not used to it?" she mocked. She pushed a hand into the other girl's padded crotch, giving it a rub. "After today, I bet Zella's never going to let you back into big girl panties again."

She smirked, stripping down out of her clothes, not bothering to step into the nearest stall first. And why would she? As Janet had already seen, in the fitting room, she looked gorgeous, and it was hard not to stare, and feel rather inadequate as she sat there in her squishy diaper, looking, in comparison, like she belonged in them. 

"Don't feel bad," Kenzi booped her on the nose. "I'm sure you'll grow up... One day." She grabbed her skirtini out of the shopping bag she'd brought in, sliding into it, then stepping into the shower to rinse off.

The rinse... That was perfect! Janet hadn't known how long it was going to take before the girls realized their mistake, that they were going to have to let her out of this diaper after all, despite the threat of keeping her in it all day, but she'd been afraid it wouldn't happen until they were poolside, potentially tempting them to change her there... She'd forgotten all about having to rinse off before going in the pool, however. As soon as she was in the shower, they'd see her diapers swelling up, and know they'd thwarted their own plan.

By the time Kenzi was finished, Hazel was walking in, setting a stack of fluffy towels down next to Janet on the bench, getting into her own swimsuit. Janet couldn't help reaching over, feeling the warmth of the towels, fresh out of the dryer, giving her a little comfort as she sat there, watching the teens going through, hoping they didn't spot her there, waiting for her babysitters to usher her into the shower.

But it never happened. Zella finished up, picked up the towels and slung them over her shoulder, then took Janet's hand, leading her back out of the shower room, Janet silently pointing back at the empty booths, trying to remind the girl of what she was forgetting without breaking the rules about her paci. It didn't work, though, and a few moments later, they were standing in front of a hot, young lifeguard, blocking their entrance into the pool area, Janet blushing and looking away to try to avoid his gaze, while also doing her best to resist the urge to stare at his shirtless form.

"She's going to need to rinse off, too," he informed the other girls, not seeming to question that Janet was anything more than a somewhat overgrown toddler. "And she'll have to wear a swim diaper."

Janet's cheeks darkened, hearing the last word come out of his mouth, in reference to her, no matter how obvious it was about what she was already wearing. "Oh, no," Zella giggled, shaking her head. "You don't have to worry... Little Prissy here doesn't know how to swim, so she's not getting in the pool. She's just going to sit and relax in a pool chair while we cool off. It'll be okay... We'll keep a close eye on her."  

Was she serious?! She'd made Janet come to the pool, and now she wasn't even going to let her swim?! Janet groaned behind her paci, her free hand balling into a frustrated fist as she watched Hazel flirting with the lifeguard. Sure enough, looking at the towels over her stepdaughter's shoulder, she could see now that there were only two.

"Believe me," Kenzi added, "you don't want her in any thinner a diaper than this, or you'll have a much bigger mess to clean up."

"All right," the lifeguard caved. "But she can't get anywhere near the water."

"She won't," Zella nodded. "We'd have to be very bad babysitters to let that happen!"

"And we aren't," Kenzi smirked. "Well... Not like that, anyway." She gave the lifeguard a wink as they headed in, Janet still flabbergasted at this turn of events. 

"Oh, don't look so pouty," Hazel told her, guiding her around the pool. "You never knew how to swim while I was looking after you... I doubt you've learned since then." Janet didn't care about playing into this idea that she really was Prissy, just nodded, trying to force Zella's hand, make her get her out of this diaper. A swim diaper would be humiliating, yet still far better, and, if she had that on, she could get in the pool, and the water would help hide it.

"After everything else you've fibbed about, I don't think I can take your word for that," Hazel shrugged. "There we go!"

Janet's eyes widened as she saw the chair Zella was talking about, off towards the shallow end of the pool. The smaller kids were playing there, mostly splashing around... Unlike the teens, these children were far too young to be there without parents, and still little enough that it was very possible they could belong to someone she knew. 

Hazel plopped Janet down in a beach chair, slinging the towels over the fence behind it, then slathering her charge with sunscreen. "You are to stay right here," she ordered. "But, even though you're under a little umbrella, it's always a good idea to be careful."

Janet didn't have much of an option anyway... She hadn't gotten out of the diaper after all, so she couldn't walk without help, was stuck there in the chair once the girls had finished putting sunscreen on each other, leaving here there, alone. She groaned, tugging at the hem of her tankini top, wondering how long this was going to go on, how long she'd have to sit here, on display, with nothing to hide her diaper...

Of course, there were the towels... She turned, looking back at them. They were high enough on the fence that she knew she wouldn't be able to reach them on her hands on knees, which was the only way she'd be able to get over there... They were also on a fence, though, and she could use that for support. Maybe, if she leaned on it, she'd be able to get high enough to pull one down, and at least cover up.

To do that, however, she'd have to go against her orders. It didn't seem like her sitters were paying any attention to the promise they'd made to the lifeguard to keep an eye on her, since she didn't see them anywhere, but maybe this was a test, a trick, and they were waiting to pounce... More likely, though, they just wanted to have fun on their own, and leave her to wallow in her shame.

She blushed as she spotted a kid staring at her, trying again to force her tankini to grow the several inches it would take to even reach her diaper, much less cover it. They'd know she broke the rules when they saw her with a towel, but it would be worth it... And, by the time they returned, they'd probably be ready to go home, and would maybe wait to punish her until they got there.

She swung her legs out, making an attempt to stand up, to see if, somehow, her diaper had shrunk, or her legs had gotten used to the bulk, but, within a few moments, she had tumbled back down onto her bottom, nose crinkled. Resigned, she slid out of the chair, onto her hands and knees, crawling back towards the fence, massively padded backside swaying back and forth, her eyes on the prize...

"Hey, there, cutie," a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks. "Do you need some help?"

No way, Janet thought, feeling her diaper growing warmer as she froze there, horrified. It couldn't possibly be them... Could it?! Hesitantly, she slowly turned back towards them, not wanting confirmation, but knowing there was no escaping this, praying they didn't recognize her...

Who was behind her?

One of her former co-workers, there with her child?

A teenager, one of her former babysitting charges?

Or another member of Hazel's old clique?