Published: April 6th 2020, 2:00:05 pm
Janet groaned, blushing as she rolled over and felt the bulk of the diaper between her thighs. Was she crazy? Did it feel even thicker than it had when she'd finally drifted off? It was definitely wet, and had grown pretty cool, clammy, and squishy, but she'd known that already... The real question was whether or not she'd wet more after she'd fallen asleep.
She couldn't possibly have; she wasn't a bedwetter! However, she'd known, as she fidgeted in the crib, staring at the fading light outside her window, and, red-faced, peed her pants, that it was going to look like she was, that Hazel was going to call her one. All the times the girl had asked, and Janet had denied it, were replaying in her head as she made herself go to sleep, alongside the knowledge that, when Zella got her up, she was going to think she'd been right, and Janet had been fibbing.
"I-I'm not, though," she pouted, poking at the diaper unhappily. "I-I didn't..." But even she wasn't positive anymore... Hazel had been so sure of it, and it certainly seemed like Janet had proven her point for her...
Zella had been talking about someone else, however. Prissy was the one who was a bedwetter... Janet wasn't Prissy, no matter how many times her stepdaughter called her that, or how many times she wound up, apparently, acting just like the girl. Prissy might have wet herself overnight... Janet hadn't had a choice, had to be a good girl for her sitter and stay in her crib, and that was the only reason she'd piddled in her Pampers.
Was Hazel going to believe that? It was hard to tell... Janet squirmed anxiously, waiting, expecting the girl to waltz in any minute so she could find out. The PJ shirt was nowhere near long enough to hide her diaper, so, instead, Janet alternated, trying to decide if she should keep the blanket up over herself, to attempt to explain things before Hazel saw, or to just stay out, let Zella see right away so it didn't look like Janet was trying to hide it.
It turned out, she had plenty of time to decide. There was no clock in the room, no way to tell when she'd woken up, although, considering how dark it appeared to be outside, she assumed it was fairly early, so she couldn't blame Hazel for not being awake. As she laid there, however, fidgeting, waiting, building up what the confrontation was going to look like when it finally happened in her mind, she watched the light slowly begin to creep in, getting brighter, and brighter... And still no sign of her sitter.
Hazel had mentioned she was going to be in this diaper for a while... Clearly, she was right. What was taking her so long?! Janet climbed to her feet, staring out over the top of the bars, knowing she could definitely scale them... But that wasn't what a good little girl would do, despite her full her bladder was getting yet again. Zella had told her to stay in her crib until she came to get her up... Hadn't she? Janet wasn't positive, was having a hard time remembering for sure... She'd been put to bed, though, and the implication was there, and she really didn't want to disappoint Hazel...
Janet groaned, trying in vain to push her legs together, which only served to remind her how wet she already was, without providing any real relief. She squeaked, blushing as she felt a trickle of fresh warmth escaping into the already sodden padding, plopping down on her bottom sulkily. She spotted her paci - her matching paci - and, for a moment, considered throwing it through the bars, as far away from her as she could get it. Instead, she slipped it into her mouth, glad for the slight sense of calm she felt when she started to suck on it, and for something, anything, to distract her from what was going on.
She'd long since lost the battle when Hazel finally did come in, and was distracted enough to be taken by surprise, squeaking and jumping, her hands scrambling to grab her blanket, suddenly making the decision she wanted a few more seconds before the girl saw. "I-It's not what you think!" she shook her head. "I-It's only because you put me to bed so early, so I've been up for a while, and I didn't want to..."
"Silly Prissy," Hazel chuckled, patting her on the head, "I can't understand you through your paci. I can see I was right, though... You definitely are a bedwetter, aren't you? Look at how soaked you are..."
This was it, the moment she'd been expecting, been trying to mentally prepare herself for. Janet shook her head, whimpering, "N-No, I..." only to clam up as Hazel's hand reached through the bars, giving the diaper a check. There was no denying she was wet... And, honestly, she couldn't say for certain none of it had happened overnight...
"It's a good thing I didn't listen to you, huh?" Hazel shook her head, helping Janet out of the crib and over to the bed, and the changing pad waiting there. "You would have ruined that mattress!" She gave the girl's diaper another squeeze, Janet squealing and blushing, and, if she hadn't known any better, catching a sadistic grin on the younger girl's face when she did. "I probably should have doubled you up... We're lucky you didn't leak, even with all these soakers."
"Y-You left me here for so long! It's not my fault!" Janet whined, burying her face in her hands as Zella opened up the diaper, revealing the soggy mess inside.
"I guess you really have grown up since last time I looked after you, huh?" Hazel teased. "Younger you would never be able to go this much in just one night!" Janet wiggled in mortification, earning a soft smack on the leg. "Stop it!" Zella scolded. "You're going to make an even bigger mess, silly girl!"
Janet sucked harder still on the pacifier, the only thing keeping her as calm as she was - which was pretty frantic - through this, as Hazel wiped her off, prepared a fresh diaper... With another soaker. "No!" she gasped. "I-I don't need that! N-Not during the day!" Her face went crimson, realizing what she'd said, what it implied. "I-I don't need them at night, either, but definitely not..."
"I told you, sweetie," Zella shook her head, expertly taping the new diaper up, trapping Janet inside, "I don't know what you're saying with your paci in, goofball."
Oh, right... Janet wasn't sure if she believed that or not, thinking she'd spoken to the girl after she'd had the pacifier in the night before, but not positive. She hadn't even thought to take it out after Hazel had said it, though, which was almost worse than just how comfy the diaper felt, at least in comparison to the one that had been taken off her.
It was only because it was a bit thinner - although still quite bulky - and not drenched, but Janet didn't like that she was taking any comfort in it at all. That wasn't right... She wasn't supposed to be in these, and she absolutely didn't like them... Of course, liking one that was objectively better than the other didn't mean she liked them in general, though it was a bit too close for comfort.
"Let's get this off you," Hazel cooed, sitting Janet up, stripping her out of her PJ shirt. She was glad to see Princess Sofia leaving, finally, and that it was officially morning so Hazel didn't have any excuse not to get her dressed fully, to let her wear something to hide her diaper for the first time since she'd been put into them.
Or so she thought. "Arms up!" Zella instructed, Janet obeying automatically, letting her slip a new shirt over her head. This one was pink and, it turned out, possibly even shorter than the last. If nothing else, it was the same, barely reaching her belly button, and, since it wasn't meant to be pajamas, it was a bit tighter, leaving less give in the fabric for Janet to tug at it, to try in vain to hide her diaper with it.
"Oh!" Hazel gasped, putting a hand to her chest. Quickly, she scooped Janet up, rushing her over to the mirror. "Look at that!" she practically swooned.
Janet did, and immediately wished she hadn't. She might not have noticed the pink of her paci matching up to the pink of her diaper the night before without help; today, it was impossible not to notice that the shirt was the same shade as well - which made it even more obvious that the pacifier blended in perfectly. To add insult to injury, the front of the shirt had a kitten frolicking on it, one of the exact same kittens as the ones printed on her diaper.
"Your whole outfit is coordinated!" Zella exclaimed.
It certainly was... Janet looked like she'd actually planned this out - or, rather, like her Mommy had, since anyone dressed this way wasn't mature enough to pick out their own clothes. She was so embarrassed, it took her a moment for the words to sink in, and, this time, she did take out the pacifier. "Th-This isn't my whole outfit, is it?!"
"Of course it is," Hazel gently took the paci from her, returned it to the girl's mouth, where it belonged. "Clearly, I need to be able to keep an eye on your diaper," she gave it a pat, "to see when you need a change, because you don't know any better, so there's no need for pants... At least, not before we go out to get you some more."
"No!" Janet shook her head, tears appearing in her eyes to complete the picture of the toddler looking back at her from the mirror. "I don't need any more!"
"I can't understand you," Zella told her again, her expression making Janet even more certain that wasn't true. "I can see you're starting to get cranky already, despite how early I tried to get you into bed... I guess we'd better make sure you get a nap today, huh?"
"No!" Janet scurried after Hazel as she began to walk away, taking out her paci. "I-I don't need a nap, Zella! I'm sorry! I-I'm not cranky, I promise!"
"We'll see about that," Hazel smiled, leading the girl into the dining room, helping her up into her booster seat and strapping her in, like last night.
Unlike the previous night, however, Janet didn't have the same thing as Hazel at all. Hazel's plate had scrambled eggs, toast, bacon... Janet's place had a big bowl of disgusting-looking, gray oatmeal, the stuff she always made fun of Harrison for liking, because, normally, she couldn't make herself choke down a single bite of it. Next to it was a baby bottle of milk, as opposed to the coffee cup by Hazel's plate.
Hazel fastened the bib around Janet's neck, chuckling at her crinkled nose. "You'd better eat up, Prissy," she said. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"
Janet pouted. "I-I know," she nodded.
"Don't you want to grow up big and strong?" Hazel had said the same thing to her the night before, Janet recalled, and she could have sworn there was a mocking tone to it both times, though especially now.
Janet could have said she was already grown up, but there was no point starting that argument up again. There was also no point not eating... She knew from experience that Hazel would feed her if she didn't do it herself. Sighing, she picked up the spoon and forced herself to scoop up some of the mush, wriggling in the booster seat as she brought it up to her lips.
It was every bit as bad as she remembered, perhaps more... There was nothing extra in it to sweeten it, to make it palatable. She gagged on the thick, nasty stuff, grabbing for the bottle, wrinkling her nose, her hands feeling that it was warm before she lifted it to her mouth, though still not giving her enough time to prep. She didn't like milk to begin with, and warm was even worse... She'd forgotten how bad it tasted until she had a mouthful. It washed the oatmeal down, but seeing how little she'd drank, and how much was left, made her shiver, not knowing how she was going to be able to finish it, the way she had no doubt Hazel wanted her to.
She felt the same about the oatmeal, to be honest... It was hard for her to think of a worse breakfast for her than those two items. She poked at the oatmeal with her spoon, groaning, knowing she had to make herself eat more...
Or did she? Hazel wanted her to eat, and Janet was sure she was going to make certain it happened... But if she asked nicely enough, maybe she'd be willing to accommodate her, help her out... Janet had already made an effort, at least, showed she was being more obedient than she had the night before... Was it worth a shot?
Nibbling on her bottom lip - and glancing down for a moment at the paci waiting on the table, hating how quickly she'd gotten used to the thing - she looked over at Zella. Was she really going to do this?! The girl appeared to be really enjoying her breakfast, and Janet didn't want to disturb her like a fussy toddler, but...
"What's wrong, Prissy?" Hazel asked.
Janet blushed, heart pounding. She'd hoped to have a few more seconds to deliberate, but she'd already been noticed... She had to decide now! What was she going to answer?
"Can I please have something in my oatmeal, to make it taste a little better?"
"Thank you for cooking for me, but is there any way you could make me something else? I swear, I'll eat that!"
"Nothing's wrong! I just wanted to say thank you! I'm going to finish every bite!"