Published: November 10th 2021, 2:16:47 pm
Hey ya'll!
As many of you must know, I'm growing very stressed and tired with manufacturers having a hard time producing my monthly character pins in a timely fashion which has been making everything fall behind.
While the character pins are very draining to create, I can not create several months ahead of time, because it would also throw off my release schedule and customers would have their pins before I am able to release them through the pinclub. ( As well as the crazy amount of work and stress that would put on me)
Basically, I'm looking into the future. Right now.. The manufacturer is super far behind, and even had troubles with a single character pin and had to reprint COMPLETELY so the pin is going to miss the release which is already behind.
Things that are beyond my control stress me out greatly, especially when there are so many people waiting on me.
This being said, the PoTM, I am able to design in my own time, and can have manufactured faster since its not a large order of pins. I can create designs ahead of time, order everything and not feel an overwhelming amount of stress.
This has lead me to the decision that the PoTM will become my main focus again. When I first launched my pin club, it was all original pins- but I struggled to the point where I was /literally paying/ for people to receive their rewards and wasn't making a profit. Fast forward two years, I started doing some character commissions and we got some new members which made things a bit profitable.
With manufacturing costs constantly on the rise, and with not breaking 150 members and staying above to be profitable and outweigh production and shipping costs, The manufacturing costs and the amount of work were not paying the bills, so I had to resort to trying to find a cheaper manufacturer as to not give up- but now there's been nothing but delays.
With the delays now in off season... we're just about to go into Christmas season, then Chinese new year where they aren't working for like 2+ weeks and things aren't looking too hopeful for a steady monthly release of character pins.
This month, Character pins are paused. I am encouraging members of the same cost tiers to switch to the PoTM tiers so they can receive pins still, since I had ordered ahead and will have this design in time for release. (Santa Paws)
I will keep the character tiers for now and see if the new manufacturer can keep up with my tight schedule.. and If not- I may have to make character pins for a special tier that is for customers who understand its not a release/shipment directly on the 1st of the month, but more so /when they arrive/.
The original designs is what truly makes me happy. I enjoy creating them. It brings out a part of me I always feel is missing when I am not creating anymore.
I hope the pins can make you happy. I feel like my style has really evolved since I first launched my club, and my pins have /more/ to them to make them more appealing. I just hope everyone likes them enough that I can sustain the club.
If I can sustain the club on the PoTM pins without having to take on tons of extra work to make ends meet, I can slowly start creating again.
I don't even remember the last time I did a full illustration and that's heart wrenching to me. The only time and mental energy I had, I was spending doing ~12-14 character pins every month.
With the Pin of the month tier, I will now be creating my art in a cute painterly style. The stickers will be printed in the nice painterly style, then the pins will be rendered from the artwork for a bit of a nice variety.
All PoTM will have cute matching mini pins which can also be used as board fillers.
I lunched a new tier called POTM MYSTERY COLLECTION which has all of the standard POTM rewards, but also has a mini sticker, a mystery item ($25-35 value)and starting with the Jackalope will also have unique backing cards and a mini print as well as tracked shipping for US customers.
PVC keychains? Acrylic keychains? Mini acrylic stands? Will change monthly!
Regarding my other pinclub!
The Fandom pinclub:
Will be releasing a new tier on Dec 1st that is for Cryptids!
Mothman will be the first release.
The fandom pinclub also allows me the freedom to order ahead and save on that unneeded mental stress. Plus the prices are very favorable at only $14.50 for a pin, sticker and shipping!
I know this was all a big mouthful and I hope you were able to read through it okay. I've been struggling for quite a while but wasn't able to quite address it and its been eating away at me.
I value you all, SO much and I'm incredibly grateful to have you all here to be able to give me the live, home and full stomach I have. I LITERALLY Wouldn't be here without you, and I hope you will stick around through these hard times.
Just to recap:
- Character pins are not happening this month (Dec 1st payout)
- Members of equal cost tiers have been asked to switch to POTM or pause their payment and let me know.
- PoTM is becoming my main focus and can be ordered ahead ensuring monthly parcels go out on time every month.
-New tier will launch for POTM that includes extra items that is more than $14.50 to help ensure the longevity of the club.