Published: January 2nd 2017, 9:19:57 pm
Planning this whole year is a bit too overwhelming at the moment, so I'm focusing on this quarter and that focus will be on HEALTH. Odds are good that what I'm dealing with is not life threatening, but I need to do the work to find out what the hell it is and remedy the problem. So I have a number of doctor visits in my future and a lot of healthy cooking.
It's very possible that this is an allergy that has gotten much worse, or been exaserbated by living in a basement, one that is super cluttered and hard to sweep regularly. So I'm going to focus on putting things away, throwing things out, and making my apartment a place that can be cleaned regularly. I'll also be focusing on art and work I can do from my bed, because everything else is fucking exhausting right now. I'm compiliing a list of articles pitches and places to send them. I'll be working on a graphic design portfolio and (yikes) updating my linked in profile.
I'll still do shows I've committed to (including my shows on the Fan2Sea cruise!) but I'm still holding off on new bookings for right now. I love burlesque but it's too demanding for me right now and I need to let myself slow down and focus on feeling better. I'm going to keep posting here, don't you worry. Do you guys want to see before/after photos of my apartment? It'll be like Unfuck Your Habitat, but with weirder stuff.