Published: May 31st 2019, 6:46:59 pm
One of the photography skills I'm trying to develop (heh) is remembering to take photos. Photo-worthy things are everywhere but that doesn't actually matter if you don't pull out your camera (or, in my case, phone.)
I went to Coney with Maggie last week and was fully prepared to just spend the time with her, not worrying about art or work or anything. But then I was sitting on the beach while she walked to the water and I thought "Oh, that's a really nice image." and a few seconds later I thought "Wait! I have a device for capturing images!"
Maybe that seems dumb but I'm really proud that I actually took my camera out and took this photo. Photography teachers are always talking about photos telling a story and I never really know what they're talking about. But this photo actually feels like it's telling a story.