
Apartment Designs: Entryway, Kitchen and Bathroom

Published: January 14th 2018, 11:33:13 pm

mary-masked main image

Johnny and I both like Art Deco. I'm really glad I found that out when we went to The Met, because most of his design suggestions end with "You know, like a batman villain lair!"

If we had all the money and very large rooms, I'd be happy to paint everything deep purple and make the place look like a combination Addams Mansion/Joker Lair. But this place is on the small side, so we'll need brighter colors and shiny things. Deco is detailed, but much of that detail can be achieved with straight lines (and therefore tape.)

The entry way will have most of my wardrobes in it (though I may be able to get rid of one or more of them if I can expand the closet the way I want to.) So I included an image of the wardrobe and some possible patterns that I can put on the wardrobe to make them more interesting looking. I also included some possibilities for decorating the archway.

And now, the Kitchen!

(pardon the messiness of Bher's "paint my room" website technology.)

There's a lot of white tile in this room so I wanted to go a little crazy with the colors. Neither of us were fans of the cabinets, counter tops, or floor tiles so I figured we'd paint those too (or maybe use peel and stick floor tiles.)

Pretty much all my other kitchen ideas were storage related. Finally those pintrest "life hacking" pins will pay off.

And the bathroom.

I have been *dying* for a decent bathroom. And this one isn't amazing but it has a bathtub so I can deal with everything else. Living without a bathtub for three years has really made me aware of how damn important it is to me. A bath calms me down, helps me regain my sanity, and, like Archimedes, it's where I have my best ideas. I don't have much of a spirituality but if I did, it would revolve around spending time in large bodies of water.

For real, I spent a good 30 seconds staring into space and dreamily sighing "I'll never have to have a shower curtain again." There might be hearts in my eyes.

Since the bathroom means so much to me, I wanted it to look a little magical and since there's so much white tile, I figured I could really go nuts with the paint treatment, hence, the mermaid scales. I don't think I'll cover the walls completely. I'll just stencil the scales in certain places and leave the rest blue. I might put gold sticker-paper on some of the tiles, too.

Keeping with the magic feeling, I'd like to keep as much bathroom supplies in fancy looking bottles and jars. Luckily those fancy jars are just regular jars with drawer pulls stuck to the lids.

Tomorrow we'll have the bedroom and living room!