Published: July 30th 2017, 11:06:36 pm
Pictured here is BBQ marinated chicken on potato/zucchini pancakes, with a blue cheese and chive tomato salad. I got a CSA box from fresh direct, which means some cooking adventures because they never give you any idea what the hell they're going to send you. It's a little bit of a pain in the ass, but also a good way to force yourself out of a rut and find new vegetables that you never knew you liked (Chard, I'm looking at you!)
This time I got two gigantic zucchinis, which kinda sucks because I hate zucchinis. Trust me, I've tried to like them, it just doesn't work. And Johnny has already begged me to not try and make him eat anything else pretending to be pasta so zoodles are just out. There were only so many spaghetti squash experiments his little italian-restaurant-family heart could take. So I saw a recipe that was essentially "Make potato pancakes but half the potatoes are zucchinis" and it seemed worth a go. They turned out pretty well! Johnny thought they could use a sauce but had no idea what apple sauce was.
I'll shred up the rest of the zucchini and freeze them so I can make more pancakes as a bed for future chicken dishes. I'll probably throw in some chives too because...what the hell do I do with all the chives they sent me?
A fresh direct order also meant a bag of 20 chicken thighs! I put them in glass tupperwares filled with marinades and freeze them so I have a pretty easy dinner ready to go. I had more chicken than tupperware, which actually turned out to be good because I recently realized that the leftover juice or whatever from slowcooker meals is great for marinades. It's flavored, it's mostly oil, just add some oil and presto! I hate throwing away food waste so I was pretty excited to figure that out.
And now I can't buy any more food until my freezer is empty.