Published: February 3rd 2020, 7:35:30 pm
Hey folks!
A few months ago, we had met our Patreon goal to start a mini-series. And even though that number went down, I was too far along in the workshopping process to stop and wait for it to go back up! So here it is: The Merrie History of Looney Tunes!
As the name implies, this is gonna be an eight-part miniseries on the history of the Looney Tunes franchise as well as the studio and creatives behind making Looney Tunes the influential franchise that it is.
You can watch the trailer here:
Now, I'm sure some of you have questions about this. So let me do my qbest to answer them below.
Q: What's the schedule for these episodes?
I fully intend to get the first episode out sometime this month. Hopefully, by the end of this week if all goes well.
However, since I'm putting a lot of research into this series, all subsequent episodes will be released on a "they-will-be-done-when-they-are-done" schedule. It's mostly just so I can balance my workload properly. If all goes well, all episodes should be done within this year.
Q: What about KYOTO VIDEO? Are you still doing that?
Yes. New episodes of KYOTO VIDEO are still gonna be coming out. I'm already prepping for my 50th episode as we speak.
In fact, part of the reason why I'm operating on a sporadic schedule for this series is so I can keep KYOTO VIDEO episodes coming out on a bi-monthly schedule like always.
Q: Why Looney Tunes? Isn't anime your thing?
First, while anime analysis videos do make up the lion's share my content, that's not ALL I want to do. I love learning about old animation regardless of it's country of origin. I don't wanna be the "retro anime lovin' possum" all the time. Just some of the time.
Plus, it was Looney Tunes and the various history programs done for it on TNT and Cartoon Network that got me into animation history in the first place. Without Looney Tunes, there would be no KYOTO VIDEO. If that makes sense.
Q: Will these videos be early access for Patrons?
The first video in the series will go up for everyone, since it's essentially the pilot episode.
But after that, all subsequent episodes will be released a day early for $5+ Patrons like always.
Q: Do you think you'll do another mini-series like this again?
Totally within the realm of possibility.
I already have plenty of idea cooking for other mini-series, but they can only really happen if this one ends up being a success and people end up giving me more money on Patreon. These series can only really happen if I have both time and money on my side.
That's all for now. If you have anymore pressing question, please comment below and I'll answer them.