
Sent Off Next Short Story For Review

Published: February 5th 2020, 5:47:39 pm


Sent off to my reviewer (Papa Greene), so it will hopefully be posted by the end of the week. 

This one has been delayed because basically I think it might bother some people. It revolves around what is essentially a terrorist act against the empire. It starts from the stand point of one of those involved justifying his actions. That is what I am afraid some people will read to much into. 

I am not trying to say acts of violence are EVER justified. You as the reader though are reading his "manifesto" so to speak, so it certainly can come across as advocating for this kind of action. 

If mass violence or acts of terror can bother you, I suggest skipping this one. I do not go into grotesque detail of the incident itself. Instead I chose to focus on the build up and aftermath through the eyes of an inspector dealing with the scene. 

It's a darker side of this story, but the realistic response to what Imperial Will is. 
