
Merry Christmas!

Published: December 25th 2019, 2:14:21 pm


I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you. This has been the most exciting year of my life, and it would not have been without you. High school Daniel was kinda ashamed of how nerdy he was. Adult Daniel is now paying rent from talking about the books he loves. 

I am hoping in 2020 to finish the first draft of my book. I have about 150 pages done with another 50 pages of notes. More progress than I ever thought I would make. As the year goes on, more and more will be released for you to rip apart and tell me how bad I am (lol, jokes... I hope).

2020 is looking to be a wild ride for us all, but I promise to keep the content coming and always be a refuge to nerd out about the fantasy genre!