Published: December 15th 2019, 9:23:07 pm
So I finished the next short story I was going to release. I edited it myself and gave it one final read-through before handing it over to you all.
Coming at it from the perspective of a reader, It was BORING TRASH.
With my review hat on, I saw it lacking substance of any kind outside of a quirky character showing small things about the world. The only reason I wrote it was the better realize things about the world for myself. It was a writing exercise posing as a story.
To put that out for you all on Patreon would be a waste of your time, and not live up to the bar I want to set for myself.
If you are very curious, it was about a torturer for the Empire extracting information that lead up to events where my actual book begins. The problem is, that is not the tone or feeling I want any reader to have jumping into the story I am working on. So I refuse to let it be anyone's first look into the actual events of the book.
I have decided instead to write the other side of things for the third and final short story. This will actually be a STORY (not an exercise), of rebels working from within the empire to... accomplish a secret goal.
So while I have been working a lot on my world-building, practice does not === something I want to put out.
Hold fast. More shall come.