Published: September 8th 2024, 12:17:11 pm
Hey folks,
Started editing the video on Friday. Doing as much as I can everyday until I start to lose the will to live.
I may have bitten off more than I can chew! For anyone that doesn't really understand what the attached image is supposed to be - Tis a screenshot of the entire video timeline in my editing software. So far... I have done the 'first layer' for about 21mins of the 38min video.
Some of that is video (in-game cutscenes / footage / promo cinematics, etc) and will therefore not really need any further layers on top. But A LOT of it is just backgrounds for bits of the video where I will have to add characters. So yeah - Defo going to take all of next week to finish lol.
I'm hoping the remaining bits can be filled out using more video and less 'machinima' because that's the part where the actual MoP expansion stuff starts. Everything I've done so far is like... Pantheon - Sylvanas - The Jailer - Garrosh - Tides of War / Theramore - Back to defeating Y'shaarj - the Mogu Empire - Lei Shen - The Forge of Origination - Emperor Shaohao.
A fair few things which either have zero in-game representation or are just very difficult to get hold of footage for.
I'm starting to understand why a lot of people use face-cam in their videos. Certainly a lot easier to just film yourself reading a script than it is to try and visualise EVERYTHING you're saying.
Anywho - That's it for the update. Apologies if it feels like I'm pestering you at the moment. I'm just trying to be open and transparent.
Cheers mates!