
Early Access - Well of Eternity Ep. 8

Published: April 25th 2024, 4:19:58 pm


Hey folks,

This one took a little longer than usual for some reason but I was determined to get it done and up for you guys today. I have been somewhat chatty in the discord today as well which probably didn't help!

Excuse the shameful and blatant attempt to force a sponsorship deal in this one lol. It is actually mostly a joke but if Optimum Nutrition decide to send me a bunch of free shit; I wouldn't say no. I dunno if you've ever seen the "What's the matter, babe? You've hardly touched your Sonic Limited Edition Curry' meme but it's inspired by that.

Also I'm trying out a different title format. I've been stubbornly refusing to do certain 'necessary' things because I AIN'T NO SLAVE TO THE ALGORITHM. But in typical Buttress fashion; I think I'm being a little bit defiant about it. So Chapter 7 is now titled 'Sprites Save Rhonin From Night Elf Tw * ts: THE WELL OF ETERNITY Ch. 7' and this one, I've gone with 'Illidan Gets C * ckblocked: THE WELL OF ETERNITY Ch. 8'.

Anywho - Hope you enjoy. Thanks, as always, for your support. And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post. Cheers mates!