
Early Access - Well of Eternity Ep. 7

Published: April 18th 2024, 12:08:51 pm


Hey folks. Here's the next one...

It's funny because in-game, I hate those sprite things. But now... I think I might love them. lol. Even if the trilogy doesn't feature them again; I want to bring them back at some point. There's bound to be some battle that they can be in the background of; fighting imps whilst yelling "Ooo Arr!"

I was gonna go a different way with it. Originally I envisioned a ridiculously violent scene. Sprites stabbing Elves' eyes out and shit. If I had the skillset I probably would've done that. But I'm kinda glad I don't have the skillset! Cos like I said - I think I love those sprites now

Anywho - How is everyone? Did you watch Fallout? I really liked it. No spoilers (it's only been out a week) but I was pleasantly surprised by how good it is. I like how everything ties together. Even the stuff that initially seemed like filler ended up being important.

Also - I guess The War Within Alpha has started. I'm not in there obviously. I don't expect to get an Alpha invite at all to be honest. I'm pretty sure the only reason I've got into past Alpha's was because I was considered 'Hiru Staff'

Put it this way; only reason I even know the name of the Blizz Community Manager is because she's in the WoWCast thing. I've basically never spoken to anyone at Blizzard. It's the curse of being a very introverted, shy person. Everyone ends up thinking you're an asshole and there's not really anything you can do to change their mind

Oh well. Thanks, as always, for your support. Tis very much appreciated. And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post. Cheers mates!