Published: March 13th 2024, 2:23:17 pm
Hi folks,
…And here's Episode Two. Now that I have two 'in the bag', I'm ready to start putting them out for everyone else. So Episode 1 will go public on the 19th me thinks.
According to wowpedia - the publication date of this book was March 30th 2004. So we've timed this fairly well. 20th Anniversary and all that.
In other news - I finally finished FF7 Rebirth. No spoilers but, as expected, the ending was probably one of the most Nomura-esque things I've ever seen. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm not sure I even understood it lol
But anyway - Hope you enjoy this one. Thanks, as always, for your support. And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post. Cheers mates!