Published: June 4th 2022, 6:50:56 am
Author's Note: Hey all! In case you didn't know, my Twitter account's been temporarily suspended over a year-old tweet about bein a locked diapercuck. Not quite sure what to make of it, but I thought I'd have some fun in my free-write anyway. You never know just how far you'll have to go to get that account back, as ScampTheBeaver, who is totally not me, is about to find out! P.S. may or may not be related to a certain hypno that's coming out soon ;-).
It was the end of a long week for Scamp the beaver, and when he got home, all he wanted to do was flop down on the couch and decompress.
"Whew," he said, plopping his but down on the corner sectional burnt orange couch in the living room. "Writing all that diaper fiction sure is a lot of work. I mean, first you gotta wear all those diapers, then you gotta crinkle them for inspiration... then, of course, you gotta make sure you have plenty of pencils to chew, or crayons... that's a lof of responsibility! Although I haven't crinkled in a while..."
It was true. He'd been so busy working himself up over his diaper fiction that he hadn't even bothered to put on a diaper in weeks. He thought of all the diapers that had been piling up in his closet since he stopped wearing - and another shipment on the way. It made his head hurt.
"Thinking is hard lately," muttered Scamp. "Must be all that crinkly diaper hypno I've been recording. That dumb stinky diaper humper hypno I recorded last weekend sure did a number on my ol' noggin... I know what I'll do..."
Scamp knew just how to unwind. It was time to pull out the ol' phone and check what was new on Chirper.
"What the? A violation? My account is suspended? What the heck is going on?"
If he had had a headache when he sat down, it was about to get ten times worse. Just trying to figure out what to do next was a difficult chore, especially with his bad case of baby brain. "I could really use a diaper or pacifier right now... but I've got no one to put me in a diaper... or to put a pacifier in me... I don't really need all that stuff anyway... I'm a big boy."
Scamp had more important things to think about then how good it felt to be in a diaper, and how much nicer he would feel when he put one on. How thick and puffy softness would envelop his most sensitive regions, washing away all his worries and cares in the ecstatic bliss of finally being padded like he should be.
"Yes, I have more important things to do. I need to get padded - I mean, fix my account..." With the help of his friends on Telegraph, he filed a dispute. The dispute was rejected. He filed an appeal. The response was:
"Nope, you're still in trouble, Scamp."
He even filed an appeal. "Just tell me what I did wrong! I can fix it!"
What came back shocked him to his core.
"The Chirper team has reviewed your case, and we've determined... you're still a bad beaver. The reason: Fraud."
"What? What fraud? I never defrauded anyone in my life! Also, do I have to fill out a new form every time I want to reply? This is getting tiresome." Indeed, the ten step process of filing an appeal, which included sending a selfie, honking your nose, spinning around three times, and saying the alphabet backward while drinking a glass of water seemed entirely too much, but it had to be done!
"You can always cancel the plea and admit to being a bad bad beaver, Scamp."
Scamp typed furiously into the phone, as he sat back down on the couch with a handful of padding, but he was too busy typing with his thumb to notice that little detail.
"Never!" he typed back. "Now tell me, how did I 'fraud'?"
The reply was almost immediate.
"You posted the following Chirp:
"I sure to like to hump my dumb stinky diapers like a diaper dummy... If only I hadn't listened to all this hypno... now I'll never get out of diapers... I love them too much! I'm just a diaper humping dummy forever! *crinkle crinkle crinkle*"
Scamp looked on in embarrassment at the captioned picture of himself in a big thick diaper straddling a big plushie in his nursery. His face went red as he thought about the fact that a real person actually had to review that post to weigh in on Chirper's decision. Someone who probably knew nothing of diapers and dumb humpy diaper lovers. Just how many people had seen that over at Chirper, and how many of their office mates had they pulled over for a laugh?
"That's embarrassing, but I don't see how that's fraud? Is it cause I was posting inappropriate content? Too many diapers?"
Chirper took a minute to respond.
"No. It's because you haven't been wearing enough diapers. How can you be a 24/7 diaper scamp if you barely wear diapers at all anymore?"
Scamp's jaw dropped at that.
"Y-you want me to wear more diapers? Is this negotiable?"
"No. To get your account back, you must do exactly as it says in your posts. Wear diapers, and hump them nonstop like a good diaper dummy."
"W-w-what?" Scamp said to himself as he read the message. He couldn't believe it. He decided to play devil's advocate to see just where this was going, though. Might as well. They were probably just having a laugh over at Chirper. He gulped, chubbing up at the thought of himself back in diapers, thicker and noisier than ever. So thick he could barely close his legs, and definitely too thick for pants.
"Just how much do I have to wear?" he typed, tentatively.
"Take it or leave it, buddy. Being a full time diaper dummy is the only way you are going to get your account back."
Scamp gulped. He needed that Chirper account. If this was the only way... well, maybe he could just try it for a little while, change his bio and post content, and then peace out of diapers for good before his brain turned to total mush.
When he set the phone down, he was surprised to realize that he was already lying on a freshly laid out diaper. His own hands had betrayed him when he wasn't even looking.
"Wha?" he said, a little dazed as he watched his own hands pull up the front of the already powdered diaper and bring it up over his legs. "Unh... s-so thick.... So... mmmphhh... goooood...." Scamp's expression became dazed as a slow smile spread across his face.
A message popped up on his phone, but scamp was already too far gone to read it. He was already too busy humping like a diaper dummy in his diaper, having grabbed the nearest stoft object - a throw pillow - off of the couch to hump.
The message on the phone read: "Your account has been reinstated. Good scamp. Now smile for the camera..."
And Scamp did just that, smiling and humping his way into eternal, baby-brained bliss.