
Daily Free-Write August 30, 2021: Room for Rent 10.2

Published: August 31st 2021, 4:46:56 am


Continued from August 29, 2021: Room for Rent 10.1 

Ch. 1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch.  9 Ch. 10 Pt. 10.1 

Note: Trying to get this finished before the end of day tomorrow and meet all my work deadlines. Wish me luck! I'm doing my best!

Robbie squirmed in embarrassment as Colt checked his diaper, but there was nothing he could do to get away. The lock was childproof like everything else he was put in, and his diaper, as usual, was much too thick for him to clothes his legs. All his efforts earned him was a hushing and a little thigh slap from Colt. He knew the pacifier would be next, so he settled down while Colt and the lady talked shop about baby things. It gave him plenty of time to wonder just when he did wet his diaper and how it was that it had swollen up so much without him or Colt noticing. Was he really losing control past just his bedwetting? Would he really need diapers for good? Robbie was glad when the grown-ups finally finished conversing and he was moving again. He didn't want to think about so many confusing and difficult questions right then. This was the baby aisle. He was living his fantasy. Though he made a face when Colt loaded up the cart with mashed peas, squash, string bean, and sweet potato puree.

"I told you I'd be feeding you more veggies," said Colt. Robbie stuck out his tongue. Some parts of being a baby weren't all they were cracked up to be. Luckily, the good far outweighed the bad, and Robbie and Colt moved onto things they could both be excited about.

"Do you like this brand of baby powder?" asked Colt, holding up a bottle to Robbie so he could see. Robbie nodded, then blushed as Colt added, "Oh wait. Why am I asking a baby? I should probably just be picking those things myself, huh?"

Robbie was now tenting in his diaper very hard, and with the strap holding his diaper tight against his crotch, it was getting quite uncomfortable.

"Uh oh, is the baby having a little tummy troubles?" asked Colt. "Well, don't worry, I can loosen this strap up just a little bit. Robbie sighed at the relief, but then Colt teased him about needing more space for his soggy diaper and his dick grew to take up all the space Colt had just freed up. "Oh my, this baby is very squirmy now. I wonder what could have gotten him so excited?" Colt was wearing a naughty grin. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he gave Robbie another deliberately intimate diaper check through the leg of his shorts, allowing his finger to tickle Robbie's pee-pee again before continuing down the aisle adding this thing and that to the cart, and making little teasing comments along the way.

"Aww! Look at these cute paci clips! What do you think, baby boy? Monkeys or dinos?"

"Dinos" whispered Robbie, once he had managed to get Colt to lean in.

Colt could see the conflict on Robbie's face, and he was excited. He was hard in his shorts, as anyone who cared to look could see, and seeing Robbie's struggle - and knowing that his bigger self would always lose - was a real turn on. He had to remind himself to make sure that Robbie was still doing okay, but even Colt could get carried away sometimes, especially on such an exciting day in such an exciting place as the baby aisle.

When they got to the diapers, Colt made a point of stopping by the training pants. "Well, I guess you won't be needing any of these anymore, unless they're stuffing a real diaper."

Robbie's eyebrows went up as he remembered how he ended up choosing diapers over pull-ups. He couldn't pin this one on Colt. Seeing Robbie's reaction, Colt continued.

"Little Robbie just isn't ready for big kid pants, and that's okay by me. I think he's much cuter in his space pants anyway." He grinned and ruffled Robbie's hair and Robbie felt a mix of emotions from pride at being complimented by his crush to humiliation at being teased. A feeling was growing in Robbie's stomach and Robbie wasn't sure if he liked it or disliked it. Colt wheeled the cart further down the aisle. He was becoming bolder with his teasing now that Robbie was showing more comfortability with his role. This was really new territory for the both of them - both in terms of literal location, making their dynamic public, and behavior. It was a volatile mix, as Colt would soon realize.

"Well, look at that," said Colt, once they arrived at the baby diapers. "Size 10. Well, I'll be darned." Robbie's eyebrows flew up once more. He'd never heard of baby diapers that big. Until recently, he didn't even know there was such a thing as adult diapers. "Let's see, is my baby more of a Blarney baby, or a Muppet Avenue baby? Or maybe this new brand, baby bears?"

Robbie's jitters had returned full force.  He felt so keyed up and horny looking at all these diapers and imagining them on him that he felt as if a stiff breeze could set his little pecker off. "I-I-I-I... unff... g-g-g-guess....." Before he could finish his thought, Colt reached into the emergency bag and grabbed Robbie's pacifier.

"There, there, baby. It's okay. Just suck on this for a while til you calm down." Robbie blushed and nodded, giving his teddy a hug when Colt shook it to remind him it was there. Of course, now Robbie had to worry about other people seeing the paci in his mouth. But by this time, he knew there was no hiding who the baby was. Not with everything already in their cart. He was just grateful that he had a soother to suck on. Despite everything, it really seemed to help. Colt did the rest of the work to talk him down.

"Shhh, look at me, baby boy. Just focus on your Daddy. That's it. Let me see that cute little smile. Awww, thaaat's it. That's my good boy." Colt turned his attention back to the diapers, once Robbie seemed to settle down slightly, but that calmness was short lived because immediately after Colt said, "I guess we're just going to have to try all three." And just like that, three packages of diapers made their way into the cart. Robbie's heart was beating hard again and there went his pecker, threatening to bust at the slightest provocation. One more diaper check would do it, and he imagined what would happen if Colt checked him right then and there.

Robbie was so distracted as they exited the diaper aisle that he was totally blindsided by what they saw on the other end.