
Mass Effect sketches - The Volharmonic Gets Dressed

Published: December 16th 2022, 5:00:04 am

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it's my little volus OC Siwa Rusk again! And also Tali with her helmet off. I've been in a bit of a Mass Effect mood again lately, so it was time to revisit my favorite envirosuited aliens.

the idea of alien species who need to wear full-body protective spacesuits to even exist in the same environments as other species (or even just one another, like the quarians) is so compelling to me. At its worst, that kind of life must seem claustrophobic and lonely. 

I also wonder about the sorts of rituals and superstitions that might arise around such important objects. The volus are implied to be polytheistic-- is there a particular god associated with keeping one safe while wearing an exosuit? Do the quarians hold a special ceremony for a young person when they don their first real suit and step outside of their sterile childhood bubble into the larger ship community? How do the volus get all of their suit parts on all by themselves when their arms are so short and their bodies are so round? It's these kinds of questions that remind me why I love sci-fi.