Published: December 14th 2022, 8:41:29 am
"I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself." -- said by Hayao Miyazaki when he was shown an example of a humanoid 3D model animated using an AI algorithm instead of animated by a human artist. He wasn't talking about 2D art generated with AI, but I think the quote still applies.
something completely different than my usual-- but there's been a lot of discussion about AI "art" on my twitter timeline lately, so I recently poked my head into a couple AI art-related tags, and what I saw has been haunting me. In particular, I'm haunted by the people using AI to almost exclusively generate voluptuous anime babes with dead, uncanny faces, hair that merges with clothes and flesh, many-fingered hands, and melting eyes. I had to create a sweet, sweet AI waifu of my very own... and here she is, on a beautiful sunny beach. Or is it a classroom? With the magic of AI, it can be both at the same time!
(the last image in the gallery for this post is the actual found-in-the-wild AI piece that inspired the background. Absolute insanity. Also please note how the AI tries to turn any skin folds, particularly the armpits, into... uh.)
As you can see from the process pics, this picture took a lot longer than I really should have spent on it for just a weird gag, but I wanted to get something close to the super-saturated realism that so many of these anime babe pictures are rendered in. My intent for this piece is that the longer you look at her and the more details you notice, the worse she gets. Enjoy!