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Exercise 9-11 Livestream WEEK 90
Exercise 4-8 Livestream WEEK 90
M e l o d i e s~
Doodle Warriors LOGO
Livestream Exercise 2-3 WEEK 89
Exercise 9-11 Livestream - WEEK 89
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 89
Exercise 4-8 Livestream - WEEK 89
FEBRUARY Rewards - 10$ Tier
FEBRUARY Rewards - 5$ Tier
S t a i r s ~
Exercise 2-3 Livestream - WEEK 88
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 88
Exercise 9-11 Livestream - WEEK 88
Exercise 4-8 Livestream - WEEK 88
D a m a g e d~
First Sight~
Exercise 2-3 Livestream - WEEK 87
UPDATED Playlist + New Videos
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 87
Exercise 8-10 Livestream - WEEK 87
Exercise 4-7 Livestream - WEEK 87
P l o t t i n g~
Discord Live Q&A today!
L o n e l y~
Exercise 2-3 Livestream - WEEK 86
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 86
Exercise 8-10 Livestream - WEEK 86
Exercise 4-7 Livestream - WEEK 86
The Turn~
Lineart Livestream - WEEK 85
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 85
Color Livestream - WEEK 85
Shading Livestream WEEK 85
Neon Hair~
JANUARY Rewards - 10$ Tier
JANUARY Rewards - 5$ Tier
O v e r t h i n k e r~
Lineart Livestream - WEEK 84
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 84
Color Livestream - WEEK 84
Exercise 4-6 Livestream - WEEK 84
Livestream today
Lineart Livestream - WEEK 83
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 83
Color Livestream - WEEK 83
Shading Livestream - WEEK 83
Exercise 1 Livestream - WEEK 82