Published: March 11th 2021, 4:42:05 pm
Yoo I'm so happy to finally share this with you - the official logo for DOODLE WARRIORS!!
We hired an agency and I've been working with the designers for the past month to create the logo for this community and set the whole tone for the website and everything that's to come!
I'm so excited cause it really feels like this thing is coming to life. I'm working on the course every day, and we've now hired designers and programmers to start working on the Doodle Warriors website. Everything will be glowy and colorful to match the video-game experience of this course.
I feel like I'm working harder than ever in my life but I don't have much to show for it because it's all on the back end and still in the process of being created. However, I'm sure this is going to be super big and all the work will pay off.
I wanted to thank you so much for the support because without you, this wouldn't be possible. I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to growing more with you.