Published: December 30th 2021, 8:37:35 am
...for all you lovely, wonderful sweethearts on here; there is not going to be an outfit for December, as I am working very hard on SAR-IA v8.0! I bet you're all wondering how that's going?
Well, i'll show you ;]
Firstly, Shoulder upgrades; I added a synthetic muscle fiber mesh to certain parts for extra detail and muscular enhancement
Second, I updated the mesh QUITE a bit ;] everything is MUCH more organized now that all the faces aren't triangulated, and the mesh no longer looks like shit XD
Not shown here, but TBA is the Skeleton. I am going to do SAR-IA's rig from scratch, not use the disgusting Rigify rig that Blender has. This one will be way better.
And last, but not least, SAR-IA will finally have a full view of her... Inner workings ;]
(that means you'll be able to see fun things go inside her)
I hope this update finds you in good health, and good spirits. Merry Christmas, and happy new year <3