Put me in time out... NOW😩
let me be the one😋
I need attention.. NOW!
Lol nothing to do today… except…
Can i be ur #1?
Omg hmu now cause im bored
cumm talk to me <3 bored af lol
who’s gonna keep me warm tonight… 👀
Need someone to call MINE
I need a cuddle buddyyy
I need a movie buddy
U wont believe what i just made
I need a movie buddy ..
getting ready to make ur night
Whats ur fav color on me?
need some new movie suggestions
In a feisty moooooddd
Roses are red💋Violets are blue🦋U need me 🙈 and i need uuu <3
need some cumpany tonight 🥰
come tell me im ur fav
let me be ur paradise
Lets play would u rather in the dmss
Its ME time hehe
I need a new bestie
Dm me ur fav song rnnn
Would u rather a baddie who cooks or cleans?
Ask me about my fav hobby
Text me, byeee🥱
Wanna bet you couldn’t last more than 5 strokes? 😈
who wants to see me take a bath, dm me and i’ll be your bubb..
what color looks best on me??🙈
Sometimes i wonder what u would do without me lollll
Lookin like a whole SNACK
Need someone to call MINE😈
come tell me im ur fav😘
Hurry up and Dmmmm me🥰
someone cuddle me🥺
Roses are red💋Violets are blue🦋U need me 🙈 and i need uuu 💖
getting ready to make ur night😘