Before I left for AZ, I had my 11th shoot with erotic Polaroid photographer, @jcchang📸 I think we capped our record at 300 shots which is insaneeee to me! The creative juices were really flowing and I was felt so connected to my divine femininity that day.
JC was the very first photographer I had ever shot erotic style with, and I still remember how nervous I was before our first shoot to this day. Pretty proud at how my emotions and perspective have shifted around my sexuality. I am no longer afraid of those parts of mySelf and rather embrace and celebrate them because they make me human.
This shift was in large part because of this platform here and all the encouragement and support I’ve received from you all. I am forever grateful for that🫶🥰
Cheers to honoring our innate sexuality! Sensuality is our birthrightttt baby.