Thanks to my bestie who found herself as my photographer for..
OMG this felt SO SO good. Thank you to the fan that purchase..
Just seeing if your paying attention.....xo
Good Morning. Have a great day.
Puerto Vallarta, hold on I am thinking of you.!!
running around with lots of things to take care of today. I ..
Good Morning, another pic from P.V. (Thx to my photographer)
Headed back to Puerto Vallarta this month. Yes, I will take ..
anyone up for a picnic behind the barn? wink
good morning! Time to get back on the tread mill ! Prob gonn..
Loved this shoot!
so much for tan lines..........
Who wants to go to the lake???
Its finally Friday! Good Morning.
Thong Thursday did not sneak past me........
71* cant complain.
Holidays are over Im afraid.......back to the grind.Have a g..
Happy Nude Year! Lets make this year the best ever!!
Junk yard shoot in Washington state over the Summer. Just ge..
mmmm dark roast my favorite. Now I can function. possible ph..
I have comprised a slide show with all the photos from this ..
Have a safe night! So long 2024!
patiently waiting for Summer. Who wants to sail away this Su..
Good Morning! Im gonna need a coffee refill. So, fill me up!..
Heres a little something to dream about.
join me??
As we move into the new year I would love to hear ideas that..
I love a hard cock in the morning. It makes my mouth water....
I cant believe I slept in till almost 8am. Who's making coff..
Hope everyone had a good holiday and the kids didn't leave y..
How about a bedtime story? Ya it's gonna be a naughty one fo..
Wake up! Its Friday!
headed back to Washington in February........maybe I will ge..
can't wait!
soon i will be in my new pool!! and there will be many more ..
Poof and just like that it is over. Good morning. Is it Summ..
Merry Christmas once again everyone. Thank you so much for t..
Merry Christmas to All.
Good Morning everyone. To those with kids and grandkids, enj..
Yep, Santa came twice. He's still got it!
last Xmas was soooo fun !
Alright Santa, Im waiting..........
going to run some errands, I am so glad it doesnt get too co..
True story
Santa cums tonight!
Dear Santa, remember this arrangement last year? Santa. all ..
good morning, time for coffee!!
Im waiting Santa.........