I am so sorry for my sudden hiatus!
Life has been incredibly stressful lately. For those of you that don't know I care for a family member full time with no support, I have been waiting for many years to be offered a new home to move us both into that is in a much nicer area and that finally happened!
We are officially moved however it's a long process to being fully settled, especially with very little funds.
This has caused my chronic fatigue to flare massively and I can barely look after myself every day nevermind find the time and motivation to post on here.
I really hope to be settled in the near future and for my health to improve so I can continue to post, ironically I could really do with the money as I currently have less than zero to my name.
But for now i will continue to be quiet on here and I don't have the mental energy to even reply to messages properly, I'm genuinely so sorry for that.
Wishing you all the best! And I really hope some of you stick around for my return ๐งก