Christmas is coming soon! 😍
Do you have your Christmas tree up yet? 😏
This year has been challenging, but thanks to your support, I've made it through and hopefully helped you too! 😘
In honor of Christmas, to everyone who supported me, I want to give a little Christmas gift in the form of a photo set 🥰
But I would be very happy if you want to give me a gift too 💕
For Christmas besides Zelda's HQ photo sets, I have prepared two very cool photo sets, one of which will be a gift for my subscribers 😘
So, if you'll be my subscriber at the time of December 25th and/or leave a $10 tip, I'll send you part of an exclusive Christmas photo set! 😏
If you leave a $30 tip, I'll send you the full exclusive Christmas photo set 😍😍
For those who leave a $100 tip or more, you'll get both Christmas photo sets + I'll do a special reward 😘💕💕💕💕
I will send the photos on Christmas Eve, December 25th my local time ❤️🔥